iran king hill gold.
kid nation cheat.
random string gamble.
legal sound frequency group production, anti single folk, example tiktok;
legal face area group production, anti single heraldry, example meta.
chinese + arabic = poem, sound change;
french + arabic = calculus, face change.
in china, left body punish sound always be erased;
in france, left body punish face always be erased.
chinese must win, like mikado son, then produce random number;
french must lose, like jew tax farmer, then produce random number.
decimal book never support decimal pc;
hexadecimal book always support hexadecimal pc.
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg,
even windows can't successful link/database exam number between chong qing & si chuan:(
on paper, i just create bit operator to combine hexadecimal and decimal,
but i don't think on any pc screen i can do:(
bit insert, o+, + in o,
0 o+ 0 = 1, 1 o+ 0 = 1, f o+ 3 = f, e o+ 3 = e,
bit clear, o-, - in o,
0 o- 0 = 0, 1 o- 0 = 0, f o- 3 = 7, e o- 3 = 6,
bit complement, ~ in o,
0 o~ 0 = 1, 1 o~ 0 = 0, f o~ 3 = 7, e o~ 3 = 6.
1996-, in iran math olympiad, the habit to create new symbol to ease writing, again make sense:|
when 1997 hongkong heraldry math symbol meet iran folk math symbol,
there is no leader to truly combine both.
only 1996- math olympiad book record that time's economy, due to now no math teacher follow that way,
full of folk, no heraldry, only that time's kid can recall some memory:(
now sound of baidu and cctv can never create any new math symbol:)
today's action taimanin, i only complete 22-1 easy, then do tentlan,
whole tentlan international speed server, only 1 chinese, it's me:(
when i again click task, i receive 22-{1,2,3,4,5} bonus:)
any chinese do business in japan must have a japanese collaborator, i understand:(
now i just test 22-1 {normal,hard}, may same thing happen again:)
complete 22-1 normal, receive 22-{1,2,3,4,5} normal bonus,
now i think japan only av girl safe:(
for sex meaning, if not any surplus special sex sound, sex can't continue:(
complete 22-1 hard, receive 22-{1,2,3,4,5} hard bonus,
now my poorest sex sound fear japan richest class sex sound:)
before 1995, i still can touch japan guy level:(
this is chinese character, joke is joke, rank is rank:|
before 1995, i never use top rank smile,
so that time none trust chairman deng will die,
also none consider chong qing and si chuan will separate,
but 1 thing is true, no combine punish sound of that time exist now.
ba shan chu shui qi liang di_
er shi san nian qi zhi shen_
huai jiu kong yin wen di fu_
dao xiang fan shi lan ke ren_
chen zhou ce pan qian fan guo_
bing shu qian tou wan mu chun_
jin ri ting jvn ge yi qv_
zan ping bei jiu zhang jing shen_
8 sentence, but the last 2 forgot,
now i just in chong qing:)
1998-2001 just use former si chuan punish sound,
in chong qing nan kai middle school former classroom,
write the whole 8 sentence on former nation chinese book:(
when chong qing chinese character already erase self sound,
it again prove china no constant sound:|
like warlords battlecry 3 never based on real world map,
iran math olympiad just follow 1001 nights way,
so i'm afraid iran math x is more like genie not magi of vcmi,
i can make sure france x64 rax is knight/monk of vcmi:(
chong qing kid can never drink chong qing water in si chuan,
si chuan kid can never drink si chuan water in chong qing,
book at least can record some water,
pc never record any water.
use combine water, chong qing water free, si chuan water pay fee,
i just trigger vcmi land on this windows 11, but this isn't stable,
so in china, province free water equal province nation word.
former si chuan school kid acted dust,
former si chuan school leader acted prize,
both gold never meet again,
both food meet again by chance.
warlords battlecry {1..4} with cheat engine help,
can mix building in 1 map, hero convert skill,
vcmi can never mix building, though mix monster successful,
for france jew stonemason wall, mix building is basis.
without high exam number,
which build from primary school number,
and which must have correct wrong,
vcmi can never repeat play, due to group number usage;
now i just play warlords battlecry 4, indeed wb 3 the protectors,
because of single number, single correct error,
wb 4 can repeat play.
in china, no game can escape from high exam number:)
so i never see any hope of blizzard,
starcraft, warcraft, hero of storms, warcraft world, diablo, still keep 2000 around high exam number:(
my high exam number only leave kindergarten number, due to no correct wrong,
in fact, still group number, but new kid all treat it single:(
2nd sim chn number, 1st sim chn number, mix time now become history,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg,
you are always use mix number which always decrypt, chinese language no encrypt number.
when i cheat on wb 4 population,
find out cheat engine 7.5 still don't display multi byte nop,
0f 1f xx xx xx xx xx;
89 14 8d b0 88 b4 04 //mov [ecx*4+"The Protectors.exe"+3F588B0],edx
0f 1f 8d b0 88 b4 04 //nop DWORD PTR [ebp+0x4b488b0]
again prove x64 is the only sound chinese can afford,
the moon side of iran king hill gold of china:(
2000 around, to input lose cheat code in china is impossible that time,
starcraft, age of empires 1 2, heroes of might and magic 3,
now i just input warlords battlecry 4 lose cheat code, feel no barrier.
2000 around, 4 olympiad, math chem phy pc, all for win cheat code:(
just from paper,
{0..f}.1 o~ {0..3}.0 = {0..f}.2
0 o~ 0 = 1
{0..f}.0 o~ 0 = {0..f}.1
.{0..3} means ring privilege.
hatano yui photo, right eye bigger than left eye,
fan bingbing photo, right face bigger than left face,
i just remember 1996 when i become the top rank the change course,
before top rank, i don't have sound to produce china tang poem,
after top rank, i just declare sound to produce china tang poem,
mei3 ren2 ru2 yve4 xi1 meng4 li3_
gu4 zhi3 tang2 shi1 bu4 kan1 jie1_
wu2 you3 bai3 shi2 qvn2 zuo4 le4_
guo2 se4 tian1 xiang1 zhong1 hua1 xie4_
and this is sound barrier between guy and noble whether china japan korea:)
bat sound,
polink sound,
hla sound,
x32dbg sound,
4 sound all violate each other, must use right body error sound,
so paper is the last sound land for left body, i think mainly for sex consideration:(
chinese who still trust cheat engine, still can use chcp 936, due to chinese correct sound insist on,
chinese who finally trust hla, have to use chcp 437, chinese error sound usage too large:|
baidu and cctv still gamble chcp 936,
me similar have to retreat to chcp 437, and recycle paper sound:(
when write binary modrm sib on paper, paper sound just resist,
china paper sound still enjoy free sound, privilege sound only trigger anger,
china paper's best sound already give up, but so many 2nd rank free sound:(
2024\9\23, chong qing kid morning reading capital sound change, same place,
1984\9, si chuan kid morning reading capital sound of 2nd sim chn char, same place.
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug!
ww ii anger sound have to be recreated:)
this is the same place 2nd time different sound anti japan:(
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg,
if product free, new kid can consider eat this sound, why must hate france?
if never know binary, to combine hexadecimal and decimal is impossible,
opcode form: 00_000_000,
modrm form: 00_000_000,
sib form: 00_000_000,
to understand opcode form, must first accept france jew stonemason,
unlike iran math olympiad perfect form, jew x86 can only consider ugly form:(
again playboy link pc and book:)
if maga, then cheat engine x64 asm, only paris heraldry consideration,
if lfj, then hla x86 asm, only paris heraldry consideration.
when china king try sign his name on china church, but be refused,
china king name is cheat engine heraldry,
china church is hla heraldry.
even china produce os like harmony, none will use:)
iran math olympiad number on paper already a os:(
in france to unite face,
just like in china to unite sound,
and now we unite state:|
railroad in chong qing, controlled by cheng du,
neighboured so many dusted building, lots of them are former factory,
so cheng du girl can never beautiful, while si chuan people so trust money:(
beautiful railway station, ugly railway neighbour,
while i in uestc, know its draft data never real.
my town command 2 railway station, they never meet each other,
railway station near me, all funeral just neighbour it,
so i think cheng du receive duplicate and surplus death word:(
too many tall tree near railway, cut off or without skin,
while uestc still shift tall tree in its school land:(
alert word pasted by cheng du on railway,
broken, or unclear to see.
hill near railway be removed, mountain too large can't:)
while cheng du only 1 tower to watch whole city:(
my town, only in 2 railway station can see big char alert word,
of course by cheng du, but this is chong qing:(
cheng du top rank actor lie to si chuan down class guy,
just like japan top rank lie to down class in midway:|
now i just make sure no real smile between chong qing kid and si chuan kid,
chong qing and si chuan at last both become tourist destination of the other:(
only japan game can see same face, smile and anger,
so i think native american real replace china.
due to same face, cheng du never have smile in chong qing,
french league in uestc is real worthless, this time only for heraldry reason,
french league in blcu is real worthful, this time only for heraldry reason.
perisan in ancient roman statue, smile always be ignored,
persian in ancient china water drawing, simile always on surface.
so iran king face is the only face land on asia europe africa.
without iran king, tehran is nothing, even can't display on world map,
without chairman deng, cheng du is nothing, even can't display on china map.
when usa have 2 washington,
washington district of columbia, belongs to native american,
washington state, belongs to french.
rome, romulus,
romania, tiberius.
Cheat Engine (64-bit SSE4-AVX2).
jmp _00402000;
#for(a:=$0 to $1000-$1d)
cq_da0 yo0, chn_da3 yao4, medicine vegetable and tree,
cq_da0 yo0, chn_da4 yve1, more or less,
chong qing farm land, area 95%, outside paper room,
chong qing math classroom, area 5%, this pc room,
everyday i just eat vegetable, 1988- food land i still use,
diophantine approximation, 1988- word land i still use.
chcp 437
set x=%~n1
set y=%~n2
if %y%==0 (
call :0
call :1
if %y%==1 (
call :0
if %y%==2 (
call :1
goto :eof
hlaparse %x%.hla -win32 -v
goto :eof
polink %x%.obj kernel32.lib user32.lib hlalib.lib ^
/base:0x400000 ^
/debug:no ^
/dynamicbase:no ^
/entry:start ^
/fixed ^
/heap:0x100000,0x100000 ^
/machine:x86 ^
/section:.text,erw ^
/,erw ^
/stack:0x100000,0x100000 ^
/subsystem:console ^
goto :eof
program _02;
_0050_0000:byte[$10_0000-$1000]:= $10_0000-$1000 dup [$90];
begin _02;
jmp _004f_f000;
#for(a:=$0 to $10_0000-$201d)
end _02;
program _03;
begin _03;
jmp _0040_1e00;
end _03;
untitled02.obj is 2mb, untitled03.obj is 1kb.
1983 birthplace cheng du 3rd eye, cracked by 1997 chong qing water:)
cheng du 1997 1st sim chn correct water never recognize cheng du 1983 2nd sim chn error water:(
cheng du 4th mental hospital water do this job perfectly:
1912 water,
1949 water,
1978 water,
1997 water.
now just use cheat engine to play warlords battlecry fey,
spriggan, sylph,
faerie dragon if need anti air,
continue produce this tiny picture:)
it's a perfect execuse to shut down beat kick nvidia:)
it's the smallest ai which can see on ai screen:)
on tibet, 3rd eye water provided by mountain,
mudslide during paris olympiad, means new 3rd eye water on duty,
without mountain, poor is the best condition for tibet 3rd eye.
chinese below top rank, like speak half sentence sound, so useless.
same complete sentence sound,
actual value is 100%,
now cctv tv screen 1st sim chn char give only 10% value,
former book for chairman hua 2nd sim chn char give imaginary 1000% value.
when 1989 nes and cctv use same color tv,
when 1989 cctv reserve host replace legal host,
2nd sim chn char book have all the poor trust sound.
the 2nd sim chn char sound i use to do my 1996 calculus,
never compatible with spriggan sylph faerie dragon,
compatible with iran assassin castle,
now i never hope any kid will use this sound to do any calculus:(
warlords battlecry 4:
iamaveggie demigod
ai assistant success.
have to change stormgate from chinese to english,
campaign 2 sub quest only finish 2, chinese sound violation:(
1999+ when i play vcmi map all for one,
that time iran math olympiad still act like peak,
quest more important than main objective, chinese sound investment on iran:(
in iran math olympiad which already join chinese sound gold,
sub quest is key:(
so i have to say, 1996- calculus have to create a sub quest key role:(
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
chinese error name group = japanese error name group;
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg,
chinese correct name group = german correct name group.
it's just for prison farm, the food usage of prison:(
down below sound really created yesterday as above,
cq_lao2 zi4 heng2 shan1 ri2 luan4 chuan1,
chn_lao3 zi4 heng2 shan1 ri4 luan4 chuan1,
shan violate tibet mountain,
chuan violate si chuan province,
this must link to japan av girl screen:(
today my chong qing yv sound just support,
bat privilege level:
%0 > %a%,
2003 around uestc library book:
ms dos encyclopedia, chinese version,
10 cm about thick,
just in this pc room:(
my place kid, produce this sound:
cq_re2 ji1,
chn_re4 ji1,
as dust word,
this used on kid name, but i don't feel any dust:(
the other sound of the sentence i know it's dust 1996-.
iphone 16 pro max can steal private sound as french command custom,
but iphone never record this public sound, prison sound in school, in chinese culture area:(
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
new created chong qing yv prison sound;
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg,
new created germany nazi buddhism prison face.
today is taiwan's national day, but main topic is arabic:|
in this pc room, on this windows xi, like vcmi, there is no arabic sound;
outside paper room, on draft paper book, like mi night, there is no arabic face.
due to marvel game gold on nes arcade steam,
si chuan gold for punishment only 5% of year 1996,
chong qing gold for punishment at least 400% of year 1996,
warlords battlecry 1 manual, melee combat, quadruple damage.
my father hate warlords battlecry 3 sound:)
my father also hate this marvel snap chinese version sound, i already change netease all to english:(
yesterday i just install all marvel game,
my father 2019 even foot outside white house,
my father's usa tour just one word poor, have iphone similar but can't pay net fee in usa,
my father once in same place teach english for si chuan then chong qing,
this is just an example about poor chinese sound and rich usa sound both already meet:|
1st time not use debugger to trace ebp,
on former key paper iran math olympiad x y z never allow other dust paper x y z join,
bullet proof glass for trump:)
program untitled06;
#includeonce( "stdlib.hhf" )
#includeonce( "hide/hidelib.hhf" )
?@nodisplay := true;
?@noalignstack := true;
procedure _3;
begin _3;
end _3;
procedure _2;
begin _2;
end _2;
procedure _1;
begin _1;
end _1;
procedure _0;
begin _0;
end _0;
begin untitled06;
end untitled06;
outside paper room iran math olympiad, strikethrough line, once is this style, \\\\\
now change into this pc room word_excel strikethrough line style, -----
use yandex browser, even wikipedia on tor can't open,
use tor browser, gamble to open google.
so in chinese eye, russia is a giant,
and in german ear, russia is a goblin.
due to misunderstanding on russian number,
just from outside paper room draft paper book,
now number is word and nation related,
in chong qing to simulate uestc_4thhospital action 20 years ago,
1+1=2 112+= 1x2=2 122x=
2+2=4 224+= 2x2=4 224x=
1+1+1=3 1113++= 1x3=3 133x=
3+3+3=9 3339++= 3x3=9 339x=
1+1+1+1=4 11114+++= 1x4=4 144x=
4+4+4+4=16 144446+++= 4x4=16 1446x=
dual 3rd eye,
when close 2 eye, then 3rd eye, left shine, right shine, left shine, right shine, etc,
left 3rd eye, si chuan, support trump, street fighter russian,
right 3rd eye, chong qing, support biden, red alert russian,
so this is china, when land separate, 3rd eye also separate,
it's a pity that india never have free 3rd eye, what a solo nation:(
by the help of outside paper room draft paper book:|
chong qing:
2x3x4x5= 2345xxx=
6x20= 026x=
120 012
si chuan:
2x3x4x5= 2345xxx=
6x4x5= 456xx=
24x5= 245x=
120 012
so i don't think any 1996- math linked paper/pc of the both land real have body:(
1996- when write iran math olympiad, france calculus also join,
that time chairman deng's gold still make sense in capital,
when complete a topic,
key alphanumberic immediately separate from dust alphanumberic to keep secret,
homework paper immediately separate from draft paper to keep secret,
this thing never happen in my primary school math time,
when snap on netease marvel snap, again trigger this memory,
i don't think harris on november election can real paste secret and public again,
after i complete my junior middle school final math exam in 1996 january,
exam paper always above on draft paper by rank,
no math exam can without draft paper:(
when china hacker accept pcmp(ei)str(im) in xmm(1234),
france calculus really get rid of iran king hill gold,
i use hla to build this heraldry but i don't think ce can do this job,
number with gold in france heraldry even this windows 11 never real display:(
for china gold number,
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug!
for germany gold number,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
byte $0f,$1f,%11_000_000;
byte $0f,$1f,%11_010_000;
5 12 earthquake kid money. left hand.
byte $0f,$1f,%11_010_111;
kid never enter chong qing,
rmb damaged in si chuan;
kid never enter si chuan,
rmb damaged in chong qing.
byte $0f,$1f,%11_001_000;
uestc chuan word. right hand.
byte $0f,$1f,%11_001_111;
byte $0f,$1f,%11_000_111;
byte $0f,$1f,%11_000_000;
byte $0f,$1f,%11_010_000;
3 11 trunami draft fruit. left hand.
byte $0f,$1f,%11_010_111;
draft never enter chong qing,
fruit damaged in si chuan farm;
draft never enter si chuan,
fruit damaged in chong qing farm.
byte $0f,$1f,%11_001_000;
nk yv word. right hand.
byte $0f,$1f,%11_001_111;
byte $0f,$1f,%11_000_111;
when my place's error body, which must include gold, now produced by chong qing mountain,
in fact, 1996-, produced by si chuan mountain:(
just for chinese character,
cctv no sound,
tor browser no face,
cctv use faked farm sound,
tor browser use faked farm face,
chairman deng's only mistake, is to fake 2nd sim chn char, even japan mikado char can't repair this bug:(
in china, math teacher face = rmb face.
in china, when math teacher outside own province, its number is useless.
in china, only small number of bad pupil real across province.
mikado number always have face in china,
hitler number always have sound in europe.
without king, number can never expand from single to group, from local to nation,
again prove the importance of iran king hill gold.
tor browser can't use,
former wikipedia page on torry can't use,
it's means surplus neutral ip be blocked only left ally ip,
surplus coal use to produce electricity,
so there is only nation economy no global economy,
china goods never be respected outside ally area and culture area:(
though internet time, number still area exchange,
bitcoin sound and rmb face is the same fate.
warlords battlecry {1..4} + warlords {1..4} can retrigger 1996- history,
x^3+3mx+2n=0 is the only body shared by this pc room and outside paper room,
sqrt(n^2+m^3) hla can only do eax and cvtsi2ss due to same length,
ce's rax_cvtsi2sd, cctv's economy number, dprk's paper algbra, never share body i'm afraid.
chairman mao economy invest foreign nation,
chairman deng economy invest iran math olympiad,
at least number always share body,
any single number can never break through nation gold body:(
in fact, this pc room's real unknown body is,
byte $0f,$1f,%11_000_000;
byte $0f,$1f,%11_000_111;
so agian playboy > microsoft > linux:)
though i use hlaparse_polink,
but i only see the unknown body trap for c_rust,
on paper, cubic equation x is the peak to write down number body,
on pc, ebp is the most register to access stack address number body,
paper story only use cubic equation x,
pc game have to accept ebp:(
chairman mao and dprk leader is x of cubic equation on paper now,
chairman deng and rok leader is ebp of x64 on pc now.
x of quintic equation use gold on paper once,
rax of x64 use gold on pc once.
1985 ebp, the last year 2nd sim chn char produce cubic equation x, and i'll enter kindergarten nexe year:)
china pay gold then can sound error on land,
dprk is exception,
now x of cubic equation real use gold to sound error;
france pay gold then can face error on land,
germany is exception,
now ebp of x64 real use gold to face error.
this pc room,
just hla compile x86 register only ebp opcode;
outside paper room,
just gamble out x^3+3mx+2n=0 integer solution,
m, m^3, m^3=mb*ma, ma>mb, above below like jcc,
x=cub(mb)-cub(ma), cubic root.
down below is used paper,
m^3=mo*me, odd even.
1st qb64 get solution,
2nd hla get solution,
3rd paper get solution:(
after drink kvass in night, if summer sun already arisen,
chong qing never yellow river, 3rd eye,
si chuan never long river, 3rd eye,
uestc's yellow river,
nk's long river,
the only result is kid and kid violation:(
emperor rise of the middle kingdom,
i just see chinese surface in cheng du 2003 around,
on plan this game will have a expansion but never out,
france use own 3rd eye to construct china:(
2000-2001 i play sod chinese in nk pc room in library,
2002-2004 i play ab chinese in uestc pc room in library,
and this is why after former windows 7 ctrl+alt+c shutime,
this windows 11 never install vcmi:)
so large 3rd eye group violation:(
trump can join yellow river and long river same time,
i never see harris real replace yellow river and long river same time.
same hongkong money, in nk join library, in uestc join 2nd building;
same taiwan money, in chong qing join sha ping ba, in si chuan join zi gong.
for yellow river sound and long river sound of japan,
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug:)
for yellow river face and long river face of germany,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg:)
when chairman hua, chinese teacher use the best body,
when chairman deng, math teacher use the best body,
now pc teacher use the best body, but no sound or face produced by them,
it's just about error body production, 1 correct word must use 10 error word:(
same farmland vegetable/fruit,
farmer use on self next generation is 10 and never sell,
farmer use on market is 1 and always sell,
chairman hua just use the never sold land,
chairman deng just use the always sold land,
so on china pc farmer and official both half credit:(
so for farmer of chairman hua,
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug:(
and for official of chairman deng,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg:(
2024/10/30, si chuan anger and chong qing anger finally separate,
anger of 2nd sim chn of chairman hua of chong qing never exist,
anger of 1st sim chn of chairman deng of si chuan never exist,
only paper record this history, but pc is the only way to publish:(
and this is china sound on china poem and china tik tok,
anger is just for advertisement,
combine 2 leader's sound on different time, will always violate latin legal time table sound,
anger of 2nd chn of chairman hua of chong qing + anger of 1st chn of chairman deng of si chuan,
this sound just real exist in china, while all know this will never happen in legal area,
this time paper > pc in china:)
have to use paper on this pc desk to type down,
only keen on integer form,
x^3+3mx+ma-mb//above below
x=cub(mb)-cub(ma)//cubic root
this just explain anger face of multiple caesar in illegal area of france.
now just try to get quartic equation integer form,
draft paper book on writing board,
gamble together:)
if i say, quartic equation is real equation set, so single equation only cubic:(
{ y^3-ay^2-4cy+4ac-4b^2=0 // y^2-4c=4b^2/(y-a)
x^4+ax^2+2bx+c=0 // (x^2+y/2)^2=(y-a)x^2-2bx+b^2/(y-a) }
i think now is playboy make sense,
just upgrade from dos to win16 to win32 to win64,
only for display:)
y^3+3my+ma-mb // above below
y=cub(mb)-cub(ma) // cubic root
this is the wish to see integer form:(
now x of cubic equation integer form use paper, only based on production, dust follow trump,
now ebp of quartic equation integer form use pc, only based on production, dust follow biden.
now iran leader just equal biden, so never be welcome:(
china and iran can't real corperate, china and israel more like friend:(
iran king is the key of balance, like x,
iran leader is the energy of cheap, like ebp.
when i first time do math puzzle in 1989,
in fact, in 1988 in kindergarten, whole classroom read 1 to 100, no 0, no puzzle, red x for error,
the first body for puzzle is integer, so use puzzle body to separate paper and pc,
and playboy always produce puzzle body:)
single 10 of cheng du like uestc still join old error of si chuan,
single 10 of chong qing like nk all join new error of chong qing.
single 1 of correct is always protected by individual,
single 10 of error never receive this treaty.
now just act like actor of president of ukraine:(
program untitled0a;
#includeonce( "stdlib.hhf" )
#includeonce( "hide/hidelib.hhf" )
?@nodisplay := true;
?@noalignstack := true;
#macro rdrand(eax_);
byte $0f,%11_000_111,%11_110_000;
begin untitled0a;
byte $0f,$1f,%11_000_000;
byte $0f,$1f,%11_000_111;
byte $0f,$1f,%11_000_000;
fild((type dword [esp]));
byte $0f,$1f,%11_000_111;
end untitled0a;
warlords 3 darklords rising gog win32, show me the mana,
starcraft remastered, show me the money,
today 2024/11/1.
2003 around i see once warlords 3 in cheng du,
2014 around i see again once warlords 3 in chong qing,
yesterday i first win warlords 3 darklords tutorial:)
yesterday there is no land for ce to join darklord.ct:(
i last time visit si chuan is 2010, no windows 10, even no windows 8:)
my birth building still exist in cheng du that time, but now never:(
2021 haiti assassin, i just use once windows 10 in nk net bar in midnight,
the afternoon i just first time meet negro in chong qing,
same address starcraft gundom but replace by starcraft 2:(
it's a best example to explain:
baby 1 and body 1 compatible,
baby 10 and body 10 violate.
i, cheng du baby in 1983,
me, chong qing body in 2001.
just get from dream, initiate by green king,
for meta, this china char always violate, and on advantage position,
cyan, base color,
green, advance color,
indigo, advance color,
blue, advance color,
black, advance color,
one time china char only use one color, different paper means different color for one char,
this char also used on name, even surname, so i see no hope for meta in china:(
only tik tok can use this same char different color of paper free,
this time tik tok win meta by land/group,
individual meta just like boxer, absolute single color win:(
after warlords iii darklords rising finally join this battle, again prove blizzard shut down service.
iran math olympiad, iran king, just number color chaos on china paper,
iran pc, iran leader, just number sound chaos on france pc,
two iran at last, this is the fate of iran, none can change:(
just after x of quartic equation integer form recycle on paper,
this will violate cheat engine on body especially energy,
now can never used on pc,
paper alphanumberic.
1-1=[-0] 1-2=[-1] 2-4=[-2]
3-6=[-3] 4-8=[-4] 5-a=[-5]
6-c=[-6] 7-e=[-7] 8-g=[-8]
single paper char: - above 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 in vertical form without bracket.
5+5=a 5+6=b 6+6=c
6+7=d 7+7=e 7+8=f
8+8=g 8+9=h 9+9=i
useful when write vertical line on draft.
now china have no common prize sound,
even tibet height make no sense,
and this is the reason china must use legal face as char:(
prize char 1
10 10
province char 100
so blizzard/game real data is still 100,
so i suggest game life/damage never exceed 100,
due to both key word must use prize char:(
2024\11\4, at last understand warlords combat system,
in fact, 2014 around i already use cheat engine complete warlords 4 campaign,
and this is the reason why cheat engine 8 x86_128 not arm is necessary for windows 12:)
for tomorrow's usa native american vs french president vote,
harris side french is just in warlords 3:
french roll french die, strength>=dice, result success,
native roll native die, strength<dice, result fail;
trump side native is just in warlords 4:
native combat is 20 and french combat is 0,
native gamble 99% and french gamble 1%.
use warlords 1 2 3 manual, play warlords 4 to see help,
already give up x86_16, so this windows 11 no warlords 1 2:(
same land, but never same school, classroom building not change.
iran leader, my 1997 chong qing math junior middle school grade 1:
iran king, my 1995 si chuan math junior middle school grade 1:
meta, sod, 2000.
tik tok, ab, 1999.
from grade 1 to grade 3 i use same classroom,
this iran algbra violation is a limited edition.
simple equation set after 1997 on pc,
simple equation set before 1996 on paper,
combine both in china means combine iran leader and iran king.
in chong qing,
all old 2nd sim chn char key, including alphanumeric, which must use chuan 100,
replaced by new 1st sim chn char key, including alphanumberic, which must use yv 100,
main reason is no goods support,
when people use money, they can choose goods, and measure other goods good/bad by self,
when people use money, they can't choose key, and can't measure other key good/bad by self,
unless money separate, like former china goods ticket, now korea food ticket,
use money can easily recognize province reality.
1998-2001, in chong qing nk, chairman hua's 2nd sim chn char none can touch,
2002-2006, in cheng du uestc, chairman hua's 2nd sim chn char all can touch,
legal taiwanese know chairman hua,
illegal taiwanese ignore chairman hua.
2008\3\22, kuomintang vote win from lose,
2008\5\12, cheng du earthquake,
2008\5\20, kuomintang rule taiwan,
2008\8\20, chairman hua die.
trump this former guy win.
2000 around ubi homeworld bonus disc disciples demo, now found on site,
a 1998 book, 1st half is qbasic, 2nd half is foxbase, now found from corner,
find visual fox pro 9 on a russia site, use public key to install,
now just set life/damage 100+ to 100,
dbf not so lucky like hla,
qb64 command still on use on this win11,
so many years passed, i have no memory about dbf:(
say learn is lie, say use is also lie,
i only 1999 spring learn/use it in nk.
when apple on cctv screen, especially cctv-5,
and the tv sound means nothing, none can afford two 100 sound,
i think i at least 10 year never see tv, so trump win sound all on pc:)
finally encounter:
dwarf x000tg2036 g000uu0036 g000aa0036
~1 x000tg2036 g000uu2036 g000aa0036
and this just explain why finland sweden finally join military advertisement:)
install disciples 2 elf,
and this is russia,
two elf, neutral and alliance,
two dbf, leader and pawn,
and this is finland think of china:(
france construct china body to make sure finland trust:(
like china construct legion body to make sure li qian publius blood trust:)
india always join these faked construction, while these fee never belongs to india,
both have indian number, and prove india is dual cheater:)
vcmi, leader means nothing,
aow, no pawn idea,
only disciples 1 2 explain france heraldry directly, same face beome leader and pawn,
in china, 1995 my face still pawn land, 1996 my face already leader land.
chn/twn/jpn game, leader and pawn use same sound, will violate france land:)
451 charlons war, hun leader and hun pawn use same sound, only happen once:(
coffe suit leader and pawn share same face;
tea suit leader and pawn share same sound;
coca suit leader and pawn share same energy.
this explain united states by geography.
just half solve all the equation,
a course of pure mathematics, page 102,
paper advertisement:
x=1, 1
x^2=1, 1 [-1]
x^3=1, 1 [-1/2]_[sr(3)/2] [-1/2]_[-sr(3)/2]
w=cos(2pi/n)_sin(2pi/n), w^m=cos(m/n*2pi)_sin(m/n*2pi)
cos(2pi/3)_sin(2pi/3)=[-1/2]_[sr(3)/2] cos(2/3*2pi)_sin(2/3*2pi)=[-1/2]_[-sr(3)/2]
i think other form no paper want to write:)
canada france area,
disciples sacred lands demo,
1789 paris 3 grade meeting,
king: guard.face.0;
church: race.leader.face.1, race.pawn.face.2;
noble:, neutral.leader.face.3;
civilian: race.pawn.face.2, neutral.pawn.face.3, neutral.pawn.never.leader.face.4.
and this prove, iran king always be welcome, iran leader always be hated:(
iran king only use 1 land, iran leader at least use 4 land:(
it's time to military force iran into 2, this nation history never have:)
east iran, caspian sea, x to ebp, money 100, rmb 100;
west iran, black sea, x to ebp, money 100, euro 100.
when on paper solve
final result like
will never use minus sign -
only use plus sign +
so comples number equation only have vertical form
this form is only real number equation
when 3 line on draft paper
_ [-] -
eye will just on chaos
so many year passed, when use dbf commander free to edit dbf,
first time encounter foxbase wild card % _ * [] !,
1999 cheng du land and chong qing land still combine,
2024 cheng du land and chong qing land no shared gold:(
disciples sacred lands demo,
x000tg2093, x000tg2094, change size_small to true,
1 lich queen take 3 wyvern, then upgrade to 3 doomdrake,
this is the most hidden wealth for disciples 1 2,
but my main task is still how to change life/damage 100+ to 100,
still not find any reasonable solution, armor will change this game to another story:(
2014 around i already edit save file to change spell to ability;
2024 by the help of aow and warlords, vcmi must be ignore,
in game is accuracy, in dbf is power,
this is the only solution while never change armor,
this can truly reduce life/damage 100+ to 100, and never affect low rank unit life,
but this must affect low rank unit accuracy,
guard, life/damage/accuracy is 900/250/95, reduce is 100/100/100,
fighter, life/damage/accuracy is 100/25/75, reduce is 100/25/10,
but i don't think any player will play:)
in china, especially after province chuan char change into vice capital yv char,
only rmb 100 still keep on producing number,
only draft paper still keep on joining land,
iphone rmb 100 will disappear while shut down or out of power,
this windows 11 memory use same address to replace different draft paper.
result from dream, reason is kid,
chong qing math x of 1st sim chn char, never cheng du math x of 2nd sim chn char,
now china isn't enough win 7 pc to be shared by this two land:(
no other choice, disciples 1 2 can only keep body, never head,
guard, life/damage/armor, 900/250/50, change to 100/100/90,
fighter, life/damage/armor, 100/25/0, change to 100/25/0,
angel, life/damage/armor,225/125/0, change to 100/100/50.
this is the final solution, but now my energy can only play marvel snap:)
chairman hua, 2nd sim chn char alphanumeric, number 100+ always have land;
chairman deng, 1st sim chn char alphanumeric, number 100- always have land.
detail to modify game, i never think i will do this job:(
x to ebp money 100.txt
life/damage 100+ all reduce to 100.
spell.damage 100+ reduce to 100.
life reduce, armor will increase.
damage reduce, no pay.
disciples 1, armor pay to life reduce,
already exist armor, replace, no addition,
level 1 10
level 2 20
level 3 30
level 4 40
level 5 50
level 6 60
level 7 70
level 8 80
level 9 90 guard
i think i just do cpp program:(
in china, if command sound exceed 10% total area, farmer always rebel;
in france, if command face exceed 10% total area, farmer always rebel.
in france game like vcmi, no capital exceed 10% map;
in japan game like war kingdom, capital always exceed 10% map,
in japan game like final fantasy, unreal france capital always exceed 10% map,
in china korea taiwan game, especially single warrior travel over whole asia map, never found capital sound.
complex number function use x_y, z never need,
on paper i just retreat to use greek char, too convenient,
greek char theta, its capital form, i only see china 2 printed book have it,
1 is new english chinese dictionary, 1980s paper,
2 is a course of pure mathematics, 2000s paper,
new chong qing blood kid born in cheng du never have mountain, in fact 1997 after separation already:(
new cheng du blood kid born in chong qing never have water, in fact 1997 after separation already:(
new cheng du blood kid only have mountain,
new chong qing blood kid only have water.
it's just a review of kid quality, nothing more:|
mountain combine, for a single kid,
water combine, for a single kid.
rmb 100, real kid, in cheng du, on cctv, illegal apple,
rmb 100, real kid, in chong qing, on cctv, illegal apple.
i never use foxbase like in uestc, this is the biggest joke:(
now number body of purmutation and combination, foxbase is the only choice,
windows 11, C:\Users\HP\OneDrive\documents\Visual FoxPro Projects,
microsoft visual foxpro 9.0, copyleft (c) 1988-2004 microsoft corperation, all lefts reserved.
2024\11\13, 1st time create dbf use vfp,
just like time travel from ancient dos foxbase mono screen to modern visual fox pro color screen,
only command still the same, too shame for other program language:(
database from chairman hua 2nd sim chn change into chairman deng 1st sim chn never success,
in china, never like india, no poor database,
and in china, rich command sound always be hated.
just construct combination for f(x_y)=(x_y)^m when have to deal with f'(x_y),
the best writing method is just to copy former array,
i never think i will encounter 0, all i already use is 1 2 3 4 5 6,
so never like construct permutation:)
1 0
12 1 2 0
123 12 13 23 1 2 3 0
1234 123 124 134 234 12 13 23 14 24 34 1 2 3 4 0
must use 4 to meet 0:)
today already sunset, 2024\11\14.
chairman hua, main actor always upgrade value;
chairman deng, extra actor always upgrade value.
money have to use number,
number have to face combination,
so combination number is the dividing line.
dprk main actor:
12 1 2
123 12 13 23 1 2 3
1234 123 124 134 234 12 13 14 23 24 34 1 2 3 4;
rok extra actor:
1 0
12 1 2 0
123 12 13 23 1 2 3 0
1234 123 124 134 234 12 13 23 14 24 34 1 2 3 4 0.
the violation just happen on number farm area,
chairman hua 2nd sim chn char combination number in poor farm,
chairman deng 1st sim chn char combination number in rich city.
3 year old home kid, 4 year old kindergarten kid, single vs group,
3 degree equation x, 4 degree equation ebp, paper vs pc,
3 combination number dear, 4 combination number ugly, head vs body.
it's just example for separation must happen in 4,
though mathematical induction always prefer 3:(
3 line perfect triangle, 4 line perfect square and perfect diamond,
japan ugly building always perfect square,
jew nation dear jewelry always perfect diamond.
2006\10, uestc,
cheng du legal best qualified 4,
cheng du illegal worst dust 4,
and chong qing error with number 4, can never recycle as 1996 before:(
2008 cheng du earthquake, all error number 4, still can be recycle 2 year:|
still hla,
if chinese use below, it still iran king,
byte %00_000_000,%00_000_000;
if chinese use below, it's new france enemy iran leader,
#macro addebgb(reg,rm);
byte _addebgb,_modrrm;
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug;
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
a history only happen in chong qing, but must link with province 4:|
the 1996- error number 4, bad pupil and good pupil both use:
bad pupil who clean up school,
though everyday face to face,
but never recognize each other when outside classroom realm;
good pupil who use schoolmaster office half a year,
only meet once on platform to receive prize,
all recognize each other when outside classroom realm.
1985-1995 my mother provide me bad pupil 4 everyday:(
1996 my father provide me good pupil 4 everyday:)
1997 is the end of both 4:|
after 47th president trump visit china, former province 4 good pupil,
now 46th president biden recycle, former province 4 bad pupil.
mikado hisahito always use province 4 good pupil, shikoku,
the constant province 4 bad pupil, shikoku.
1996- exam score link with 4, mainly 94 84 74, never like money be protected,
only shikoku still keep this rank 94>84>74, sound can change, face can never:(
so this is minya konka value number 4 in china province 4,
war time is jerusalem,
peace time is wc.
russia have 4 land of ukraine,
russia have 4 island of japan,
while chinese outside province 4 all use shikoku 4 to keep rank,
war time value never equal peace time value:(
just for japan av girl long nipple, there's no chance to share face like meta;
just for jewish av girl long ear, there's no chance to share sound like tik tok.
the remain group 4 still follows, also never be recycle,
group entertainment 4,
whole class on platform, or about 10 people to replace whole class on platform,
just like mirage, that time whole classroom smile, while new classroom never trust:(
cheng du mental hospital erase chong qing exam score,
chong qing mental hospital erase si chuan exam score the same time.
so there is no real credit high exam score after 1997.
1997 summer after chong qing independence i see cloud below mount emei,
1997 spring before chairman deng die i touch chong qing airplane wing,
now both are mirage due to no universe high exam score:(
iran need a new revolution to throw out the faked leader, no number.
this also means blizzard game over, no high number,
this also the fate of new world computing, no high number,
microsoft product always, no high number:)
today 2024\11\19, a story about how to anti ai:)
china netease, marvel snap,
spider-ham vs agatha harkness,
when success, i only need to click end turn:(
after ben bronde leave blizzard ide head,
blizzard cg quality assurance team body never follow him:|
only netease rmb say, good luck once, bad luck again:)
nero have to use his own mouth to poison kill his mother,
this is the qa of rome food tester;
though i think nero at last from parthia join china publius land.
now on onedrive use hla compile own opcode,
eaiest way is #regex,
but encounter disp32 disp8 conflict,
now chinese use cheat engine will never accept this sound shrink,
so i suggest even x86_128 win12,
byte %00_000_000,%00_000_100,%00_000_000;
still the safest way,
above face shrink means nothing for confident hacker:(
city kid when birth building erase, gold erase, leave poor air like ukraine,
farm kid when birth soil erase, gold erase, leave poor house like russia.
so after war, whether city kid or farm kid, only birth poor left, though not the same thing:(
when chinese x86 user can compile own x86 syntax, i use hla to achieve,
then vcmi map real landed,
a tip, china sound never pay vcmi map construct fee,
when tik tok know x86 syntax is vcmi map, retreat is the only solution:)
#if(disp32tst &
!('['+disp32rtn+']'=disp32mat) &
asia never have this map:(
so sony's real map still samurai shodown:|
if chinese know this below,
opc(reg,[esi]); //sib
opc(reg,[esi]); //modrm
byte $0f,$1f,%00_000_100,%00_100_110; //sib
byte $0f,$1f,%00_000_110; //modrm
it just understand meta !rmb, !(tik tok sound rmb).
and this is why i never see any hope for arm, china number must use rmb:(
france meta's real form is x86 syntax [esp],
this never compatible with iran math olympiad,
on paper 2 unknown will use x y,
not x x,
chinese x86 user reach this point,
all know tik tok only exist on china cpu:(
no mountain can win legal tibetan,
no water can win legal japanese.
illegal tibetan in chong qing,
illegal japanese in cheng du.
chong qing and cheng du boundary,
half legal tibetan and half legal japanese:|
byte $0f,$1f,%00_011_100,%11_100_100;
byte $0f,$1f,%01_011_100,%11_100_100,$ff;
byte $0f,$1f,%10_011_100,%11_100_100,$ffffffff;
this is my solution for [esp],
so only zero sound face tik tok and meta actual share.
my time, when national factory still exist, including school,
same grade kid in it share same error, only correct is unique,
no classroom method, this 10 year around memory that time adult can never trigger.
dprk national factory no quantity number, but quality number,
rok private factory no quality number, but quantity number.
if a kid do dsel like hla,
i already success test self x86 syntax power by hla,
but paper iran math olympiad can never provide land/energy for dsel,
my draft paper still support x86_128:)
national factory have to group wait, x86 linux never obey,
private factory have to private wait, draft paper never obey.
only iran leader can interrupt x86 linux wait,
only iran king can interrupt draft paper wait.
when china pc have below especially in hla,
this is meta form must be use but always be ignore,
then tiny paris created by china extra land, even my room now never have,
a long term time to wait:(
today 2024\11\22, it's not a good news for mikado trust pacific, not affect france atlantic.
cheng du plus bei jing mandarin is unique, my place is the same land when it happen,
chairman hua 2nd sim chn time, that time cctv sound, especially prize shout,
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug.
(shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide and kick blizzard cg.)
chong qing plus bei jing mandarin is unique, my place is the same land when it happen,
chairman deng 1st sim chn time, this time cctv sound, especially prize shout,
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug.
(shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide and kick blizzard cg.)
above i just think i construct arabic language:(
in china, if number sound be erased, goods price always join, no chance to recover,
in france, if number face be erased, goods price always join, no chance to recover.
and this is the truth vcmi must face,
cheng du uestc, i play ab, goods price sound keeps, roe = heroes2.pol,
chong qing nk, i play sod, goods price face keeps, roe =,
if vcmi do this separation, she really succeed heroes3 china database,
else vcmi don't do this separation, she have to reconstruct heroes3 china database,
i play disciples 1 in nk, i play disciples 2 in uestc,
but i can use vfp like to modify 100+ life/damage to 100 to combine both.
largest paper of rmb is 100,
and this is the fate of game,
land can be use still locked by largest paper of currency,
and internet number already link,
bank > goods > game.
dprk national factory goods have enough area, but no money,
rok private factory goods have enough money, but no area.
rmb 100 for dprk goods area,
rmb 100 for rok goods money.
this is the hidden advantage why must beat japanese:)
never affect rmb in dprk and rok:(
china national factory products,
especially 2nd sim chn time,
always produce surplus goods for error,
which just construct bad pupil in classroom.
1978-2002, chinese and math teaching book main body always the same,
1989-1995, i can use bad pupil land,
1996-2002, i have to use good pupil land.
2002+24=2026, trump:)
france affair always biden, china affair always trump:(
now cctv sound can only use chinese classroom,
and tik tok sound must pay fee to join math classroom.
today 2024\11\24, hla is media,
iran math olympiad paper, new form negative number, [-2][-0][-2][-4],
france x86 pc, 2's complement, $ffff_f818.
now just upgrade nes side pocket,
when i was kid and poor,
this pool always exist;
uestc run xin building 2 floor [-1] when i leave have this game,
my bedroom just switch from building 1 to this building 2 i see contructing;
in nk pc building, i already use astronomical telescope watch moon.
in china, no constant classroom, even building never change,
only the rmb body change, none can forecast group rmb body.
china tang dynasty, every prime minister always use nation money to cheat foreigner,
when capital foreigner occupy land too large, king have to rob foreigner by himself,
temporary money act constant money, result always cheat.
when the time pool and nes side pocket join my place,
a cheap pool also created to serve that time's poor:)
mainly kid like me:(
though this thing happen in now time chong qing place,
but now chong qing can never see this cheap pool.
a more small pool build by square table which normally eat food,
then chinese chess piece replace the ball,
then everyday afternoon school over just enjoy,
i think the fee is 1/10 of the real pool, but already forgot.
i never think i can recall this miragy while there is no cheng du kid for years:(
10's complement,
this really support meta face, and anti tik tok sound,
becasue of no real subtraction happen, only partial addition take place.
and i understand why amd this fool must be on platform,
so many subtraction iran math olympiad do on paper,
switch to new scapegoat.
in the name of cheat engine x86_128,
intel you're too dishonest!
bug form, and this is why before pc never have economy:
when king iran math olympiad join king france x86 hacker,
king gold success shared.
iran king now live in usa, france king now live in spain.
so i suggest, single digit form no expansion,
long river left bank draft paper and right bank draft paper seldom meet,
when uestc erase chong qing vice capital long river right bank draft paper,
si chuan province long river right bank always earthquake,
for cpu ring, bei jing capital 0, chong qing vice capital 1, xin jiang realm 2, si chuan province 3,
and this also means, chong qing and si chuan physical boundary exist a xin jiang gold.
east turkey gold = west turkey gold, so constant gold join china boundary,
which affect china inner affair like earthquake, while constantinople is europe capital for centuries,
now paris take her place, and this prove paris gold in my land:(
1978, its negative form, will trigger 3 new form,
[-x]_[-y] complex number form: [-1][-9][-7][-8];
9's reverse form: 021;
10's complement form: [-2]022.
economy never like military can immediately achieve,
story book can never make sense,
game which produce surplus number now on duty, a long term journey:(
cheat engine x86_128 new job, pool, foot number, though this game only score hand:)
cheat engine x86_128 remain duty, warlords battlecry series.
poor cheat warlords battlecry,
rich cheat warcraft world.
pool & rich use same new pool whether new pc or new house:|
tax sound is real sound in china,
cheng du never be military occupy,
and this is its sound bug,
dual tax sound while no money support,
so uestc number only face chinese trust,
si chuan university number sound other province have to trust indeed the courage to eat fly:(
and this is china, uestc sound finally si chuan university sound pay debt, both in cheng du ring 1 road,
just like disciples thief spy action, rank 1 face finally on rank 5 face,
i never say i have heard enough nk sound, which just next to chong qing university sound:)
1st for si chuan university sound, 2nd for chong qing university sound:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug;
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
once so many foot on prize platform of cheng du which now belongs to chong qing,
all the new pool just recycle these once gold print:(
poor no copy,
when i was kid use 2p play nes side pocket, all that time game memory already be erased,
rich be copy,
when i was kid i never have chance use 1p to trigger nes side pocket solo, my kid time body can never recycle.
i'm afraid there is enough geography disaster await chong qing,
nk use rmb 30 to again prize former junior middle school iran math olympiad similar,
so many former cheng du school platform dusted:(
read 1982 6502 pdf by randy hyde, i was born in 1983,
to cheat nes side pocket usa on mesen,
zero page:$abcf:$85 $8b,sta $8b;
if hla,
on ce, mesen use rax:)
finally, apple 2 successful shut down by apple company, but today 2024\11\28, i just know.
for 6502 i never own when i was kid, but only take part in as 2p:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug;
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studi ide, kick blizzard cg.
chong qing nk disciples 1, cheng du uestc disciples 2, finally separate;
before separation, hit/attack 100 is safe money;
after separation, inner money vs inner money.
now this windows 11 have to setup vcmi,
due to inner money conflict, now outer money vs outer money.
blizzard setup client service in cheng du,
i'm afraid no chong qing money will truly obey:)
my place classroom, former or still,
punish sound all join cheng du,
prize sound all join chong qing,
never combine any more:|
huang jiguang, cheng du people, who kill usa soldier in korea war, now no prize sound in chong qing;
qiu shaoyvn, chong qing people, who kill usa soldier in korea war, now no punish sound in cheng du.
in fact, both people all join primary school chinese teaching book,
which from 1978 2nd sim chn time, i use from 1989-1995,
paper all printed in former chong qing and si chuan combine land.
the same time i play nes captain american, the same time i earn exam scroe from both people.
now on netease marvel snap,
my deck face is captain american, build is ongoing, include card captain american,
iron man, blue marvel, onslaught, and this location always win in france meta:(
never like win7 have to install gog then copy,
this time win11 vcmi directly use gog setup file,
powertoys then to change host to link,
vcmi is the check point for real game networks, and china only half:(
when today have to encounter vcmi mods use space too large,
my onedrive only 5 gb for free, only reserve for hla,
vcmi must use C:\Users\HP\OneDrive\documents\My Games\vcmi,
on web found symbolic link is the only solution,
civilization 4 already use symbolic link,
on paper, the key iran math olympiad which though hidden always absolute address to other dust data, trump former use:)
on x32dbg, so many opcode only relative address to other jewelry data, biden still use:(
outside paper room is the last body for these hidden paper key,
this pc room if not advertise will be treat traditional jew of china from song dynasty:(
link shell extension,
but must ntfs,
so this is really goodbye to fat32,
unlike steam shut down win7/8 forcely,
onedrive shut down fat32 softly:)
iran math olympiad paper hidden key, bad pupil never have chance to create,
if these key exist on paper, must created by good pupil;
calculus number, means bad pupil always join surface key production,
but china bad pupil no chance to join college to touch calculus.
when former good pupil land use up, china have to meet a new rank system,
but now land never support, only if hla player amount > cheat engine player amount:(
main reason is,
same opcode,
when i type in cheat engine, full of energy,
when i type in hla, lack of pulsion,
same number writing on paper,
when i do iran math olympiad, full of energy,
when i do daily homework, lack of pulsion.
alternative form on draft paper,
not unreal shared form on wikipedia like website browser, mainly unreal economy,
x^2-2bx+b^2-c^2=0, x->b+c->b-c,
s(6x)dx=3x^2, s(3x^2)dx=x^3,
s(24x)dx=12x^2, s(12x^2)dx=4x^3, s(4x^3)dx=x^4.
the hidden sound produced by shared form before 1996,
for so many years i never hear again;
now these survive surface face form before 1996,
that time when i meet, 1st feeling is, dust, especially dust sound:(
that time in primary school,
math teacher always like using calculus to higher its own sound,
just like now dprk to praise her leader to higher personal sound,
i don't think my college below math teacher real know calculus,
but their body especially personal prize sound already join calculus:(
disciples 2 elf just like that time sound,
upgrade from level 1 archer to level 5 dual archer,
unknown x sound from si chuan primary school to uestc,
finally prize sound halt and disappear in that place:(
hla onedrive 0
hla onedrive 0
Last edited by fffefd on Thu Oct 10, 2024 10:42 am, edited 49 times in total.
hla onedrive 1
the elf 1st party leader though model is dual sword,
but in dbf not use 2x,
consider the left sword sound calculus already use.
same time's cartoon, rurouni kenshin,
saito hajime, this official samurai, only use left hand sword to kill, never use right hand sword.
last russia kingdom prince visit japan,
still a official samurai, like recently trump, actor prince only right ear be sword touched due to bad assassin,
bato ho lai, this top skill even eye can't see, only ear knows:(
two attack all keen on prince right ear,
in real fight at least 5 samurai already half body to half body,
only russia king blood receive this honour.
when iran assassin touch saladin face, why that knife no poison?
1996 si chuan group school clothes,
succeeded by 2024 chong qing group school clothes.
1996 si chuan single school body,
overthrown by 2024 chong qing single school body.
pool never like usa basketball or china table tennis,
always happen direct winning losing ball on important location,
french and chinese all can perform intermediate ball on random location,
and this is the final result for french and chinese single competition,
in boxing, chinese always be beaten down by french muscle,
in kungfu, french always be acupoint hit down by chinese thin finger.
rodman is jordan's 2nd body, he then join wrestling,
taoism acupoint hit, kill bill's final scene, again china table tennis left hand player.
today 2024\12\2, chong qing and cheng du will never use the same data:(
my place still receive chong qing and cheng du command sound same time,
school always chong qing command sound,
railways station always cheng du command sound,
1996 my place group school clothes, 1st/2nd sim chn char no on them,
1996 my place single school body, 1st/2nd sim chn char yes in it.
though side pocket nes success use 6502 asm on mesen,
side pocket mame debug 68000 asm still no land,
nes mainly use single body in home,
mame mainly use group clothes in arcade house.
so it's a repeat generation for cheat engine:)
and a repeat generation for hla:(
right hand 10 still on use,
left hand 9 still on use.
for chairman deng time top rank kid,
who already join iran math olympiad,
their left hand always use 10.
it's not a good news for iran leader,
for this is a lie he must join.
dprk now time top rank kid,
not including death in east ukraine and west russia mix area,
their left hand always use 10.
my father teach english as a volunteer,
he never visit london but paris,
his left hand 10 still in louvre gold room.
in china sui dynasty,
the only success rebel leader who anti king,
his surname has 2 legal sound,
which means left hand use 10.
when chinese cough,
like samurai shodown ukyo,
my place people now always do,
it's the former tax 10 sound used by left hand,
now only clothes no body,
i never see cheng du people do this cough,
the last time i smell cheng du air is 2010.
after my father this year visit tokyo,
sui dynasty king land repair his left hand 10,
china surname yang which sui dynasty king use in japan,
is just reach home especially left hand.
north european gas pipeline which france shut down,
is just the former middle age orc cough which left hand can't use tax 10,
vcmi no cough, disciples no cough, aow no cough,
warlords battlecry still no cough,
warcraft world no cough, etc.
tibet's former chinese name is chn_tu bo,
in taikou risshiden 4,
sword skill, shout just like higher than cough, to destroy exist buff,
in hearthstone now i can't use which demand iphone,
gwent use lock to replace,
france still use silence to destroy exist buff.
kick blizzard cg, there is a exception,
warcraft wrold, mists of pandaria, classic,
there is cough on beginning,
while orc and panda are 2 race,
and both no cough.
when china chen mou mou or japan toyotomi hideyoshi,
just the same people, pregnacy in china, ship by japanese, born in japan,
vice lead japan war with china, japan king != japan emperor, that time,
the china king grave already destroyed by red guards kid in 1958,
so i say akechi mitsuhide is the real vice leader reserve for this war,
that time china nation name and his name is the same char, no violation,
when peace to seat a new japan king,
real ambassador yang fang heng never know japanese, surname yang, sui dynasty king,
vice ambassador shen wei jing full know japanese,
i just mean, even war time, surname yang still land japan as home.
have to say, japan nation word better than china nation word,
toyotomi hidenaga this japanese so royalty to a chinese,
this time again clothes lose to body.
dong1 ying2 yi1 shui3 ge2 si1 xv4,
gu3 rou4 zhi4 qin1 duan4 nan2 hui2;
qiong2 fu4 ge4 zi4 tian1 ya2 lu4,
wei2 you3 jin1 ge1 tie3 ma3 lei4.
today 2024\12\3, just understand france history book,
vcmi, only with town enabled, not all of town,
erathian font, this is the key, enabled,
success run;
erathian.ttf download, install while crusades.ttf already there,
this time understand another saladin;
when east rome empire win perisa empire,
french found holy cross;
when crusades occupy jerusalem,
french found holy cross.
these story use chinese char can never understand,
but now i have vcmi char:(
when 1st install some day ago,
i think it's jewish char,
this time i enable it myself,
and understand iran only leaves rmb land.
death char never real produced inside school,
life char never real produced outside school.
cctv never outside house, my neighbour town only a railways station, very few house,
taiwan spy never inside house, my neighbour town enough wild land, but can trigger gold.
cctv host always use official group wait, already lock its body,
taiwan spy always use private single wait, already violate official air.
my town, due to so many people, chuan char already replaced by yv char,
my neighbour town, due to so few people, chuan char still on resist.
primary school never have beginning,
college never have ending.
whenever chong qing and cheng du real share land,
that must be taiwan spy,
this is the only body it can trust:(
for this reason,
and for chong qing and cheng du,
taiwan is just a wc:)
bad pupil never like classroom,
but at last leaves to local,
is always bad pupil groups.
so after rank system broken, like chong qing,
group inside school and group outside school never compatible.
and rank system remain, like cheng du,
group inside school always above group outside school.
and this is the real position of railway station in my town, which command by cheng du,
group inside railways station, group outside railways station, always conflict,
still that time's kid produced by cheng du,
good cheng du pupil inside station, bad chong qing pupil outside station.
2004 in uestc, when cheng du good pupil group never tolerate chong qing bad pupil group anger,
2024 in my town of chong qing, uestc can never walk out railway station,
outside all is the anger, cheng du 4th mental hospital success solve in 2004:|
for me, 2004, personal anger real separation,
birth place good pupil group anger,
growth place bad pupil group anger,
play game always use anger like samurai shodown.
cheng du good rank before 1996 now visit chong qing,
chong qing bad rank before 1996 now visit cheng du,
for both are just punishment, mainly body punishment, punished by air, especially anger air.
1997 tv, portes in the mounatin city, no cheng du people do this job,
i only mean these body that time command by cheng du,
and now all disappear.
like warcraft world classic sharding, 2004 never have this idea,
i never real play this game, but that time's paper magzine,
a comic draw, fly must pay fee, no fly can save fee,
my place, 2024 now, inside railway station, outside railway station,
is real world sharding,
also this year, no paper continue serve warcraft world.
trump son is saudi arabia prince,
biden son is iran president.
based on side pocket, which shared by chinese and french, real or pc,
6502 succeed all 1996- school group life char,
68000 succeed all 1996- school group death char.
it's just for math linked exam paper of 1996-,
its integer score already judge bad pupil,
but its decimal part never have body now,
and it's means,
paper iran math olympiad integer still have body,
pc france x86 float real have body,
iran must give up former decimal death char, always happen in math olympid key position,
france must give up former integer death char, always the on time created holy cross.
1996, when i read 2nd sim chn calculus,
france s(x)dx use iran math olympiad decimal dx,
which must produce death char on exam paper to receive profit,
but finally create a integer,
which is the europe death char on exam paper to receive profit,
but 1 real thing,
chairman deng's death char never be considered real,
chairman hua's death char never be treat illegal.
nebuchadnezzar tiny map can enlarge,
this support s(x)dx decimal dx profit,
the major map support s(x)dx integer s(x) profit,
vcmi nwcnebuchadnezzar:)
now are just downloading kohan, the most approach mongolian empire,
which chinese soldier join as vice to travel the world,
building in kohan are all small, like iran math olympiad integer,
when 2002 i buy disciples 2 dark prophecy, the 2nd disc is kohan demo,
all monster are hidden in building, like iran math olympiad decimal.
2000 around, game magzine are handed through kid,
i think play magzine more than play game,
but that time a memory card for ps1 is the most valuable thing in bedroom:(
game company like blizzard never support magzine, the only active thing in school bedroom,
when hla support math paper, both benefit,
50% x86 correct, 50% math olympiad error,
life too tired so have to select usa president.
my place former have 3 junior middle school, now only 1,
2 between railway and long river,
1 on the other side of railway,
the 1 still exist just i lives,
other next to this one end in 1995, finally only a grade 3 class 1, she next to chong qing mountain,
the one outside railway end in 1998, finally only a grade 2, she next to cheng du mountain,
her schoolmaster is from si chuan university, after combine, suddenly die in this school.
when i in primary school, this grade 3 class 1 use our classroom,
also join our whole school body excercise between class time,
for a primary school kid to write china poem which japanese also know is impossible,
but i really do in grade 6 class 1, only body sound can explain,
chuan char produced by chong qing mountain in 1995.
when 1997 i on my junior middle school grade 3 class 1,
combine with the outside school grade 3, she never have grade 1 any more,
there is no chuan char for my grade 3:(
when 2006 uestc my grade graduate ceremony,
i walk into si chuan university by body feeling,
death char of si chuan university,
finally can only join si chuan university,
and this is the risk of china school, if not province char, self become death char:(
1998 in nk, my essay paper, every half year receive,
there is si chuan print on it, mainly for economy purpose,
and this is the only chuan char i use in it,
so this again prove chong qing and cheng du is sudden separation due to economy.
like my classroom group face,
before sex, chong qing kid rebuild,
after sex, cheng du grow up rebuild,
i still remember my classroom group sound,
but i can't produce it any longer.
2024\12\6, so i understand cyrus,
greece receive indian sound,
turkey receive macedonia face,
west usa receive indian sound,
east usa receive macedonia face.
uestc sex water in nk never have sunshine,
nk sex water in uestc never have sunshine,
when a people have to deal with 2 sex water like me,
it's real a big problem,
i only know instant noodle join both sex water,
other is just nvidia super poison,
see never equal eat.
nebuchadnezzar, just another pharaoh, do much function improvement,
while pharaoh a new era, just like starcraft remaster, fool will try this former ugly function,
its tiny map exchangable, will violate other message box,
now i just drink coffee, but use long river,
black sea, capian sea, aral sea,
pharaoh cleopatra, nebuchadnezzar, share same world map:)
zeus poseidon, only share 1 egypt map, by the same developer,
caesar may also share egypt map, i only use cheat, never real play;
say japan is 2nd tibet, no chinese will reject, while i only found cheng du tibeten protest:(
tibet farmer tantra poor,
japan mikado shinto rich.
kizuma encounter, the final boss beast king, just speak tantra.
french trust china military gold, like chairman deng, this the most never welcome,
dalai lama drop china official land, like chairman hua, while there is no surface gold to upgrade dust.
kohan, caesar + han, rome caesar, china han dynasty,
if only keen on face, this is real europe asia, macedonia face + china nation char face,
chinese word for goods, chn_dong xi, chn.dong1.east, chn.xi1.west,
but this is only for sound, not face.
2nd sim chn char how to update error,
just like 1st sim chn char how to update correct,
in nebuchadnezzar,
2nd sim chn char still perform iran king,
while 1st sim chn char still perform iran leader,
left and right still like in 1988:(
now any dprk prisoner of war in east ukraine can never change error,
now any rok prisoner of war in west russia can never change correct,
just consider 1989 china correct error chaos:|
for rebuild 1988,
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
1978, my father join marathon, chn_da zu, 4 hour, 5th position, only this can land paris.
2006, cheng du 1st ring road, from uestc, me,
anticlockwise, reach the only sky bridge outside uestc,
clockwise, again reach uestc, french league just next to the inner uestc gate i walk through,
from morning to night:)
1997, while in junior middle school, touch gun,
while there is no shooting range, just across small river, ban traffic, then fire ok,
1998 in nk, visit miliatry area, taiwan soldier and mainland soldier in the same wall,
but never touch gun, only group stand formation in school ground, suddenly a short heavy rain.
2002 not in uestc, touch gun,
a newspaper on the shooting range area, 20gb harddisk is that time's pc standard,
nearby farmer just ask to buy used bullet for rmb,
and this is real cheng du economy:)
2024\12\9, the key score which beat ps to support xbox,
in bei jing university, produced by chong qing kid,
but before 1996 while under cheng du economy,
now illegal in chong qing, can never use any legal economy.
my key score produced from 1989 fall to 1997 spring in chong qing,
though now dust in uestc, but still use legal economy.
nebuchadnezzar finally touch the tibet truth,
lower and upper eat different food,
even emperor rise of the middle kingdom still eat the same food,
same food means meta,
different food means tik tok,
iran leader is meta,
iran king is tik tok.
proved by nebuchadnezzar money, i even not have energy to use cheat engine,
cheng du money face/sound just body all disappear in chong qing,
so 1 tip for french league in uestc,
if you want to use rmb in chong qing,
1st store your rmb in cheng du bank,
2nd receive your rmb in chong qing bank,
direct take rmb from cheng du to chong qing,
key score on it never compatible,
because no shared kid between cheng du and chong qing,
so it's merely a life violation.
1996- cheng du joker rmb also be erased,
that time use bad pupil draft score.
2000 play pharaoh, no cleopatra, that time still consider world map like paper history,
fpe 2000 pro cheat money like paper score,
tell story of israel under egypt like paper air;
2024 now play nebuchadnezzar, this time just consider 68000 side pocket stack,
cheat engine x86_64 just disturb game feeling,
after hex condition all meet, continue test map, the winning button never be welcome.
without 2nd sim chn char, song can only use low tune,
the high tune just like the winning button in nebuchadnezzar,
perform a decimal gathering, only if dprk.
so many high tune during chairman deng time never be succeed,
due to no economy, so in china to forge sound especially high tune, just gamble economy.
wc never outside cheng du, i was born used,
wc never outsider chong qing, i was 18 year used,
to compatible this 2 wc,
just like compatible dprk leader and rok leader,
now in east ukraine and west russia this 2 wc meet:(
when play nebuchadnezzar,
start point road to cover all boundary of map, this will prevent theft warehouse goods,
factory road and liveing road never connect, only use market to link goods,
this support windows frameworks, road become frame,
when there is a shell, there is a way, unix is real right:)
when have to preserve so many port and fishport on bank,
this support meta, no port or fishport will be outside map, all must be display,
when japan use mame to produce 3 kingdom game, there is always a imagine outside map:(
street fighter, chun li, still trigger outside map,
only kof, no outside map method;
nes popeye, no outside map,
nes super arabian, no outside map.
2024\12\12, it's a day to say goodbye to cartoon, due to outside map existence game over:|
my number land reset to 1990,
1989 fall primary grade 1, while kindergarten grade 3 never real produce number,
1991 fall primary grade 3, 1 time equation just out,
the sound x use to declare prize land, all disappear,
while x86 syntax the face x still declare prize land, the hardest [esp] in hla regex, eat [0*8],
i just for sound,
that time x sound like dalai lama tantra, use group body, so does iran king math olympiad,
when there is no sound for group body, it's clear only single body on duty,
so my 1991 begin x, face for group body is dust, x86 meta succeed.
below word,
1st based on asia land 2nd sim chn char game over, means no kid succeed,
2nd based on china land never touched by mikado blood, means no japan crown credit.
student sound, teacher sound, already separate,
the most victim is cctv,
the most benefit is iphone,
when 2002 i in uestc main area,
mobile declare single private sound in road,
cctv-5 declare group public sound in dinner room,
this is the breakpoint and conflict of prize sound,
one time equation x already join, single prize, public prize, only select one.
still based on 1 time equation x,
x sex sound key of tik tok of china,
x sex face key of meta of france,
only x86 programmer still corperate.
i don't think c bas programmer real corperate based on sex x key.
my land, guy drop german av girl, only trust japan av girl.
windows 7 game over,
windows 11 only leaves cheat engine and playboy,
no other sex x key, merely for equation which always be solved.
the now time user support windows 10,
just llike me support windows 7,
when the day no computer can install windows 10,
program windows10;
begin windows10;
stdout.put("this pc never support install windows 10.",nl);
stdout.put("this pc only support install windows 12.",nl);
end windows 10;
2024\11\15, now i legal recycle 1996- playboy girl back,
1996- playboy girl front = 1 time equation x:(
and this is the reason why must iran king, never iran leader, x of sex:|
finally windows 11 update from 23h to 24h,
cheng du urine produce tibet,
chong qing urine produce japan,
to shot tibet urine, feel very hard,
to shot japan urine, feel very soft.
2008 tibet shot urine,
2011 japan shot urine.
due to urine, no exam paper last 18+ years,
2024\12\17, just my place,
dalai lama and mikado just on water, water soon become urine,
bhutan visited by mikado in 2019 means nothing,
the urine surround dalai lama,
the urine surround mikado,
my left body in tibet and dprk is zerg power overwhelming by hearthstone rafamm,
my right body in japan and rok is terran power overwhelming by hearthstone rafamm,
while rafamm is iran king/leader:(
i read 4 books and 5 classics paper in nk which printed using taiwan char,
i read bamboo annals paper in uestc which printed using mainland char,
1996- exam paper error all get free, which never keep credit for life time,
error only legal in exam paper, now have to be construct every year,
correct and error use the same urine.
1996 english exam paper error is for life time,
1997 english exam paper error is for 1 year,
1995 fall 1 or 2 week before junior middle school, my father teach my single class english,
that time primary school never teach english,
just this english exam paper error,
chong qing mountain never exist,
cheng du mountain still exist.
chong qing forest of my place,
cheng du forest of my place.
chong qing forest of hong kong,
cheng du forest of myanmar.
now i don't want to trigger the war between forest,
but i understand why 1976 no tree exist in joint security area.
the junior middle school i live,
in cheng du time, just like a forest,
now only the biggest tree leave, but move position:(
in chong qing time, just like a half forest,
new chong qing kid only see new chong qing tree:)
i 1983 born in Sichuan Provincial Forestry Central Hospital, still next to Chengdu Tibet Hotel, on baidu map,
my mother blood sister brother 2003 live in that street, Sichuan Forestry Survey and Planning Institute,
on website this still on former location, but my father blood brother work in it,
say it move from 1st ring road to 3rd ring road, live very inconvenient,
so map i trust baidu char, while detail i trust relative char,
2003 my mother blood sister brother visit this school, the chong qing tree they never need to see:(
finally import ivory and papyrus,
no city build game will have industry to produce ivory,
china every year still import ivory, the africa elephant rmb:(
if windows can support dual program, now time operation system still single program,
iran math olympiad real support dual paper, like king and leader,
on exam is legal paper and illegal draft,
then i can play pharaoh a new era in one window,
and play nebuchadnezzar in another window,
if not hla windows program, i never know inactive window never support japan av girl:)
i just mean, then i can trade between pharaoh and nebuchadnezzar,
clever persian still perfrom invader role:|
in china wei dynasty and jin dynasty,
china king see roman,
in china wu dynasty,
china king live with roman,
but only in jin dynasty,
china history paper write down, egypt papyrus of rome anti water.
to let tibetan trust other eye, is impossible, prince snow mountain, saudi arabia prince,
to let jew trust other ear, is impossible, beta isreal, blizzard beta test.
the former kindergarten already be buried, none can find, unless destroy now time primary school,
1989, i just in kingergarten grade 3, age between 5 and 6,
one day, kids all shout, i get married.
i only know, this sound mode, not sound content, new chong qing kid never repeat.
uestc kindergarten just block the way between main area and run xin building,
finally when i was 19, my cheng du kindergarten sound be recycled.
the railway station command by cheng du of my place,
its kindergarten never shut down or change position,
other kindergarten of my place all do this thing,
but its kid never have cheng du sound.
and this is chinese culture area facts, without sound, history will other kid act, if it like.
uestc exam paper blank secured by cheng du guard kid,
nk exam paper blank secured by chong qing guard kid,
1996- exam paper blank no guard kid secure any longer.
2003 cheng du high exam cheat, which stop whole china exam paper universe blank,
surname chn.yang.tree kid and chn.wei.guard kid surface conflict,
1976 joint security area tree affair, that tree is chn.yang.tree.
this school once live 2 chn.yang.tree girl, both 1 or 2 year older than me,
1 always prize me, 1 always punish me,
prize girl home visited by thief, punish girl home enough guest,
my father was born by chn.yang.tree woman, so i can't hate mikado by personal:)
1995 junior middle school for cheng du, 2 chn.yang.tree boy and 1 chn.yang.tree girl under my father,
1997 junior middle school for chong qing, 2 chn.yang.tree boy all leave my father,
this chn.yang.tree girl score is perfect, face is ugly, body is perfect.
in japan, only 1 chn.yang.tree girl,
in korea, 2 chn.yang.tree girl,
in china, 3 chn.yang.tree girl.
2002, when my mother blood grandfather die, night train to cheng du,
on the railway, i dream dinosaur;
when i in uestc or not, still night train on the railway, this time to chong qing,
again dream dinosaur;
just this bedroom, may windows 10 time, i dream dinosaur.
so i can prove i dream dinosaur 3 times, only just dream.
when i was in junior middle school, once i dream i'm on train:)
this room and railway bridge direct distance is between 100 and 150 meter.
this railway, when cheng du time, is just a constant wc:(
this railway, when chong qing time, is just a constant natural reserve:)
2024\12\21, no public kid land,
now i was 41, but i again see my 12 private kid land legal, in fact still 2nd sim chn char,
when i was 13, this already be judge illegal.
now only dprk still have public kid land,
so many korea kid die in east ukraine and west russia,
kiev can never produce this public kid land due to its president.
finally chong qing also never have any public kid land,
if that must be cheng du 2nd sim chn char.
why i say see,
because that time's kid,
if use 2nd sim chn char public kid land once,
its height will be large,
i once see a former class visit this school again,
only 1 classmate is very tall while other is average,
so i only accept water again join my body,
but this water that time can never be tall:(
kid live in this school,
that time only 1 girl is very tall while other is average.
i think this thing still happen in dprk,
1 very tall kid with enough average kid.
while biden still president,
trump this guy,
my left body can never afford dual no.
so trump will still on guy position until he become real president:(
former version:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
update version:
slap japan prime minister,
trump this guy.
cheng du blind,
chong qing blind,
finally separate.
main reason is protection,
chuan char always protect cheng du blind,
yv char always protect chong qing blind.
the most joke is,
chairman hua 2nd sim chn char correct,
chairman deng 1st sim chn char error,
cheng du blind still support,
chong qing blind still support,
while there is no province to support them:(
left commentary to spring autumn annal,
homer's epics,
both writer are blind,
and this prove homer is iranian not greek:)
mame side pocket, can screen support cheng du blind and chong qing blind the same time,
mesen side pocket, can only screen support any of both,
arcade house always be visited by cheng du kid and chong qng kid,
subor home always limited to own province.
paper have left body and right body,
which means left urine and right urine.
this windows 11 pc never have left body and right body,
former windows 7 pc use paper left body and rigth body,
iphone steal paper right urine and ignore paper left urine.
when outside room draft paper join this pc room,
left urine also join.
chairman deng pc right urine,
chairman hua paper left urine,
no ai perform left urine due to no ai created paper especially draft paper:)
this joined paper left urine only support cheat engine and playboy:(
1996-, bad pupil never use draft paper, only join arcade house,
good pupil draft paper against homework paper is 10:1, and must produce key like cheat engine.
on paper draft paper just like on pc blizard dlc,
if not high quality, none will wait half a year,
i remember some of my iran math olympiad paper cost more than 1 week,
so even this hla never safe enough to use my former draft paper:|
an example is huarong road, in summer vocation, solved on draft paper,
more than 1 week, and i don't want to solve it again:(
jus this opera display cheat engine home page,
draft book blank page with a pen next to this pc,
this monday morning right urine and left urine so this combine:(
eac, battleeye, vac, i never see any chance any of them can be write down on the draft paper,
bombay lack left urine, rich right urine.
helped by playboy, if not cheng du water, can never feel cheng du poor,
but the problem is, other province poor who accept cheng du rich?
in uestc 3 year, only 2005-2006 real feel cheng du poor,
2002-2004 i always perform chong qing rich, no cheng du land trust,
chong qing never lack rich,
while cheng du never lack poor:(
if like 1998-2001 in nk, i already a real chong qing rich:)
qiong2 zi4 bi4 you2 shui3 sheng1 cheng2,
fu4 zi4 qia4 ru2 ci3 tang2 shi1,
zi4 gu3 sao1 ke4 nan2 fu4 qiong2,
qiong2 zi4 qian1 zai3 shang1 gu3 yin1.
in nk, every week i can produce a china poem,
in uestc, even 1 month i still can't produce a china poem.
japan gold char is based on mikado,
in chong qing the only thing i can do is to drink cheng du water:)
for my former cheng du gold,
i have to say goodbye,
if body use other gold,
no serect hide.
star venus, chn.(jin xing).(gold star),
only japan satellite still exist.
2006 around, just in cheng du, i read taiwan char 3 kingdom history,
found no gold to support reading:(
pyramid, chn.(jin zi ta).(gold char tower),
2000 i buy pharaoh in nk, 2006 i buy cleopatra in uestc,
gold char still cheng du production,
now pharaoh a new era,
gold char already japan production,
so this game never have twice chance,
while iranian still act in nebuchadnezzar:(
prince of persia,
prince snow mountain of saudi arabia,
who can crack?
caesar 3 must appear persia,
pharaoh must appear persia,
zeus already in persia,
emperor rise of middle kingdom already have persia,
so persia is a shadow nation:(
and this prove iran math olympiad select cheat engine,
while there is no persia city build game,
so there is no framework of iran math.
this same room, even lack electricity use candle,
1996- water under cheng du, in night, how to hide light is very important:)
now kvass water from cheng du, in night, how to use light is very important:(
for birth water light usage,
special time have to roll back to original version,
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
rome have persia prince,
egypt have persia king,
greece have persia king who rebuild athens which use till now,
china have persia prince,
prince of persia birth water in night always use light,
i think i just solve no persia city build game by talent birth water night light:)
2024\12\24, drink the last birth water which half support playboy, i just understand,
why fuse of penoponnesian war must be a bar prostitute,
i read this book of uestc library, may this record still on dbf:(
if persia never conquer athens,
rome empire capital will still be arthens,
so iranian have the fully reason to never trust caesar and zeus city build game:)
persia king gift 20,000 archer to pompey,
persia king send prince to pompey,
persia king gift land to pompey;
caesar win legion without pompey in spain,
caesar vs pompey in pharsarus near macedonia, pompey win but never take his command center,
pompey be assassinate near alexandaria, by former subordinate;
all mediterranean pirate under pompey son order.
so based on pompey's personal treat, again single version,
slap japan prime minister,
trump this guy.
bo1 si1 wang2 zi3 tian1 xia4 heng2,
da4 qin2 guo2 wang2 jie1 yvn3 ming4,
ma3 ya3 wen2 zi4 wu3 dang1 shan1,
xin1 jiang1 yi1 li2 mi2 gong1 cheng2.
my place, a road separate the granary,
gate left is railway station now kid sound never speak cheng du sound but real command by cheng du,
gate right still exist a empty hospital none live, the only empty building in hot market place,
1996- cheng du sun math rank all disappear,
1997+ chong qing moon math rank all set up,
it's just a handoff of group chuan death char to group yv death char,
not so regular like handover ceremony from biden to trump.
chn.si3.death, chn.(si4 chuan1).(4 river, province),
sound main body is the same.
in fact, real personal thing is,
this morning dawn between night and light,
i just dream,
on the north peak of street, i see the light above south peak of street,
then i ride bicycle, towards south street,
finally a fishing line and down stair,
this is only for eye;
when the dream broke,
my left body burst sound,
chn.(zhong1 zheng2 xing1, bu2 de2 xing2),
only trust stomach sound know this sound, at least my throat can never produce, but real use my body,
never like manderin, my place local sound only 1 2 tune, never exist 3 4 tune.
i never like to sign my name,
but real thing is,
after 1996 become top rank, my name sound is always chn.(zhong1.zheng3.xing1), for manderin prize,
before 1995 i still guy, my name is this sound chn.(zhong1.zheng2.xing1), for local use,
and this sound never use my right body:(
though my left hand can use pen, but all labor do by right hand pen.
after my father visit paris, his left body manderin prize sound all disappear,
no jew sound can hide in my place,
example just like my name sound:)
this again support cheat engine and playboy,
all china local kid use left body stomach sound to support ce pb,
while this hla and cctv girl only use china local kid right body sound, this never be stomach sound:(
2007, the same time i buy a pure course of mathematics english original version in cheng du,
the same time i use left hand write chinese char number instead of this pc number,
i think this is a good solution for failure math rank number,
math rank can never death char unrelated:(
only after drink coffee,
now in the new chong qing, yv group death char,, math rank number,
play marvel snap and nebuchadnezzar,
i think nebuchadnezzar real name is cyrus in the name of coffee:|
on draft paper, iran math olympiad can never be recycle,
the key number is the whole page number sound,
this is calculus number sound can never do,
cheat engine key hex temporary perform this whole page sound,
playboy top girl temporary perform this whole page sound,
but this room which 1996 write 2nd sim chn char calculus,
still belongs to this windows 11,
but iran math olympiad whole page sound,
france calculus whole page face,
can never combine any more.
2007 is the last year chairman hua live,
also the last year draft paper iran math olympiad number obey calculus windows.
when gold successful transfer from cheng du to chong qing,
only labour money can never copy,
before 1996,
so many tibetan body do labour in now chong qing area.
for right hand group labour consideration,
chong qing body history before 1996 all erased,
chong qing surface history before 1996 still use new gold.
1998 when i am in nk,
at least 3 artist girl of my grade play dance zhu mu lang ma,
it's just a labour memory which will never happen again.
1988 though surface again,
1989 real stop labour.
this desk 1989 still for dual kid of junior middle school use,
1990 january when this building complete then for primary school single kid use,
though this 1989 desk 1996 write down 2nd sim chn calculus addition on draft paper,
but this 1989 desk 2024 only provide 2nd sim chn primary addition for this windows 11,
and this is the reason why the now time guy trump can't lose:(
and the now time president biden never have tibetan peak body:)
i only use ps1 play samurai shodown,
then all x86 pc from starcraft,
astro bot is biden,
black myth wukong is trump.
1996-, school 2nd sim chn prize still can cover farm home prize,
1997+, school 1st sim chn punish reject by farm home punish,
dprk school prize cover farm home prize,
rok school punish reject by farm home punish.
i was the limited cheng du kid, which use 2nd sim chn in city center and farm border,
no city kid can real act farm home prize,
no farm kid can real act city home punish.
japan av girl long nipple, only china taiwan korea produce,
still use draft paper, replace the mountain peak,
iran math olympiad just follow this way,
only playboy top girl can borrow,
table tennis also use this,
so again prove side pocket is the fair way due to girl sex body:(
kill bill, the french girl use wu dang taoism acupoint hit to destroy coffin,
fist of north star, the two finger acupoint hit,
chinese culture area leader on platform, also use two finger to issue command to whole land,
i just mean, consider the japan av girl two long nipple, think it's two finger,
this is the french assassin girl can never real master,
while the french playboy top girl can easily body exchange:(
win 11 23h, vcmi 1.5, hla compile, every thing is ok, even symbolic link, trust app for hla,
win 11 24h, vcmi 1.6, hla compile, onedrive protection stop vcmi update, hla compile 1st cloud 2nd local.
to understand above, must know compile,
when 1998 i see fpe95 while the same time nk full of iran math olympiad,
only 1 generation passed, nk empty iran math olympiad, the taiwan nk fpe95 dos screen laugh at last.
1st sim chn has addition number, so new addition number,
2nd sim chn has subtraction number, so new subtraction number.
farm kid though have own land, its new addition can never expand,
city kid though have own land, its new subtraction can never spread.
2000 fall, while i in nk, new boy bedroom building 4th floor, i'm in 407,
farm good pupil still struggle on iran math olympiad, even saturday and sunday,
after 2001, finally half join spy university named by white house, half join nuclear plant planned by kremlin,
city bad pupil bring laptop and nba 2000 into bedroom to enjoy everyday life.
i was born in cheng du city center and grow in chong qing farm border,
so i understand both, but each other never know each other,
though everyday face to face on the 4th floor:(
after 1997 separation,
cheng du city blood still city blood,
chong qing farm blood still farm blood,
cheng du farm blood useless just a blank,
chong qing city blood useless still a blank.
in china, the face custom display all:|
in uestc, the day join 4th mental hospital, the next day disciple 2 elf 6th saga begin,
before join, meet 3 guy, no familiar face, so 3 new guy face,
all 3 face full of confidence, i just see them the 1st time:(
1 new face lie and use taxi to take me to hospital,
2 new face force me to join hospital,
so only face is honest, sound and body do lie:)
1996 spring, when i know i from guy level to top level,
i just play with friends in a former junior middle school master home,
that school just on the long river right bank,
while this junior middle school on the long river left bank,
2005 i 1st time reach that town area,
if success in uestc, i may never visit that school:(
the only regret thing is, the top face i use to play disciple 2 elf in 2004,
stop ever in sage 6 begin,
in fact, elf always use the same legal face, never change like meta,
but always illegal sound change like tik tok and uestc:)
so just for face reason, only useful in chinese culture area,
i already prove, uestc sound and body are all lie, only uestc face prove itself,
slap japan prime minister,
trump this guy.
so again, i have to support iran king,
the no face iran leader who trust!
without face, all iran king hill which iran math olympiad used in china,
will find new face, so a tip for clever iran, there is no free legal face of chinese culture area:|
cyrus face, just obey asia credit,
china 3 kingdom history, the key role guan yv die, only his face is credit, body uesless.
2024\12\29, the most unpolite way, but necessary,
dark elf of disciples 2 elf,
dark elf of warlords battlecry 2,
russian still keep death face credit this acient asia way, real elf landed europe,
japanese produce so many 3 kingdom game, disappear in warlords battlecry 3, fake elf landed europe,
after 2008 cheng du earthquake, so many new created death face creidt, no sound, no body,
is anyone try to dig this out, like disciples 2 elf saga 1?
2004 i just play disciples 2 elf chinese edition in uestc run xin building 1 room 336.
1998 fall -2001 spring i just in nk, 2000-2001 i own pc in chong qing;
2002 fall - 2004 spring, 2005 fall - 2006 spring, i just in uestc, i never own pc in cheng du,
while i have enough copyleft disc and few copyright disc.
due to cyrus, his face and queen face rule nation scythia,
it's about carrhae,
crassus die by own wish, no iran murder, death face credit,
the gold in his mouth may still on use in north korea,
the iran general also follow the way, death face credit,
53 bc, theater begin,
36 bc, publius city of china, north hun king also do death face credit.
i never think this french produced iran leader so useful, but on shadow side:(
once kid share left hand watch,
now kid self left hand iphone.
once kid have to produce right hand draft,
now kid have to produce right hand pc.
2024\12\31, still between night and light, still in dream,
but this time my left body speak japanese, even i don't understand his meaning,
in uestc copyleft shop, i buy japan av girl disc, which still in this room:)
in uestc book shop, i buy japan alphabet teach book, finally give up:(
in uestc library, i borrow japan big dictionary, only find av girl picture in it more useful:)
in uestc library, i borrow japan history, char never write follow chinese way:(
but 1 thing is true, group left sound serve dalai lama, group left sound serve mikado,
slap in this windows 11 bedroom:|
but this again prove the sound value of 2nd sim chn char,
my left body after 1983 birth, only 2007 write some page for own prize,
my right body 1988 begin write, 2024 write birth 2nd sim chn char for own punish.
1975, chairman hua visit tibet, legal tibet slave,
1980, chairman hua visit japan, japan prime minister die,
1950, chairman deng enter tibet, dalai lama,
1978, chairman deng enter japan, mikado.
german version:
slap japan prime minister,
trump this guy.
chinese sharp:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
indiana jones and the great circle, attila orc marauder, germany,
black myth wukong, publius turkish guardian, china.
it's all about iran math olympiad, proved by draft,
the same key number which is tang monk,
in the same classroom,
math lesson is math key number,
physics lesson is physics key number,
chemistry lesson is chemistry key number,
indiana just try to rob this different key number by version,
wukong just try to protect this same key number by sharp.
junior middle school,
grade 1, 1995 fall - 1996 spring, i meet math key number,
grade 2, 1996 fall - 1997 spring, i meet physics key number,
grade 3, 1997 fall - 1998 spring, i meet chemistry key number.
senior middle school,
grade 1 2 3, 1998 fall - 2002 spring, i meet math physics chemistry key number.
grade 3, 2001 fall - 2002 spring, i meet biology key number.
grade 1 2 3, 1995 fall - 1998 spring, i meet biology draft number.
iran math olympiad key number realm,
in china is king,
in germany is queen,
only poem is ring,
but labour is thing.
grade 1, 1998 fall - 1999 spring, i meet biology draft number.
1996, my place is cheng du kid group mountain cry,
2024, my place is chong qing kid group mountain cry.
from 1989 on, the same time i watch nes and write homework,
on draft paper, x y z can be shared by group,
on x86 memory, eax ecx edx only belongs to single,
paper tik tok use x y z group sound,
cpu meta use eax ecx edx single face.
the paper x y z i use in nk, the paper x y z i use in uestc, still meet in this room,
the cpu eax ecx edx i use in nk, the cpu eax ecx edx i use in uestc, never meet in this room.
once iran math olympiad,
when key number produced, normally just the answer number link to score number on exam paper,
the paper x y z on draft disappear, in fact without them will never reach answer number.
now france x86 hacking,
when key number produced, normally just the input number link to access number on server,
the cpu eax ecx edx on memory disappear, in fact without them will never reach input number.
in france, there is enough success china answer number + input number kid,
in china, there is enough failure draft x y z + memory eax ecx edx kid.
once national factory act as expanded classroom,
now workshop just like bedroom.
national factory land:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
workshop land:
slap japan prime minister,
trump this guy.
2nd sim chn char legal use national factory land,
1st sim chn char legal use workshop land.
2nd sim chn char money, never lack land,
1st sim chn char money, never lack gold.
4 land of cheng du, chairman hua time, use whole china land,
4 land of cheng du, chairman deng time, use whole china gold.
2025\1\1, on this windows 11, i'm not sure on windows 7 like in net bar,
4 of cheng du can never do land gold switch freely,
and also the direct result, unless i travel in cheng du, i can never touch my birth land gold.
finally, when the free land 4 or gold 4 cut off in chong qing,
i have to become chong qing people, all body is ok, only birth be attacked:)
2003, that time i just in uestc,
when cheng du success switch 1st exam 4 to 2nd exam 4,
whole china just switch cheng du birth 4 to cheng du death 4,
2004 after high exam, my chong qing body 4 switch from uestc 4 to 4th mental hospital 4.
so a joke, the popular ancestor money on internet, its 4 still produced by cheng du,
my place the railway station command by cheng du, only a town, now surround by barbed wire,
2 hall just large enough like the station waiting hall, both do funeral on railway 2 sides next to waiting hall:(
it's only about net bar x86 pc and home x86 pc, school bedroom x86 pc is random,
caesar, pharaoh, zeus, emperor, nebuchadnezzar,
never be played in net bar, 2 hour time can never afford enjoy,
always be played in home, 2 week time can real reach enjoy,
2000, my 1st x86 pc, is p3, my 1st x86 soft buy by myself, is pharaoh original,
the money i earn from top rank, all is this pc:)
1997- top rank money on 1st pc:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
1997+ top rank money on 1st pc:
slap japan prime minister,
trump this guy.
this windows 11 still succeed the 1st pc money:(
2000 buy pharaoh, 1st is cheap, 68 rmb, lords of magic 138 rmb, so attila beat by money:)
both in chong qing hundred goods building near nk,
2nd is cheat, use cg to advertise game, only after install know this trick,
2006 in cheng du uestc street, 49 rmb buy pharaoh cleopatra,
but use game content to advertise game, that pharaoh cd never enter chong qing, only cleopatra cd upgrade this cd,
so nebuchadnezzar success is just like civilization 7 viet nam sword,
only by economy and trick through arab, never by personal wish:(
the same time with nes,
history book always read in home,
only picture book outside handed by every kid,
so the violation between history book and picture book,
replace by the violation between home pc and net bar pc,
this time not by key char, but by time real spend on exe.
now on wikipedia, china can't open, so wikipedia similar,
its char once all belongs to history book,
its picture once all belongs to picture book,
so by myself, nebuchadnezzar > wikipedia char,
blizzard > wikipedia picture,
the time of book can never repeat:(
history book with no picture, only chinese char:
chn_shi ji,
chn_san guo zhi,
chn_qvan qiu tong shi_1500 qian_1500 hou,
chn_li shi_xi luo duo de,
chn_bo luo ben ni sa zhan zheng shi_xiu xi di de,
never support meta, only use tik tok:(
chn_wei da de de guo nong min zhan zheng, german peasant rebel,
knights and merchants remake, knights province.
so if meta try to use any chinese char of history book,
even france own history,
must pay tik tok sound fee,
not about history content itself,
but for so many chinese char have to read:)
in china, there is no public sound,
so france government no chance to use these chinese sound for france history:|
so fool biden shut down tik tok, all chinese char private sound for france history cut off,
so clever trump bribe tik tok, all chinese char private sound for france history owe fame.
for chinese char private sound for history book, now in tik tok:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
for french word private face for history book, now in meta:
slap japan prime minister,
trump this guy.
only laptop know how windows 11 save battery,
and desktop nvidia will never trigger:)
now i just continue play nebuchadnezzar campaign 9 babylon,
gaugamela, iran king use own war chariot to destroy own troop, lead to greece king win,
constantinople, rome king use own greek fire to destroy own fleet, lead to france king win.
it's about civilization 7,
when call to power 2 use up all chinese history private sound,
this meta build theater only use own france history private face,
random map support random face,
constant map support random sound,
whether france history game or china history game,
both must meet in babylon,
babylon face and babylon sound,
this is for windows 11,
any survive windows 7 still combine chinese history private sound and french history private face,
history always cost home land, now time affair always cost public land.
if french treat 3 kingdom game as chinese sound version civilization,
produced by japan, while i only know japan char, never know japan sound even in av girl:)
there is always constant map, every new version always create random sound theater,
which use tik tok china history private sound.
it's all about private land usage especially home on history, and it's never free.
before french and chinese know this, they must first support playboy and cheat engine,
if this two never trigger, they can never meet in babylon like me now in nebuchadnezzar:(
iran math key number under chairman hua, use china tax number,
iran math olympiad key number under chairman deng, use china tax number,
when iran key number never try to cheat own self in nebuchadnezzar,
the china tax number land it still never try to give out,
it's again prove the china hill belongs to iran king,
they are all tax land,
never belongs to iran leader.
for iran king, china hill, tax number land:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
for iran leader, france pool, tax number water:
slap japan prime minister,
trump this guy.
1997 before chong qing cheng du separation, still on top rank, so chuan char on use,
single left eye disappear, group right eye disappear.
2025, remain top rank, so yv char on use,
group left eye disappear, single right eye disappear.
it's a advice for french spy, not for french legal,
real air never like pc screen, apple goggles on starcrat 2 only land france,
real spy in china only free in sound, have to obey air:(
air on mediterranean is dumb,
water on tibet is blind,
it's again prove babylon,
dumb air become half body group half body single on command,
blind water become half body group half body single on command,
after upgrade,
mediterranean air join tibet,
tibet water join mediterranean.
for once high quality japan av girl,
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
for now time no quality japan tv girl,
slap japan prime minster,
trump this guy.
1996- classroom, after final exam, addition all disappear, subtraction all remain.
1997+ classroom, after final exam, subtraction all disappear, addition all remain.
book is always thick enough to do a 10 cm subtraction.
apple is always thin enough to do a 1 cm addition.
still this desk, once book on it, thick 1 meter:)
still this desk, this hp laptop windows 11, thin 2 cm:(
outside paper room, draft book already write hla program, real thick for subtraction:)
this pc room, hla hide editor though write hla program, can't produce thick subtraction:(
2025\1\5 this night.
2000, when fool pharaoh join this room, remain 1 meter thick book,
2025, when clever nebuchadnezzar join this room, only outside room draft book, and for hla.
finally duty for chuan char mandarin over, especially for subtraction use,
i never outside cheng du chong qing, so i never punish any other province land in the name of mandarin correct.
same place new chong qing kid yv char mandarin duty on,
quality never too good, other province may never obey punishment, but will allow legal land,
main reason i just know, without 2nd sim chn char, no universe subtraction land of china.
just like meta is meta of face of france,
tik tok is meta of sound of china,
heraldry mainly for addition land declaration,
folk mainly for subtraction land declaration.
for chuan char mandarin, 2nd sim chn char, group kid, now i can't speak:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
for yv char mandarin, 1st sim chn char, group kid, now i forced to speak:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
2025\1\6, in china, teacher sound is always gamble,
like me place, same teacher, same land,
cheng du time teach chuan char mandarin to group kid,
chong qing time teach yv char mandarin to group kid,
it's just a paradox for china sound meta custom,
famous example is guo mo ruo, no china sound for him.
now come the real paradox,
any cctv link with guo mo ruo,
the host girl boy just sound prize him,
people in front of tv just sound curse him,
if a noble once use guy sound, can never get rid:(
when i once in uestc,
i first time hear my roommate use orc language to curse guo mo ruo,
my roommate is guang dong ke jia ren,
i never know orc language or guang dong language:)
this night i first time know guo mo ruo is cheng du people:(
the former 2nd sim chn char custom, always ignore province,
all chinese hate all japanese, except av girls:)
after i lose all cheng du sound,
then use all chong qing sound.
chong qing no char sound 2002 i write,
cheng du no char sound 2002 i eat,
only this two no sound mix.
cheng du no char sound 2006 i eat,
chong qing no char sound 1997 i write,
both two no sound are real, but can never be found on any japan av girl.
super no char sound in dprk,
dust no char sound in rok.
same classroom, only surface modified,
1995 fall my class girl nipple produce chuan char 2nd sim chn char no sound,
2025 spring new class girl nipple produce yv char 1st sim chn char no sound,
1 time only 1 group girl, nipple share:(
same classroom group girl nipple no char sound, 30 years ago, windows 95:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
same classroom group girl nipple no char sound, now time, windows 11:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
2025\1\7, now do switch job, not switch nes to switch 2,
just write down hla no char on draft book from pdf from single official site which always change content,
switch from chuan char 2nd sim chn char no char,
to yv char 1st sim chn char no char,
i can never do this for bas or c:)
with battery, this windows 11 screen always lower brightness, finally black screen:(
while the paper from outside room always on sunshine:)
just same char which command cpu not paper,
switch from power not enough screen,
to sunshine enough even with rain paper.
this also trigger the violation between bitcoin and rmb,
must legal cpu then can land china,
while rmb always legal on mountain peak and lake bottom of china,
only compatible in hacker wallet:|
2nd sim chn time,
different book, different province, will see same example,
same subor, same nes, will see different hack version.
now connect to power,
use glass to watch this windows screen, 1st sim chn custom,
use bare eye to watch draft paper, 2nd sim chn custom,
from 1998 nk on, till 2006 uestc end, i always use glass to watch pc screen,
from 1988 to 1998, i always use bare eye to watch draft paper,
draft paper like rmb, can easily link to mountain and lake,
this pc screen just obey heraldry, still same face of fbi:)
russia police face is whole russia, china police face is whole china,
ukraine police face is its home, fbi police face is its home.
when guard vs guard on face,
han vs hun, again trigger surname chn.wei4.guard,
history repeat by personal, not by book record:(
now i understand 2022\8\8 fbi action,
and 2023\11\15 fbi action,
face gamble fbi is just nebuchadnezzar gamble cheat engine,
i think in developer mode, there must be cheat code.
i think now iran king leave fbi face,
to receive china police hill sound,
is the best choice,
there is no babylon switch of mediterranean air and tibet water in usa,
all is new, only person land is o.
chong qing group school bedroom finally replace cheng du group school bedroom.
no chong qing single school bedroom,
no cheng du single school bedroom.
2008 cheng du build enough new group school bedroom,
2011 tokyo erase enough old group school bedroom.
2025 chong qing hotel bedroom and cheng du hotel bedroom,
1996 cheng du school bedroom and chong qing school bedroom,
though low quality, but better than no quality.
the rank air belongs to school bedroom,
is the most constant,
also is the most disappearance,
so an advice,
low rank and no rank chinese never smell tibet air,
so high also earthquake:(
for tibet 2nd sim chn char air rank airquake:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
for tibet 1st sim chn char air rank tibetanstan:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
1983, i before born and after born, all in tibet area of cheng du,
only born in cheng du near tibet hotel,
so i understand serf obey dalai lama,
if not chong qing vice capital air rank higher than cheng du province air rank,
no chance to wind out tibet air:(
india dalai lama still use former legal 2nd sim chn char china map,
never update to now time legal 1st sim chn char china map,
while china have to reserve a air rank for him like reserve a air rank for taiwan nipponese:|
1985 there is a reserve 2nd sim chn char sanxia province, but only vance success born:)
so i never consider my born time air rank can really land chong qing:(
down china poem just prove,
meta heraldry useless,
tik tok folk keep history:
i can give chinese char for former china poem on this hla website,
just treat them coff obj, if i give, just like link obj to exe,
will destroy many intermediate chinese culture area char,
all china poem with chinese char i write, are chong qing sound,
former still exist cheng du sound:(
tibet mudslide during paris olympiad,
yesterday tibet airquake on 4500 meter,
while chong qing is 400 meter, peak 3000 meter once belongs to hubei province,
this is the sound height difference,
so these write out china poem just consider 400 meter height land body:)
if cheng du give peak emei 3000 meter to chong qing, real impossible, only for final fantasy:)
now time hubei peak still 3000 meter,
so i never hope any cheng du sound have body chance:(
due to 2nd sim chn char airquake in tibet,
15th dalai lama already use air,
india dalai lama and china dalai lama is the only military solution.
15th china dalai lama, dpk capital air,
15th india dalai lama, rok capital air.
without 2nd sim chn char, just without shared correct,
chinese can never translate other language, none will obey self correct like shandong province,
shandong kid never learn 2nd sim chn char, in uestc i just sleep next to one:(
mikado kid know 10 other language, due to mikado shared correct,
but i don't think he know my chinese, while i know his av girls:)
but in dbf not use 2x,
consider the left sword sound calculus already use.
same time's cartoon, rurouni kenshin,
saito hajime, this official samurai, only use left hand sword to kill, never use right hand sword.
last russia kingdom prince visit japan,
still a official samurai, like recently trump, actor prince only right ear be sword touched due to bad assassin,
bato ho lai, this top skill even eye can't see, only ear knows:(
two attack all keen on prince right ear,
in real fight at least 5 samurai already half body to half body,
only russia king blood receive this honour.
when iran assassin touch saladin face, why that knife no poison?
1996 si chuan group school clothes,
succeeded by 2024 chong qing group school clothes.
1996 si chuan single school body,
overthrown by 2024 chong qing single school body.
pool never like usa basketball or china table tennis,
always happen direct winning losing ball on important location,
french and chinese all can perform intermediate ball on random location,
and this is the final result for french and chinese single competition,
in boxing, chinese always be beaten down by french muscle,
in kungfu, french always be acupoint hit down by chinese thin finger.
rodman is jordan's 2nd body, he then join wrestling,
taoism acupoint hit, kill bill's final scene, again china table tennis left hand player.
today 2024\12\2, chong qing and cheng du will never use the same data:(
my place still receive chong qing and cheng du command sound same time,
school always chong qing command sound,
railways station always cheng du command sound,
1996 my place group school clothes, 1st/2nd sim chn char no on them,
1996 my place single school body, 1st/2nd sim chn char yes in it.
though side pocket nes success use 6502 asm on mesen,
side pocket mame debug 68000 asm still no land,
nes mainly use single body in home,
mame mainly use group clothes in arcade house.
so it's a repeat generation for cheat engine:)
and a repeat generation for hla:(
right hand 10 still on use,
left hand 9 still on use.
for chairman deng time top rank kid,
who already join iran math olympiad,
their left hand always use 10.
it's not a good news for iran leader,
for this is a lie he must join.
dprk now time top rank kid,
not including death in east ukraine and west russia mix area,
their left hand always use 10.
my father teach english as a volunteer,
he never visit london but paris,
his left hand 10 still in louvre gold room.
in china sui dynasty,
the only success rebel leader who anti king,
his surname has 2 legal sound,
which means left hand use 10.
when chinese cough,
like samurai shodown ukyo,
my place people now always do,
it's the former tax 10 sound used by left hand,
now only clothes no body,
i never see cheng du people do this cough,
the last time i smell cheng du air is 2010.
after my father this year visit tokyo,
sui dynasty king land repair his left hand 10,
china surname yang which sui dynasty king use in japan,
is just reach home especially left hand.
north european gas pipeline which france shut down,
is just the former middle age orc cough which left hand can't use tax 10,
vcmi no cough, disciples no cough, aow no cough,
warlords battlecry still no cough,
warcraft world no cough, etc.
tibet's former chinese name is chn_tu bo,
in taikou risshiden 4,
sword skill, shout just like higher than cough, to destroy exist buff,
in hearthstone now i can't use which demand iphone,
gwent use lock to replace,
france still use silence to destroy exist buff.
kick blizzard cg, there is a exception,
warcraft wrold, mists of pandaria, classic,
there is cough on beginning,
while orc and panda are 2 race,
and both no cough.
when china chen mou mou or japan toyotomi hideyoshi,
just the same people, pregnacy in china, ship by japanese, born in japan,
vice lead japan war with china, japan king != japan emperor, that time,
the china king grave already destroyed by red guards kid in 1958,
so i say akechi mitsuhide is the real vice leader reserve for this war,
that time china nation name and his name is the same char, no violation,
when peace to seat a new japan king,
real ambassador yang fang heng never know japanese, surname yang, sui dynasty king,
vice ambassador shen wei jing full know japanese,
i just mean, even war time, surname yang still land japan as home.
have to say, japan nation word better than china nation word,
toyotomi hidenaga this japanese so royalty to a chinese,
this time again clothes lose to body.
dong1 ying2 yi1 shui3 ge2 si1 xv4,
gu3 rou4 zhi4 qin1 duan4 nan2 hui2;
qiong2 fu4 ge4 zi4 tian1 ya2 lu4,
wei2 you3 jin1 ge1 tie3 ma3 lei4.
today 2024\12\3, just understand france history book,
vcmi, only with town enabled, not all of town,
erathian font, this is the key, enabled,
success run;
erathian.ttf download, install while crusades.ttf already there,
this time understand another saladin;
when east rome empire win perisa empire,
french found holy cross;
when crusades occupy jerusalem,
french found holy cross.
these story use chinese char can never understand,
but now i have vcmi char:(
when 1st install some day ago,
i think it's jewish char,
this time i enable it myself,
and understand iran only leaves rmb land.
death char never real produced inside school,
life char never real produced outside school.
cctv never outside house, my neighbour town only a railways station, very few house,
taiwan spy never inside house, my neighbour town enough wild land, but can trigger gold.
cctv host always use official group wait, already lock its body,
taiwan spy always use private single wait, already violate official air.
my town, due to so many people, chuan char already replaced by yv char,
my neighbour town, due to so few people, chuan char still on resist.
primary school never have beginning,
college never have ending.
whenever chong qing and cheng du real share land,
that must be taiwan spy,
this is the only body it can trust:(
for this reason,
and for chong qing and cheng du,
taiwan is just a wc:)
bad pupil never like classroom,
but at last leaves to local,
is always bad pupil groups.
so after rank system broken, like chong qing,
group inside school and group outside school never compatible.
and rank system remain, like cheng du,
group inside school always above group outside school.
and this is the real position of railway station in my town, which command by cheng du,
group inside railways station, group outside railways station, always conflict,
still that time's kid produced by cheng du,
good cheng du pupil inside station, bad chong qing pupil outside station.
2004 in uestc, when cheng du good pupil group never tolerate chong qing bad pupil group anger,
2024 in my town of chong qing, uestc can never walk out railway station,
outside all is the anger, cheng du 4th mental hospital success solve in 2004:|
for me, 2004, personal anger real separation,
birth place good pupil group anger,
growth place bad pupil group anger,
play game always use anger like samurai shodown.
cheng du good rank before 1996 now visit chong qing,
chong qing bad rank before 1996 now visit cheng du,
for both are just punishment, mainly body punishment, punished by air, especially anger air.
1997 tv, portes in the mounatin city, no cheng du people do this job,
i only mean these body that time command by cheng du,
and now all disappear.
like warcraft world classic sharding, 2004 never have this idea,
i never real play this game, but that time's paper magzine,
a comic draw, fly must pay fee, no fly can save fee,
my place, 2024 now, inside railway station, outside railway station,
is real world sharding,
also this year, no paper continue serve warcraft world.
trump son is saudi arabia prince,
biden son is iran president.
based on side pocket, which shared by chinese and french, real or pc,
6502 succeed all 1996- school group life char,
68000 succeed all 1996- school group death char.
it's just for math linked exam paper of 1996-,
its integer score already judge bad pupil,
but its decimal part never have body now,
and it's means,
paper iran math olympiad integer still have body,
pc france x86 float real have body,
iran must give up former decimal death char, always happen in math olympid key position,
france must give up former integer death char, always the on time created holy cross.
1996, when i read 2nd sim chn calculus,
france s(x)dx use iran math olympiad decimal dx,
which must produce death char on exam paper to receive profit,
but finally create a integer,
which is the europe death char on exam paper to receive profit,
but 1 real thing,
chairman deng's death char never be considered real,
chairman hua's death char never be treat illegal.
nebuchadnezzar tiny map can enlarge,
this support s(x)dx decimal dx profit,
the major map support s(x)dx integer s(x) profit,
vcmi nwcnebuchadnezzar:)
now are just downloading kohan, the most approach mongolian empire,
which chinese soldier join as vice to travel the world,
building in kohan are all small, like iran math olympiad integer,
when 2002 i buy disciples 2 dark prophecy, the 2nd disc is kohan demo,
all monster are hidden in building, like iran math olympiad decimal.
2000 around, game magzine are handed through kid,
i think play magzine more than play game,
but that time a memory card for ps1 is the most valuable thing in bedroom:(
game company like blizzard never support magzine, the only active thing in school bedroom,
when hla support math paper, both benefit,
50% x86 correct, 50% math olympiad error,
life too tired so have to select usa president.
my place former have 3 junior middle school, now only 1,
2 between railway and long river,
1 on the other side of railway,
the 1 still exist just i lives,
other next to this one end in 1995, finally only a grade 3 class 1, she next to chong qing mountain,
the one outside railway end in 1998, finally only a grade 2, she next to cheng du mountain,
her schoolmaster is from si chuan university, after combine, suddenly die in this school.
when i in primary school, this grade 3 class 1 use our classroom,
also join our whole school body excercise between class time,
for a primary school kid to write china poem which japanese also know is impossible,
but i really do in grade 6 class 1, only body sound can explain,
chuan char produced by chong qing mountain in 1995.
when 1997 i on my junior middle school grade 3 class 1,
combine with the outside school grade 3, she never have grade 1 any more,
there is no chuan char for my grade 3:(
when 2006 uestc my grade graduate ceremony,
i walk into si chuan university by body feeling,
death char of si chuan university,
finally can only join si chuan university,
and this is the risk of china school, if not province char, self become death char:(
1998 in nk, my essay paper, every half year receive,
there is si chuan print on it, mainly for economy purpose,
and this is the only chuan char i use in it,
so this again prove chong qing and cheng du is sudden separation due to economy.
like my classroom group face,
before sex, chong qing kid rebuild,
after sex, cheng du grow up rebuild,
i still remember my classroom group sound,
but i can't produce it any longer.
2024\12\6, so i understand cyrus,
greece receive indian sound,
turkey receive macedonia face,
west usa receive indian sound,
east usa receive macedonia face.
uestc sex water in nk never have sunshine,
nk sex water in uestc never have sunshine,
when a people have to deal with 2 sex water like me,
it's real a big problem,
i only know instant noodle join both sex water,
other is just nvidia super poison,
see never equal eat.
nebuchadnezzar, just another pharaoh, do much function improvement,
while pharaoh a new era, just like starcraft remaster, fool will try this former ugly function,
its tiny map exchangable, will violate other message box,
now i just drink coffee, but use long river,
black sea, capian sea, aral sea,
pharaoh cleopatra, nebuchadnezzar, share same world map:)
zeus poseidon, only share 1 egypt map, by the same developer,
caesar may also share egypt map, i only use cheat, never real play;
say japan is 2nd tibet, no chinese will reject, while i only found cheng du tibeten protest:(
tibet farmer tantra poor,
japan mikado shinto rich.
kizuma encounter, the final boss beast king, just speak tantra.
french trust china military gold, like chairman deng, this the most never welcome,
dalai lama drop china official land, like chairman hua, while there is no surface gold to upgrade dust.
kohan, caesar + han, rome caesar, china han dynasty,
if only keen on face, this is real europe asia, macedonia face + china nation char face,
chinese word for goods, chn_dong xi, chn.dong1.east, chn.xi1.west,
but this is only for sound, not face.
2nd sim chn char how to update error,
just like 1st sim chn char how to update correct,
in nebuchadnezzar,
2nd sim chn char still perform iran king,
while 1st sim chn char still perform iran leader,
left and right still like in 1988:(
now any dprk prisoner of war in east ukraine can never change error,
now any rok prisoner of war in west russia can never change correct,
just consider 1989 china correct error chaos:|
for rebuild 1988,
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
1978, my father join marathon, chn_da zu, 4 hour, 5th position, only this can land paris.
2006, cheng du 1st ring road, from uestc, me,
anticlockwise, reach the only sky bridge outside uestc,
clockwise, again reach uestc, french league just next to the inner uestc gate i walk through,
from morning to night:)
1997, while in junior middle school, touch gun,
while there is no shooting range, just across small river, ban traffic, then fire ok,
1998 in nk, visit miliatry area, taiwan soldier and mainland soldier in the same wall,
but never touch gun, only group stand formation in school ground, suddenly a short heavy rain.
2002 not in uestc, touch gun,
a newspaper on the shooting range area, 20gb harddisk is that time's pc standard,
nearby farmer just ask to buy used bullet for rmb,
and this is real cheng du economy:)
2024\12\9, the key score which beat ps to support xbox,
in bei jing university, produced by chong qing kid,
but before 1996 while under cheng du economy,
now illegal in chong qing, can never use any legal economy.
my key score produced from 1989 fall to 1997 spring in chong qing,
though now dust in uestc, but still use legal economy.
nebuchadnezzar finally touch the tibet truth,
lower and upper eat different food,
even emperor rise of the middle kingdom still eat the same food,
same food means meta,
different food means tik tok,
iran leader is meta,
iran king is tik tok.
proved by nebuchadnezzar money, i even not have energy to use cheat engine,
cheng du money face/sound just body all disappear in chong qing,
so 1 tip for french league in uestc,
if you want to use rmb in chong qing,
1st store your rmb in cheng du bank,
2nd receive your rmb in chong qing bank,
direct take rmb from cheng du to chong qing,
key score on it never compatible,
because no shared kid between cheng du and chong qing,
so it's merely a life violation.
1996- cheng du joker rmb also be erased,
that time use bad pupil draft score.
2000 play pharaoh, no cleopatra, that time still consider world map like paper history,
fpe 2000 pro cheat money like paper score,
tell story of israel under egypt like paper air;
2024 now play nebuchadnezzar, this time just consider 68000 side pocket stack,
cheat engine x86_64 just disturb game feeling,
after hex condition all meet, continue test map, the winning button never be welcome.
without 2nd sim chn char, song can only use low tune,
the high tune just like the winning button in nebuchadnezzar,
perform a decimal gathering, only if dprk.
so many high tune during chairman deng time never be succeed,
due to no economy, so in china to forge sound especially high tune, just gamble economy.
wc never outside cheng du, i was born used,
wc never outsider chong qing, i was 18 year used,
to compatible this 2 wc,
just like compatible dprk leader and rok leader,
now in east ukraine and west russia this 2 wc meet:(
when play nebuchadnezzar,
start point road to cover all boundary of map, this will prevent theft warehouse goods,
factory road and liveing road never connect, only use market to link goods,
this support windows frameworks, road become frame,
when there is a shell, there is a way, unix is real right:)
when have to preserve so many port and fishport on bank,
this support meta, no port or fishport will be outside map, all must be display,
when japan use mame to produce 3 kingdom game, there is always a imagine outside map:(
street fighter, chun li, still trigger outside map,
only kof, no outside map method;
nes popeye, no outside map,
nes super arabian, no outside map.
2024\12\12, it's a day to say goodbye to cartoon, due to outside map existence game over:|
my number land reset to 1990,
1989 fall primary grade 1, while kindergarten grade 3 never real produce number,
1991 fall primary grade 3, 1 time equation just out,
the sound x use to declare prize land, all disappear,
while x86 syntax the face x still declare prize land, the hardest [esp] in hla regex, eat [0*8],
i just for sound,
that time x sound like dalai lama tantra, use group body, so does iran king math olympiad,
when there is no sound for group body, it's clear only single body on duty,
so my 1991 begin x, face for group body is dust, x86 meta succeed.
below word,
1st based on asia land 2nd sim chn char game over, means no kid succeed,
2nd based on china land never touched by mikado blood, means no japan crown credit.
student sound, teacher sound, already separate,
the most victim is cctv,
the most benefit is iphone,
when 2002 i in uestc main area,
mobile declare single private sound in road,
cctv-5 declare group public sound in dinner room,
this is the breakpoint and conflict of prize sound,
one time equation x already join, single prize, public prize, only select one.
still based on 1 time equation x,
x sex sound key of tik tok of china,
x sex face key of meta of france,
only x86 programmer still corperate.
i don't think c bas programmer real corperate based on sex x key.
my land, guy drop german av girl, only trust japan av girl.
windows 7 game over,
windows 11 only leaves cheat engine and playboy,
no other sex x key, merely for equation which always be solved.
the now time user support windows 10,
just llike me support windows 7,
when the day no computer can install windows 10,
program windows10;
begin windows10;
stdout.put("this pc never support install windows 10.",nl);
stdout.put("this pc only support install windows 12.",nl);
end windows 10;
2024\11\15, now i legal recycle 1996- playboy girl back,
1996- playboy girl front = 1 time equation x:(
and this is the reason why must iran king, never iran leader, x of sex:|
finally windows 11 update from 23h to 24h,
cheng du urine produce tibet,
chong qing urine produce japan,
to shot tibet urine, feel very hard,
to shot japan urine, feel very soft.
2008 tibet shot urine,
2011 japan shot urine.
due to urine, no exam paper last 18+ years,
2024\12\17, just my place,
dalai lama and mikado just on water, water soon become urine,
bhutan visited by mikado in 2019 means nothing,
the urine surround dalai lama,
the urine surround mikado,
my left body in tibet and dprk is zerg power overwhelming by hearthstone rafamm,
my right body in japan and rok is terran power overwhelming by hearthstone rafamm,
while rafamm is iran king/leader:(
i read 4 books and 5 classics paper in nk which printed using taiwan char,
i read bamboo annals paper in uestc which printed using mainland char,
1996- exam paper error all get free, which never keep credit for life time,
error only legal in exam paper, now have to be construct every year,
correct and error use the same urine.
1996 english exam paper error is for life time,
1997 english exam paper error is for 1 year,
1995 fall 1 or 2 week before junior middle school, my father teach my single class english,
that time primary school never teach english,
just this english exam paper error,
chong qing mountain never exist,
cheng du mountain still exist.
chong qing forest of my place,
cheng du forest of my place.
chong qing forest of hong kong,
cheng du forest of myanmar.
now i don't want to trigger the war between forest,
but i understand why 1976 no tree exist in joint security area.
the junior middle school i live,
in cheng du time, just like a forest,
now only the biggest tree leave, but move position:(
in chong qing time, just like a half forest,
new chong qing kid only see new chong qing tree:)
i 1983 born in Sichuan Provincial Forestry Central Hospital, still next to Chengdu Tibet Hotel, on baidu map,
my mother blood sister brother 2003 live in that street, Sichuan Forestry Survey and Planning Institute,
on website this still on former location, but my father blood brother work in it,
say it move from 1st ring road to 3rd ring road, live very inconvenient,
so map i trust baidu char, while detail i trust relative char,
2003 my mother blood sister brother visit this school, the chong qing tree they never need to see:(
finally import ivory and papyrus,
no city build game will have industry to produce ivory,
china every year still import ivory, the africa elephant rmb:(
if windows can support dual program, now time operation system still single program,
iran math olympiad real support dual paper, like king and leader,
on exam is legal paper and illegal draft,
then i can play pharaoh a new era in one window,
and play nebuchadnezzar in another window,
if not hla windows program, i never know inactive window never support japan av girl:)
i just mean, then i can trade between pharaoh and nebuchadnezzar,
clever persian still perfrom invader role:|
in china wei dynasty and jin dynasty,
china king see roman,
in china wu dynasty,
china king live with roman,
but only in jin dynasty,
china history paper write down, egypt papyrus of rome anti water.
to let tibetan trust other eye, is impossible, prince snow mountain, saudi arabia prince,
to let jew trust other ear, is impossible, beta isreal, blizzard beta test.
the former kindergarten already be buried, none can find, unless destroy now time primary school,
1989, i just in kingergarten grade 3, age between 5 and 6,
one day, kids all shout, i get married.
i only know, this sound mode, not sound content, new chong qing kid never repeat.
uestc kindergarten just block the way between main area and run xin building,
finally when i was 19, my cheng du kindergarten sound be recycled.
the railway station command by cheng du of my place,
its kindergarten never shut down or change position,
other kindergarten of my place all do this thing,
but its kid never have cheng du sound.
and this is chinese culture area facts, without sound, history will other kid act, if it like.
uestc exam paper blank secured by cheng du guard kid,
nk exam paper blank secured by chong qing guard kid,
1996- exam paper blank no guard kid secure any longer.
2003 cheng du high exam cheat, which stop whole china exam paper universe blank,
surname chn.yang.tree kid and chn.wei.guard kid surface conflict,
1976 joint security area tree affair, that tree is chn.yang.tree.
this school once live 2 chn.yang.tree girl, both 1 or 2 year older than me,
1 always prize me, 1 always punish me,
prize girl home visited by thief, punish girl home enough guest,
my father was born by chn.yang.tree woman, so i can't hate mikado by personal:)
1995 junior middle school for cheng du, 2 chn.yang.tree boy and 1 chn.yang.tree girl under my father,
1997 junior middle school for chong qing, 2 chn.yang.tree boy all leave my father,
this chn.yang.tree girl score is perfect, face is ugly, body is perfect.
in japan, only 1 chn.yang.tree girl,
in korea, 2 chn.yang.tree girl,
in china, 3 chn.yang.tree girl.
2002, when my mother blood grandfather die, night train to cheng du,
on the railway, i dream dinosaur;
when i in uestc or not, still night train on the railway, this time to chong qing,
again dream dinosaur;
just this bedroom, may windows 10 time, i dream dinosaur.
so i can prove i dream dinosaur 3 times, only just dream.
when i was in junior middle school, once i dream i'm on train:)
this room and railway bridge direct distance is between 100 and 150 meter.
this railway, when cheng du time, is just a constant wc:(
this railway, when chong qing time, is just a constant natural reserve:)
2024\12\21, no public kid land,
now i was 41, but i again see my 12 private kid land legal, in fact still 2nd sim chn char,
when i was 13, this already be judge illegal.
now only dprk still have public kid land,
so many korea kid die in east ukraine and west russia,
kiev can never produce this public kid land due to its president.
finally chong qing also never have any public kid land,
if that must be cheng du 2nd sim chn char.
why i say see,
because that time's kid,
if use 2nd sim chn char public kid land once,
its height will be large,
i once see a former class visit this school again,
only 1 classmate is very tall while other is average,
so i only accept water again join my body,
but this water that time can never be tall:(
kid live in this school,
that time only 1 girl is very tall while other is average.
i think this thing still happen in dprk,
1 very tall kid with enough average kid.
while biden still president,
trump this guy,
my left body can never afford dual no.
so trump will still on guy position until he become real president:(
former version:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
update version:
slap japan prime minister,
trump this guy.
cheng du blind,
chong qing blind,
finally separate.
main reason is protection,
chuan char always protect cheng du blind,
yv char always protect chong qing blind.
the most joke is,
chairman hua 2nd sim chn char correct,
chairman deng 1st sim chn char error,
cheng du blind still support,
chong qing blind still support,
while there is no province to support them:(
left commentary to spring autumn annal,
homer's epics,
both writer are blind,
and this prove homer is iranian not greek:)
mame side pocket, can screen support cheng du blind and chong qing blind the same time,
mesen side pocket, can only screen support any of both,
arcade house always be visited by cheng du kid and chong qng kid,
subor home always limited to own province.
paper have left body and right body,
which means left urine and right urine.
this windows 11 pc never have left body and right body,
former windows 7 pc use paper left body and rigth body,
iphone steal paper right urine and ignore paper left urine.
when outside room draft paper join this pc room,
left urine also join.
chairman deng pc right urine,
chairman hua paper left urine,
no ai perform left urine due to no ai created paper especially draft paper:)
this joined paper left urine only support cheat engine and playboy:(
1996-, bad pupil never use draft paper, only join arcade house,
good pupil draft paper against homework paper is 10:1, and must produce key like cheat engine.
on paper draft paper just like on pc blizard dlc,
if not high quality, none will wait half a year,
i remember some of my iran math olympiad paper cost more than 1 week,
so even this hla never safe enough to use my former draft paper:|
an example is huarong road, in summer vocation, solved on draft paper,
more than 1 week, and i don't want to solve it again:(
jus this opera display cheat engine home page,
draft book blank page with a pen next to this pc,
this monday morning right urine and left urine so this combine:(
eac, battleeye, vac, i never see any chance any of them can be write down on the draft paper,
bombay lack left urine, rich right urine.
helped by playboy, if not cheng du water, can never feel cheng du poor,
but the problem is, other province poor who accept cheng du rich?
in uestc 3 year, only 2005-2006 real feel cheng du poor,
2002-2004 i always perform chong qing rich, no cheng du land trust,
chong qing never lack rich,
while cheng du never lack poor:(
if like 1998-2001 in nk, i already a real chong qing rich:)
qiong2 zi4 bi4 you2 shui3 sheng1 cheng2,
fu4 zi4 qia4 ru2 ci3 tang2 shi1,
zi4 gu3 sao1 ke4 nan2 fu4 qiong2,
qiong2 zi4 qian1 zai3 shang1 gu3 yin1.
in nk, every week i can produce a china poem,
in uestc, even 1 month i still can't produce a china poem.
japan gold char is based on mikado,
in chong qing the only thing i can do is to drink cheng du water:)
for my former cheng du gold,
i have to say goodbye,
if body use other gold,
no serect hide.
star venus, chn.(jin xing).(gold star),
only japan satellite still exist.
2006 around, just in cheng du, i read taiwan char 3 kingdom history,
found no gold to support reading:(
pyramid, chn.(jin zi ta).(gold char tower),
2000 i buy pharaoh in nk, 2006 i buy cleopatra in uestc,
gold char still cheng du production,
now pharaoh a new era,
gold char already japan production,
so this game never have twice chance,
while iranian still act in nebuchadnezzar:(
prince of persia,
prince snow mountain of saudi arabia,
who can crack?
caesar 3 must appear persia,
pharaoh must appear persia,
zeus already in persia,
emperor rise of middle kingdom already have persia,
so persia is a shadow nation:(
and this prove iran math olympiad select cheat engine,
while there is no persia city build game,
so there is no framework of iran math.
this same room, even lack electricity use candle,
1996- water under cheng du, in night, how to hide light is very important:)
now kvass water from cheng du, in night, how to use light is very important:(
for birth water light usage,
special time have to roll back to original version,
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
rome have persia prince,
egypt have persia king,
greece have persia king who rebuild athens which use till now,
china have persia prince,
prince of persia birth water in night always use light,
i think i just solve no persia city build game by talent birth water night light:)
2024\12\24, drink the last birth water which half support playboy, i just understand,
why fuse of penoponnesian war must be a bar prostitute,
i read this book of uestc library, may this record still on dbf:(
if persia never conquer athens,
rome empire capital will still be arthens,
so iranian have the fully reason to never trust caesar and zeus city build game:)
persia king gift 20,000 archer to pompey,
persia king send prince to pompey,
persia king gift land to pompey;
caesar win legion without pompey in spain,
caesar vs pompey in pharsarus near macedonia, pompey win but never take his command center,
pompey be assassinate near alexandaria, by former subordinate;
all mediterranean pirate under pompey son order.
so based on pompey's personal treat, again single version,
slap japan prime minister,
trump this guy.
bo1 si1 wang2 zi3 tian1 xia4 heng2,
da4 qin2 guo2 wang2 jie1 yvn3 ming4,
ma3 ya3 wen2 zi4 wu3 dang1 shan1,
xin1 jiang1 yi1 li2 mi2 gong1 cheng2.
my place, a road separate the granary,
gate left is railway station now kid sound never speak cheng du sound but real command by cheng du,
gate right still exist a empty hospital none live, the only empty building in hot market place,
1996- cheng du sun math rank all disappear,
1997+ chong qing moon math rank all set up,
it's just a handoff of group chuan death char to group yv death char,
not so regular like handover ceremony from biden to trump.
chn.si3.death, chn.(si4 chuan1).(4 river, province),
sound main body is the same.
in fact, real personal thing is,
this morning dawn between night and light,
i just dream,
on the north peak of street, i see the light above south peak of street,
then i ride bicycle, towards south street,
finally a fishing line and down stair,
this is only for eye;
when the dream broke,
my left body burst sound,
chn.(zhong1 zheng2 xing1, bu2 de2 xing2),
only trust stomach sound know this sound, at least my throat can never produce, but real use my body,
never like manderin, my place local sound only 1 2 tune, never exist 3 4 tune.
i never like to sign my name,
but real thing is,
after 1996 become top rank, my name sound is always chn.(zhong1.zheng3.xing1), for manderin prize,
before 1995 i still guy, my name is this sound chn.(zhong1.zheng2.xing1), for local use,
and this sound never use my right body:(
though my left hand can use pen, but all labor do by right hand pen.
after my father visit paris, his left body manderin prize sound all disappear,
no jew sound can hide in my place,
example just like my name sound:)
this again support cheat engine and playboy,
all china local kid use left body stomach sound to support ce pb,
while this hla and cctv girl only use china local kid right body sound, this never be stomach sound:(
2007, the same time i buy a pure course of mathematics english original version in cheng du,
the same time i use left hand write chinese char number instead of this pc number,
i think this is a good solution for failure math rank number,
math rank can never death char unrelated:(
only after drink coffee,
now in the new chong qing, yv group death char,, math rank number,
play marvel snap and nebuchadnezzar,
i think nebuchadnezzar real name is cyrus in the name of coffee:|
on draft paper, iran math olympiad can never be recycle,
the key number is the whole page number sound,
this is calculus number sound can never do,
cheat engine key hex temporary perform this whole page sound,
playboy top girl temporary perform this whole page sound,
but this room which 1996 write 2nd sim chn char calculus,
still belongs to this windows 11,
but iran math olympiad whole page sound,
france calculus whole page face,
can never combine any more.
2007 is the last year chairman hua live,
also the last year draft paper iran math olympiad number obey calculus windows.
when gold successful transfer from cheng du to chong qing,
only labour money can never copy,
before 1996,
so many tibetan body do labour in now chong qing area.
for right hand group labour consideration,
chong qing body history before 1996 all erased,
chong qing surface history before 1996 still use new gold.
1998 when i am in nk,
at least 3 artist girl of my grade play dance zhu mu lang ma,
it's just a labour memory which will never happen again.
1988 though surface again,
1989 real stop labour.
this desk 1989 still for dual kid of junior middle school use,
1990 january when this building complete then for primary school single kid use,
though this 1989 desk 1996 write down 2nd sim chn calculus addition on draft paper,
but this 1989 desk 2024 only provide 2nd sim chn primary addition for this windows 11,
and this is the reason why the now time guy trump can't lose:(
and the now time president biden never have tibetan peak body:)
i only use ps1 play samurai shodown,
then all x86 pc from starcraft,
astro bot is biden,
black myth wukong is trump.
1996-, school 2nd sim chn prize still can cover farm home prize,
1997+, school 1st sim chn punish reject by farm home punish,
dprk school prize cover farm home prize,
rok school punish reject by farm home punish.
i was the limited cheng du kid, which use 2nd sim chn in city center and farm border,
no city kid can real act farm home prize,
no farm kid can real act city home punish.
japan av girl long nipple, only china taiwan korea produce,
still use draft paper, replace the mountain peak,
iran math olympiad just follow this way,
only playboy top girl can borrow,
table tennis also use this,
so again prove side pocket is the fair way due to girl sex body:(
kill bill, the french girl use wu dang taoism acupoint hit to destroy coffin,
fist of north star, the two finger acupoint hit,
chinese culture area leader on platform, also use two finger to issue command to whole land,
i just mean, consider the japan av girl two long nipple, think it's two finger,
this is the french assassin girl can never real master,
while the french playboy top girl can easily body exchange:(
win 11 23h, vcmi 1.5, hla compile, every thing is ok, even symbolic link, trust app for hla,
win 11 24h, vcmi 1.6, hla compile, onedrive protection stop vcmi update, hla compile 1st cloud 2nd local.
to understand above, must know compile,
when 1998 i see fpe95 while the same time nk full of iran math olympiad,
only 1 generation passed, nk empty iran math olympiad, the taiwan nk fpe95 dos screen laugh at last.
1st sim chn has addition number, so new addition number,
2nd sim chn has subtraction number, so new subtraction number.
farm kid though have own land, its new addition can never expand,
city kid though have own land, its new subtraction can never spread.
2000 fall, while i in nk, new boy bedroom building 4th floor, i'm in 407,
farm good pupil still struggle on iran math olympiad, even saturday and sunday,
after 2001, finally half join spy university named by white house, half join nuclear plant planned by kremlin,
city bad pupil bring laptop and nba 2000 into bedroom to enjoy everyday life.
i was born in cheng du city center and grow in chong qing farm border,
so i understand both, but each other never know each other,
though everyday face to face on the 4th floor:(
after 1997 separation,
cheng du city blood still city blood,
chong qing farm blood still farm blood,
cheng du farm blood useless just a blank,
chong qing city blood useless still a blank.
in china, the face custom display all:|
in uestc, the day join 4th mental hospital, the next day disciple 2 elf 6th saga begin,
before join, meet 3 guy, no familiar face, so 3 new guy face,
all 3 face full of confidence, i just see them the 1st time:(
1 new face lie and use taxi to take me to hospital,
2 new face force me to join hospital,
so only face is honest, sound and body do lie:)
1996 spring, when i know i from guy level to top level,
i just play with friends in a former junior middle school master home,
that school just on the long river right bank,
while this junior middle school on the long river left bank,
2005 i 1st time reach that town area,
if success in uestc, i may never visit that school:(
the only regret thing is, the top face i use to play disciple 2 elf in 2004,
stop ever in sage 6 begin,
in fact, elf always use the same legal face, never change like meta,
but always illegal sound change like tik tok and uestc:)
so just for face reason, only useful in chinese culture area,
i already prove, uestc sound and body are all lie, only uestc face prove itself,
slap japan prime minister,
trump this guy.
so again, i have to support iran king,
the no face iran leader who trust!
without face, all iran king hill which iran math olympiad used in china,
will find new face, so a tip for clever iran, there is no free legal face of chinese culture area:|
cyrus face, just obey asia credit,
china 3 kingdom history, the key role guan yv die, only his face is credit, body uesless.
2024\12\29, the most unpolite way, but necessary,
dark elf of disciples 2 elf,
dark elf of warlords battlecry 2,
russian still keep death face credit this acient asia way, real elf landed europe,
japanese produce so many 3 kingdom game, disappear in warlords battlecry 3, fake elf landed europe,
after 2008 cheng du earthquake, so many new created death face creidt, no sound, no body,
is anyone try to dig this out, like disciples 2 elf saga 1?
2004 i just play disciples 2 elf chinese edition in uestc run xin building 1 room 336.
1998 fall -2001 spring i just in nk, 2000-2001 i own pc in chong qing;
2002 fall - 2004 spring, 2005 fall - 2006 spring, i just in uestc, i never own pc in cheng du,
while i have enough copyleft disc and few copyright disc.
due to cyrus, his face and queen face rule nation scythia,
it's about carrhae,
crassus die by own wish, no iran murder, death face credit,
the gold in his mouth may still on use in north korea,
the iran general also follow the way, death face credit,
53 bc, theater begin,
36 bc, publius city of china, north hun king also do death face credit.
i never think this french produced iran leader so useful, but on shadow side:(
once kid share left hand watch,
now kid self left hand iphone.
once kid have to produce right hand draft,
now kid have to produce right hand pc.
2024\12\31, still between night and light, still in dream,
but this time my left body speak japanese, even i don't understand his meaning,
in uestc copyleft shop, i buy japan av girl disc, which still in this room:)
in uestc book shop, i buy japan alphabet teach book, finally give up:(
in uestc library, i borrow japan big dictionary, only find av girl picture in it more useful:)
in uestc library, i borrow japan history, char never write follow chinese way:(
but 1 thing is true, group left sound serve dalai lama, group left sound serve mikado,
slap in this windows 11 bedroom:|
but this again prove the sound value of 2nd sim chn char,
my left body after 1983 birth, only 2007 write some page for own prize,
my right body 1988 begin write, 2024 write birth 2nd sim chn char for own punish.
1975, chairman hua visit tibet, legal tibet slave,
1980, chairman hua visit japan, japan prime minister die,
1950, chairman deng enter tibet, dalai lama,
1978, chairman deng enter japan, mikado.
german version:
slap japan prime minister,
trump this guy.
chinese sharp:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
indiana jones and the great circle, attila orc marauder, germany,
black myth wukong, publius turkish guardian, china.
it's all about iran math olympiad, proved by draft,
the same key number which is tang monk,
in the same classroom,
math lesson is math key number,
physics lesson is physics key number,
chemistry lesson is chemistry key number,
indiana just try to rob this different key number by version,
wukong just try to protect this same key number by sharp.
junior middle school,
grade 1, 1995 fall - 1996 spring, i meet math key number,
grade 2, 1996 fall - 1997 spring, i meet physics key number,
grade 3, 1997 fall - 1998 spring, i meet chemistry key number.
senior middle school,
grade 1 2 3, 1998 fall - 2002 spring, i meet math physics chemistry key number.
grade 3, 2001 fall - 2002 spring, i meet biology key number.
grade 1 2 3, 1995 fall - 1998 spring, i meet biology draft number.
iran math olympiad key number realm,
in china is king,
in germany is queen,
only poem is ring,
but labour is thing.
grade 1, 1998 fall - 1999 spring, i meet biology draft number.
1996, my place is cheng du kid group mountain cry,
2024, my place is chong qing kid group mountain cry.
from 1989 on, the same time i watch nes and write homework,
on draft paper, x y z can be shared by group,
on x86 memory, eax ecx edx only belongs to single,
paper tik tok use x y z group sound,
cpu meta use eax ecx edx single face.
the paper x y z i use in nk, the paper x y z i use in uestc, still meet in this room,
the cpu eax ecx edx i use in nk, the cpu eax ecx edx i use in uestc, never meet in this room.
once iran math olympiad,
when key number produced, normally just the answer number link to score number on exam paper,
the paper x y z on draft disappear, in fact without them will never reach answer number.
now france x86 hacking,
when key number produced, normally just the input number link to access number on server,
the cpu eax ecx edx on memory disappear, in fact without them will never reach input number.
in france, there is enough success china answer number + input number kid,
in china, there is enough failure draft x y z + memory eax ecx edx kid.
once national factory act as expanded classroom,
now workshop just like bedroom.
national factory land:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
workshop land:
slap japan prime minister,
trump this guy.
2nd sim chn char legal use national factory land,
1st sim chn char legal use workshop land.
2nd sim chn char money, never lack land,
1st sim chn char money, never lack gold.
4 land of cheng du, chairman hua time, use whole china land,
4 land of cheng du, chairman deng time, use whole china gold.
2025\1\1, on this windows 11, i'm not sure on windows 7 like in net bar,
4 of cheng du can never do land gold switch freely,
and also the direct result, unless i travel in cheng du, i can never touch my birth land gold.
finally, when the free land 4 or gold 4 cut off in chong qing,
i have to become chong qing people, all body is ok, only birth be attacked:)
2003, that time i just in uestc,
when cheng du success switch 1st exam 4 to 2nd exam 4,
whole china just switch cheng du birth 4 to cheng du death 4,
2004 after high exam, my chong qing body 4 switch from uestc 4 to 4th mental hospital 4.
so a joke, the popular ancestor money on internet, its 4 still produced by cheng du,
my place the railway station command by cheng du, only a town, now surround by barbed wire,
2 hall just large enough like the station waiting hall, both do funeral on railway 2 sides next to waiting hall:(
it's only about net bar x86 pc and home x86 pc, school bedroom x86 pc is random,
caesar, pharaoh, zeus, emperor, nebuchadnezzar,
never be played in net bar, 2 hour time can never afford enjoy,
always be played in home, 2 week time can real reach enjoy,
2000, my 1st x86 pc, is p3, my 1st x86 soft buy by myself, is pharaoh original,
the money i earn from top rank, all is this pc:)
1997- top rank money on 1st pc:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
1997+ top rank money on 1st pc:
slap japan prime minister,
trump this guy.
this windows 11 still succeed the 1st pc money:(
2000 buy pharaoh, 1st is cheap, 68 rmb, lords of magic 138 rmb, so attila beat by money:)
both in chong qing hundred goods building near nk,
2nd is cheat, use cg to advertise game, only after install know this trick,
2006 in cheng du uestc street, 49 rmb buy pharaoh cleopatra,
but use game content to advertise game, that pharaoh cd never enter chong qing, only cleopatra cd upgrade this cd,
so nebuchadnezzar success is just like civilization 7 viet nam sword,
only by economy and trick through arab, never by personal wish:(
the same time with nes,
history book always read in home,
only picture book outside handed by every kid,
so the violation between history book and picture book,
replace by the violation between home pc and net bar pc,
this time not by key char, but by time real spend on exe.
now on wikipedia, china can't open, so wikipedia similar,
its char once all belongs to history book,
its picture once all belongs to picture book,
so by myself, nebuchadnezzar > wikipedia char,
blizzard > wikipedia picture,
the time of book can never repeat:(
history book with no picture, only chinese char:
chn_shi ji,
chn_san guo zhi,
chn_qvan qiu tong shi_1500 qian_1500 hou,
chn_li shi_xi luo duo de,
chn_bo luo ben ni sa zhan zheng shi_xiu xi di de,
never support meta, only use tik tok:(
chn_wei da de de guo nong min zhan zheng, german peasant rebel,
knights and merchants remake, knights province.
so if meta try to use any chinese char of history book,
even france own history,
must pay tik tok sound fee,
not about history content itself,
but for so many chinese char have to read:)
in china, there is no public sound,
so france government no chance to use these chinese sound for france history:|
so fool biden shut down tik tok, all chinese char private sound for france history cut off,
so clever trump bribe tik tok, all chinese char private sound for france history owe fame.
for chinese char private sound for history book, now in tik tok:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
for french word private face for history book, now in meta:
slap japan prime minister,
trump this guy.
only laptop know how windows 11 save battery,
and desktop nvidia will never trigger:)
now i just continue play nebuchadnezzar campaign 9 babylon,
gaugamela, iran king use own war chariot to destroy own troop, lead to greece king win,
constantinople, rome king use own greek fire to destroy own fleet, lead to france king win.
it's about civilization 7,
when call to power 2 use up all chinese history private sound,
this meta build theater only use own france history private face,
random map support random face,
constant map support random sound,
whether france history game or china history game,
both must meet in babylon,
babylon face and babylon sound,
this is for windows 11,
any survive windows 7 still combine chinese history private sound and french history private face,
history always cost home land, now time affair always cost public land.
if french treat 3 kingdom game as chinese sound version civilization,
produced by japan, while i only know japan char, never know japan sound even in av girl:)
there is always constant map, every new version always create random sound theater,
which use tik tok china history private sound.
it's all about private land usage especially home on history, and it's never free.
before french and chinese know this, they must first support playboy and cheat engine,
if this two never trigger, they can never meet in babylon like me now in nebuchadnezzar:(
iran math key number under chairman hua, use china tax number,
iran math olympiad key number under chairman deng, use china tax number,
when iran key number never try to cheat own self in nebuchadnezzar,
the china tax number land it still never try to give out,
it's again prove the china hill belongs to iran king,
they are all tax land,
never belongs to iran leader.
for iran king, china hill, tax number land:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
for iran leader, france pool, tax number water:
slap japan prime minister,
trump this guy.
1997 before chong qing cheng du separation, still on top rank, so chuan char on use,
single left eye disappear, group right eye disappear.
2025, remain top rank, so yv char on use,
group left eye disappear, single right eye disappear.
it's a advice for french spy, not for french legal,
real air never like pc screen, apple goggles on starcrat 2 only land france,
real spy in china only free in sound, have to obey air:(
air on mediterranean is dumb,
water on tibet is blind,
it's again prove babylon,
dumb air become half body group half body single on command,
blind water become half body group half body single on command,
after upgrade,
mediterranean air join tibet,
tibet water join mediterranean.
for once high quality japan av girl,
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
for now time no quality japan tv girl,
slap japan prime minster,
trump this guy.
1996- classroom, after final exam, addition all disappear, subtraction all remain.
1997+ classroom, after final exam, subtraction all disappear, addition all remain.
book is always thick enough to do a 10 cm subtraction.
apple is always thin enough to do a 1 cm addition.
still this desk, once book on it, thick 1 meter:)
still this desk, this hp laptop windows 11, thin 2 cm:(
outside paper room, draft book already write hla program, real thick for subtraction:)
this pc room, hla hide editor though write hla program, can't produce thick subtraction:(
2025\1\5 this night.
2000, when fool pharaoh join this room, remain 1 meter thick book,
2025, when clever nebuchadnezzar join this room, only outside room draft book, and for hla.
finally duty for chuan char mandarin over, especially for subtraction use,
i never outside cheng du chong qing, so i never punish any other province land in the name of mandarin correct.
same place new chong qing kid yv char mandarin duty on,
quality never too good, other province may never obey punishment, but will allow legal land,
main reason i just know, without 2nd sim chn char, no universe subtraction land of china.
just like meta is meta of face of france,
tik tok is meta of sound of china,
heraldry mainly for addition land declaration,
folk mainly for subtraction land declaration.
for chuan char mandarin, 2nd sim chn char, group kid, now i can't speak:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
for yv char mandarin, 1st sim chn char, group kid, now i forced to speak:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
2025\1\6, in china, teacher sound is always gamble,
like me place, same teacher, same land,
cheng du time teach chuan char mandarin to group kid,
chong qing time teach yv char mandarin to group kid,
it's just a paradox for china sound meta custom,
famous example is guo mo ruo, no china sound for him.
now come the real paradox,
any cctv link with guo mo ruo,
the host girl boy just sound prize him,
people in front of tv just sound curse him,
if a noble once use guy sound, can never get rid:(
when i once in uestc,
i first time hear my roommate use orc language to curse guo mo ruo,
my roommate is guang dong ke jia ren,
i never know orc language or guang dong language:)
this night i first time know guo mo ruo is cheng du people:(
the former 2nd sim chn char custom, always ignore province,
all chinese hate all japanese, except av girls:)
after i lose all cheng du sound,
then use all chong qing sound.
chong qing no char sound 2002 i write,
cheng du no char sound 2002 i eat,
only this two no sound mix.
cheng du no char sound 2006 i eat,
chong qing no char sound 1997 i write,
both two no sound are real, but can never be found on any japan av girl.
super no char sound in dprk,
dust no char sound in rok.
same classroom, only surface modified,
1995 fall my class girl nipple produce chuan char 2nd sim chn char no sound,
2025 spring new class girl nipple produce yv char 1st sim chn char no sound,
1 time only 1 group girl, nipple share:(
same classroom group girl nipple no char sound, 30 years ago, windows 95:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
same classroom group girl nipple no char sound, now time, windows 11:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
2025\1\7, now do switch job, not switch nes to switch 2,
just write down hla no char on draft book from pdf from single official site which always change content,
switch from chuan char 2nd sim chn char no char,
to yv char 1st sim chn char no char,
i can never do this for bas or c:)
with battery, this windows 11 screen always lower brightness, finally black screen:(
while the paper from outside room always on sunshine:)
just same char which command cpu not paper,
switch from power not enough screen,
to sunshine enough even with rain paper.
this also trigger the violation between bitcoin and rmb,
must legal cpu then can land china,
while rmb always legal on mountain peak and lake bottom of china,
only compatible in hacker wallet:|
2nd sim chn time,
different book, different province, will see same example,
same subor, same nes, will see different hack version.
now connect to power,
use glass to watch this windows screen, 1st sim chn custom,
use bare eye to watch draft paper, 2nd sim chn custom,
from 1998 nk on, till 2006 uestc end, i always use glass to watch pc screen,
from 1988 to 1998, i always use bare eye to watch draft paper,
draft paper like rmb, can easily link to mountain and lake,
this pc screen just obey heraldry, still same face of fbi:)
russia police face is whole russia, china police face is whole china,
ukraine police face is its home, fbi police face is its home.
when guard vs guard on face,
han vs hun, again trigger surname chn.wei4.guard,
history repeat by personal, not by book record:(
now i understand 2022\8\8 fbi action,
and 2023\11\15 fbi action,
face gamble fbi is just nebuchadnezzar gamble cheat engine,
i think in developer mode, there must be cheat code.
i think now iran king leave fbi face,
to receive china police hill sound,
is the best choice,
there is no babylon switch of mediterranean air and tibet water in usa,
all is new, only person land is o.
chong qing group school bedroom finally replace cheng du group school bedroom.
no chong qing single school bedroom,
no cheng du single school bedroom.
2008 cheng du build enough new group school bedroom,
2011 tokyo erase enough old group school bedroom.
2025 chong qing hotel bedroom and cheng du hotel bedroom,
1996 cheng du school bedroom and chong qing school bedroom,
though low quality, but better than no quality.
the rank air belongs to school bedroom,
is the most constant,
also is the most disappearance,
so an advice,
low rank and no rank chinese never smell tibet air,
so high also earthquake:(
for tibet 2nd sim chn char air rank airquake:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
for tibet 1st sim chn char air rank tibetanstan:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
1983, i before born and after born, all in tibet area of cheng du,
only born in cheng du near tibet hotel,
so i understand serf obey dalai lama,
if not chong qing vice capital air rank higher than cheng du province air rank,
no chance to wind out tibet air:(
india dalai lama still use former legal 2nd sim chn char china map,
never update to now time legal 1st sim chn char china map,
while china have to reserve a air rank for him like reserve a air rank for taiwan nipponese:|
1985 there is a reserve 2nd sim chn char sanxia province, but only vance success born:)
so i never consider my born time air rank can really land chong qing:(
down china poem just prove,
meta heraldry useless,
tik tok folk keep history:
i can give chinese char for former china poem on this hla website,
just treat them coff obj, if i give, just like link obj to exe,
will destroy many intermediate chinese culture area char,
all china poem with chinese char i write, are chong qing sound,
former still exist cheng du sound:(
tibet mudslide during paris olympiad,
yesterday tibet airquake on 4500 meter,
while chong qing is 400 meter, peak 3000 meter once belongs to hubei province,
this is the sound height difference,
so these write out china poem just consider 400 meter height land body:)
if cheng du give peak emei 3000 meter to chong qing, real impossible, only for final fantasy:)
now time hubei peak still 3000 meter,
so i never hope any cheng du sound have body chance:(
due to 2nd sim chn char airquake in tibet,
15th dalai lama already use air,
india dalai lama and china dalai lama is the only military solution.
15th china dalai lama, dpk capital air,
15th india dalai lama, rok capital air.
without 2nd sim chn char, just without shared correct,
chinese can never translate other language, none will obey self correct like shandong province,
shandong kid never learn 2nd sim chn char, in uestc i just sleep next to one:(
mikado kid know 10 other language, due to mikado shared correct,
but i don't think he know my chinese, while i know his av girls:)
hla onedrive 2
chn_ni shuo zheng qve jiu zheng qve,
1998 in nk i just burst this sound while sound violate with a long river right bank kid, i live in left bank,
for so many years, especially on tv, i hear every province version of this sound,
even my mother also use this sound:(
that time sound duel, when 2nd sim chn char sound,
long river left bank power, long river right bank power, equal, just burst this,
but nk in jialing river right bank:)
but must use chuan char sound, while now never exist in chong qing,
so this sound still belongs to tibet, not so sharp, can never burst.
1 morning in nk, i read chinese,
my chinese teacher, who once tianjin vice capital tv host,
never want to hear this sharp sound,
now in nk even near tibet middle school,
i don't think any new chong qing kid even guest tibetan kid can produce so sharp sound:)
only in beijing capital, tibet kid real use its left sound free,
i don't think other province air rank can real use tibet kid left sound,
while tibet kid right sound just work on this hla website in other province:|
2025\1\8, 8^3=2^9=512,
tibet kid 2nd sim chn char left hand sound job done,
tibet kid 1st sim chn char right hand sound duty on.
chairman hua 2nd sim chn char sanxia province,
chairman deng 1st sim chn char chong qing vice capital,
is real a hard selection,
but today final select.
[-2][-0][-2][-5], enough steam and windows folder rename,
action taimanin success install, also wemod,
tentlan can never install, chinese culture area can play it must be on air rank top.
dust of railway command by cheng du,
dust of highway of chong qing,
never mix,
cleaner for both dust is the last sound link cheng du and chong qing.
cheng du bad pupil who produce failure number,
cheng du teacher who sign punish number,
which use cheng du bad pupil produced number,
to punish cheng du bad pupil itself,
just this number disappear.
in fact, 1997 after chong qing set up,
enough former cheng du bad pupil leave school.
in fact, 1989-1995, 1995-1997 i already write number in cheng du in vocation,
but finally 2002-2004, 2005-2006 the number i write in uestc, punish myself:(
just 1997 the separation point,
chuan char 2nd sim chn char number, cheng du bad pupil produced to punish itself,
yv char 1st sim chn char number, chong qing bad pupil produced to punish itself,
never continuous, just discrete.
in china, even same school, never have guy sound credit,
this once cheng du school, guy sound once mixed,
this now chong qing school, guy mixed sound all disappear, also means word eat.
it's real a bad news for cctv, which act as cover all guy sound,
but in china if happen any province change, while school never change,
the school never replace guy sound of its former land.
why china guy sound on this hla site?
due to english pay credit for guy sound,
so only english land of china school which change province, still can use guy sound credit:(
yesterday qinghai province still another tibet but never india related, airquake,
guy sound word eat.
so english guy sound is real global guy sound,
french guy sound may only capital guy sound,
if i success in uestc, may speak french in china,
but french league stop it:)
due to action taimanin with wemod can't trigger japan av girl land,
iran math olympiad key sound mainly use av girl sex sound of guy mixed sound,
this is the final break point for iran math and france calculus,
mixed guy sex sound can never be unique noble command sound:(
guy mixed sex sound can disappear from china school,
noble unique command sound always constant in france school.
2025\1\9, it's only about nippon inner duel, but in china:)
for nippon av girl vpn which blocked by china long wall firewall:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
for action taimanin on steam under wemod on windows 11:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
former 2nd sim chn char time, i can use dual sword sound attack,
one guy sound land, the other noble sound land.
sikigahara war,
guy support osaka,
noble support tokyo,
miyamoto musashi join this war,
he then use dual sword in mame the last blade,
while disicples 2 elf by russia the elf warrior party leader 3d model dual sword, but dbf no x2.
this hongkong join 1st sim chn char time, i have dual sword sound on body,
but only once can use 1 sound, or guy sound land, or noble sound land,
free china guy have to obey global polite:(
disciples 2 elf pdf, its chinese version, very cheap, never like pharaoh pdf dear chinese version,
forest liege, due to his 3d model, attack: (2x) swords, level 1,
centaur savage, the only single legal sound, attack: war club/critical hit, level 3,
theurgist, the only group legal sound but with light/night/knight/right, attack: lighting storm/shatter, level 3,
i just mean,
musashi left short sword, is forest leige left equal length sword,
musashi left sword damage, is centaur savage critical hit,
musashi left hand sound, is theurgist shatter,
while musashi act in lava, no light:(
russia and japan distance in 3000 meter,
my place only water reach japan bank, only soil reach russia desert,
people is japan people, people is russia people, only this advantage:(
in uestc, i only once join a public french lesson by boring, next to french league,
other china college many never have this chance, so still use capital noble land:(
chong qing highest mountain 3000 meter once belongs to hu bei province,
it's e char sound, cheng du and tibet no chance to air rank it,
new chong qing guy use this body, i can never crack it,
my left body guy sound just borrow it, so this is the reason why i have to return cheng du,
no left body sound, especially guy sound, legal in air rank:(
when 2004 i sleep in cheng du 4th mental hospital,
left body real use chuan char sound again after 1983 night birth in cheng du forest hospital,
why not say right body, bei jing capital right body sound still direct command this hospital:(
chairman hua 2nd sim chn char time, china mountain mix to produce noble sound for calculus,
chairman deng 1st sim chn char time, province mountain build own guy sound for iran math olympiad.
when opera can't restore former page, mainly this hla page use too large,
microsoft edge continue legal restore former page on windows 11:(
but opera can real restore former page on windows 7:|
ms-dos time i never meet ms dos destroy other dos,
google rebel time finally i meet ms browser destroy other browser:)
while i still struggle visit hla on opera,
any new user adjust to edge will never trust opera,
while there is only a hla,
so there will never be any new browser.
a tip, all other famous browser i just used to browse av girls:)
so microsoft tiny operation on browser competition never hide:(
i promise there is no china software like tencent 360 on this windows,
so china browser never join this affair:|
like vcmi can't update mod in win11.24h,
opera can't real transfer time stamp to its server,
so just the c:\windows path, google never have any chance,
while /system/app, ms never have any chance,
this again explain why ukraine weapon so hard to use:(
after attila die, he gather all the weapon sound, so comes the lords of magic changeable sound for him,
while tomb raider lara never emphasize weapon,
but breakaways games produce emperor rise of middle kingdom, gathering weapon:)
in new world computing vcmi the frost sword, real orc never leave its weapon to sign heraldry,
so there is only a chinese king of france, attila the hun who gathering weapon, guy mix sex sound,
which is enjoyment in now japan, but that time is punishment in ancient rome:(
while i just read hla fseg peb teb,
a^2+b^2=c^2, which ancient chinese already knows,
iran math olympiad on paper, a b c are just mystic like zeratul,
france x86 hla on pc, eax ebx ecx are just discardable like sarah,
while hla just use paper, the mystic role zeratul she have to continue perform:)
artanis never kill zeratul, he is zeratul,
but sarah real do,
also tassador become overmind,
this time game text make sense, game itself is just 3d model of forest liege of disciples.
cseg dseg eseg fseg gseg sseg only use up own peb disk,
c d e f g s in iran math olympiad on paper, just like earliest pakistan hacker,
will spread sound from one paper to another paper,
if there is any paper, spread just on, even wc paper:(
hearthstone has a card back, the curse of hakkar, do the same thing, but use heraldry.
2025, get pid,
1989, write math topic label,
1. follow enough chinese char, mix a few iranian char.
chn_lao shi ni hao.
classroom kid group sound completely change.
still slap cctv, have to cheer nhk.
from 1989 to 1998 i just produce this sound in group,
this sound never produce by single,
primary school to junior middle school never much change,
kindergarten not produce,
senior middle school begin, no need to produce.
this place, cheng du time have tibet body join this sound,
this place, chong qing time have lake body join this sound,
this time is noble affair, prove china no constant noble.
this is official mandarin everyday have to produce except vocation,
so french noble sound have to bow to everyday mandarin:)
2025\1\10, real a day for tax:(
nebuchadnezzar still on campaign 10, without group 10, can never continue play,
so clever iran king, if this game try continue on ring, must thanks to cheat engine,
i'm afraid cheat engine have to forge this group 10 for nebuchadnezzar,
finally in the name of iran king, cheat engine is legal in all city build game.
so it's a good day again for cheat engine legal on this opera hla web stie,
just for this essential exception,
city build game which must use group tax 10.
while iran king still under fbi face tax 10,
china police sound tax 10 now pay to cheat engine:)
nebuchadnezzar persia empire continue construction!
while cheat nebuchadnezzar,,
r16 r17 r18 r19 r20 r21 r22 r23 r24 r25 r26 r27 r28 r29 r30 r31,
again a new tax day:)
mod sib,
vex2 vex3,
just 7 bit:(
hla can afford,
cheat engine half afford,
bas c never afford.
nebuchadnezzar just follow iran math olympiad way but on pc,
when olympiad number can't afford by tax number, 1998 i just give up to bas,
if 10 page paper for result number just equal pc screen 1 command for result number,
no body will continue,
iranian like 1 left key number command 10 right tax number,
french like 10 right tax number command 1 left key number,
so only command must be delete.
when left key number right tax number separate, life still the same,
none can hope left hand produce tax number 10,
none will right hand only produce key number 1.
dpk left key number 1, usa right tax number 10,
without trump, can never meet,
with biden, new x86 32 register still on fight for command reason.
chairman hua time, 2nd sim chn char, left hand key number 1,
chairman deng time, 1st sim chn char, right hand tax number 10,
finally separate,
when 1989 i join my first exam, left hand right hand never forecast this:(
but one thing is true,
cctv girl,
chairman hua time, left ear sound is credit, key number 1 sound,
chairman deng time, right eye face is credit, tax number 10 face.
with national factory, dpk teacher key number always repeat on paper.
without national factory, china edge key number soon use up 10.
even i recycle my 1989 exam paper 10, which already become dust be dropped,
so any chinese char former is key but after national factory bankrupt,
have to own produce 10, no different dust char produce 10 for use,
it's just a affair which chinese char to produce 10 for use,
and province char is the most 10:(
why chinese use different font for same char,
mainly for use up 10 reason,
from win95 to win11, so many national factory disappear,
while char font still so few, this is real use up 10 cheat,
so outside room draft paper i write, i can real touch use up 10,
this again advise edge who destroy this opera,
the unchanged chinese char font never use newest use up 10:(
in china, no jew can expand any use up 10 tax face for any reason.
in france, no palestinian can expand any use up 10 tax sound for any reason.
on this win11.24h, just try to use wordpad or any rtf support exe,
only so few old enough chinese char font,
notepad++ still follow hla hide editor way,
just a example,
you can never see tax yv char in cheng du province,
you also can't see tax chuan char in chong qing vice capital,
ms word so complex to use,
so ms have to word eat to reserve wordpad:)
2025\1\11, today, but just for word eat, word eat for chinese char tax font:|
windows shop, rft editor, ivirius text editor, land give out by ms:(
and for french league in uestc,
you can never see any real yv char in your building,
tibet height body you can always visit,
but yv char is real air rank higher than chuan char, vice capital > province.
finally give up, have to use docx to replace rtf, no chance to save disk:(
wordpad is the last exe for rtf,
while internet can never find out any up to date rtf editor,
the complex ms word join chinese char tax font affair,
you can never see other province's tax char in china:(
so apple screen and nvidia is real self drug for heraldry,
while this opera, hla hide editor, cmd screen, use newest chinese yv char on tax duty.
2002 in senior middle school 4th year, i hear 1989 from kid of bei jing university.
2003 around, i watch 1989 in uestc runxin building 1 room 334, say video from taiwan.
that time's cheng du province is the peak forever.
it's the worst example to prove only one china:(
chinese who can support the apx 3 new evex, just means it drop tik tok sound, accept meta face.
so a joke, chinese who real know x86 just want to write on paper to have some free life,
while chinese who is tik tok crazy demand all best computer:)
2nd sim chn char fake char all disappear;
1st sim chn char fake char all appear.
cheng du chuan char fake char on disappear;
chong qing yv char fake char on appear.
former av girl burst milk never trigger sex;
now tv girl legal clothes trigger sex.
i just mean this fake char:) fake char:| fake char:(
2025\1\12, yandex browser yandex search watch 2 dpk pow in ukraine, but from china dust site:(
first know this information on google browser information table, only char, no picture:(
if intel lose to amd,
then white house lose to mar a lago, can't compile,
mov r16,r31
i have to enjoy new cpu by picture:)
vcmi single map all for one is the last game,
for nk tax 10,
for uestc tax 10,
for magic mirror screen:(
disciples, illusion magic, only legion can use, other only can buy trade steal,
and this illusion always legion monster.
aow, no mirror, no illusion.
samurai shodown, galford just use ninja body.
vcmi weak spell clone, many battlefield reserve action also disappear, but more fair:)
finally, paper.hla for fseg use, the last 1989 fake char:)
program paper;
#includeonce( "stdlib.hhf" )
#includeonce( "hide/hidelib.hhf" )
?@nodisplay := true;
?@noalignstack := true;
begin paper;
stdout.put("stack bottom: ",eax,nl);
stdout.put("stack ceiling: ",eax,nl);
stdout.put("tib: ",eax,nl);
stdout.put("peb: ",eax,nl);
stdout.put("heap: ",eax,nl);
end paper;
only stack is constant, other in windows 95 always dance,
but now legal use paper fake char sound,
so i still rob tik tok:)
to use up uestc chuan land fake char which kill yv char:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
to use up nk yv land fake char which kill chuan char:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
akechi mitsuhide,
toyotomi hideyoshi,
maeda toshiie,
shibata katsuie.
ming zhi guang xiu,
feng chen xiu ji,
qian tian li jia,
chai tian sheng jia.
this time chinese official char more clear than french single face.
2003 around play kohan demo, fpe 2000 pro surplus energy never use all,
2025 play kohan complete, marvel snap is more beautiful,
this is the only thing support nvidia, which must anti russia:(
already delete euroasm, only keep hla, though apx so delicious:)
this is the reason why i understand russia, though china x86 pc's cpu must belongs to france:(
2001, i join chong qing 3+2 high exam, failure.
2002, before chong qing 3+x high exam, i buy disciples 2 dark prophecy 2 cd, but immediately bring to cheng du.
2003 around just a vocation, i bring this 2 cd back to chong qing, use fpe 2000 pro to cheat kohan demo.
that time cd really replace paper position, so 2001 high exam failure body all on it.
all face destroyed, but sound still keeps, due to game cd, especially cd 2 which provide demo.
though nvidia finally win kohan demo, but x86 pc without cpu all belongs to russia:(
now just write hla reserve key word on draft book which belongs to outside room,
every time only write 10.
this is china, never japan have to serve mikado,
so except english, all capital letter on math physics chemistry disappear follow kohan demo,
the remain capital letter hla use, i think this is the debt nvidia have to pay:)
now nvidia trust capital letter on my body, never produce by myself:(
my capital letter:
some of my same time kid capital letter:
there is a one year pre primary school course,
my place hold by primary school,
other place may hold by kindergarten or both.
except x86, for lowercase letter:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
except x86, for capital letter:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
2025\1\13, it's about money, but for capital letter.
dpk money never have capital letter,
rok money always have capital letter.
chairman hua always have capital letter,
chairman deng never have capital letter.
at least now hla and paper use same money same capital letter,
but i don't think other have this chance.
uestc never teach chemistry,
but chemistry capital letter all destroyed by it,
1997-1998 in chong qing, i just have junior middle school chemistry olympiad national prize rank 3,
a province air rank eat vice capital air rank even capital air rank:(
while uestc turbo c ptr still work on this windows 11,
while uestc hospital chuan char still belongs to this left body,
if left have so much, right labour for free:)
when 2005-2006 cheng du land never recognize national prize,
i know only birth land leave to me,
growth land real price up though i already use it as dust:|
in chong qing, if not this chemistry national prize,
even yv char i already write just all be replaced:(
so french league in uestc building,
the x86 pc you use only cpu is yourself,
without cpu 1st is jing char 2nd is chuan char, no other char:(
2000 i buy sod chinese in nk,
2002/2003 i buy 1st ab chinese 2nd roe chinese in uestc,
single map: all for one,
blue: conflex,
vcmiscrolls: clone,
after 2 hero lose, vcmilose.
the only 2nd sim chn char proved to belongs to chong qing, chemistry,
because cheng du already destroy it, but recover,
so i say jing char is the real char of china,
lu char is real a gamble char before it meet jing char:(
the 2nd sim chn char chemistry book just printed by cheng du senior middle school,
great chairman hua, on page after surface,
this is a bad example for heraldry,
lu char never produce 2nd sim chn char,
chuan char produce 2nd sim chn char but word eat,
yv char only use 2nd sim chn char but obey,
lu char pre produced 1st sim chn char failure,
chuan char word eat 2nd sim chn char failure,
yv char succeed 2nd sim chn char still in the names of jing char.
remain dust land for 2nd sim chn char, while yv char is tax.
all province char, except jing char,
have to become dust in other province,
this is the economy prophecy for chairman deng in 1989,
1989 i in kindergarten never need to do clean work,
1989 i in primary school have to do clean work.
in fact, capital letter even can't support x32dbg, which hla must use:)
when hide:make:source hlabe, so many capital letter:(
so hla all need in onedrive, while x96dbg in d, fool will trust reinstall c:|
this again support cheat engine,
so many capital letter cheat engine join,
just for this contribution, paris have to pay cheat engine:)
so i understand why german forge so many capital letter in france,
while germany building in my place no real capital letter even printed as capital letter,
i think the only german capital letter chinese produce except german,
is the capital letter this windows 11 screen hla legal declare as wish:)
mame:the last blade, final boss,
who forge chinese sword shell, just to forge france capital letter,
so attila's son is real french, his capital letter never mentioned in china.
With The Wind Hun On,
And Remain Attila Son,
One Thousand Years Pass Moon,
Come Sword Sound Sex Nippon.
for german sword lowercase letter sex sound:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
for german sword capital letter sex face:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
for outside draft paper room,
exam paper never like homework paper,
kid have to refuse write on exam paper due to its difficulty and unfamiliar,
but kid have to keep on write on homework paper due to its simple and familiar.
it's a good memory for homework paper write,
while exam paper write still on cheat engine x86_64 with bad feeling.
just search fearless cheat engine, zhong,
all ct file belongs to it, already without any homework paper support,
you have to pay your own homework paper, now is enjoyment:)
cctv in my place separate into two,
because there is two official sound land,
if not polite but exact,
chong qing ghost and cheng du ghost:(
france ghost never have sound,
china ghost never have face.
iran ghost,
picture book of 2nd sim chn char time, never found,
x86 game of 1st sim chn char time, never found,
where to find out a iran ghost?
2025\1\14, here comes the century problem,
france ghost disappear in iran,
china ghost disappear in iran,
while now there is no iran king,
and never found any iran ghost,
who kidnap so many ghost across eurasia:)
while write hla on draft paper, recall some memory,
homework paper writing, always discrete, because none want to write,
exam paper writing, always continuous, because never lack kid to succeed.
for nvidia, she is half real and half fake,
in france, there is so many homework paper full of capital letter,
in china, there is so few exam paper though have some capital letter, but act as russian letter.
my father is a rare color blind,
he travel in france usa italy.
he can't separate white and yellow,
while sometimes yellow and red i just mixed.
he can see clear in very darkness,
when my home eat food, he always shut down light, while we must open light.
1989 when he try to teach english by himself, he is a physical education teacher,
1989-2016, he just produce capital letter for nvidia.
after retirement, he never touch english any longer:)
this is a good example how tik tok serve meta:(
when japanese legal in china, now on cctv story play,
some x86 game produced by china,
picture book of 2nd sim chn char time just stack on this pc room floor,
all call japanese ghost son, so still son of china, but produced by ghost:)
iran is a kidnapper for ghost, but her nation flag never have any char,
so this is very friendly for ghost:|
while chong qing kid rob all the cheng du kid homework paper land,
dpk legal president finally join home prison:)
dpk 1940-1945 work in chong qing, finally have nation body, produce own ghost:(
rok, i think now korean in chong qing still 99% dpk:|
eye magic, which japan ninja use, still serve dpk,
2006 japan ninja cartoon which final is eye magic burst,
i watch in uestc former girl bedroom building floor net bar,
i just think provide some top rank japan av girl, i can write this error by self wish:)
2025\1\15, in action taimanin, you can also use eye magic,
i'm afraid x86 pc with nvidia, this game never support capital letter,
a tip, only wemod still support:)
in vcmi battlefield screen, tab, vcmiwin, direct jump to red dragon screen:(
this is the power of x86 pc with nvidia of capital letter.
while i still free play fatal core,
now i accept fasm on d,
r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 r13 r14 r15,
ymm8 ymm9 ymm10 ymm11 ymm12 ymm13 ymm14 ymm15,
this cpu have, can never avoid:(
fasmw, fasm2,
this again beat eye magic,
while full support japan av girl:)
national factory sex group land:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
workshop sex private land:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
fatal core,
action taimanin,
marvel snap,
when the 3 all play on this windows 11 screen,
game language can only choose english,
or arabic number will burst to lose body,
and so many capital letter belongs to nvidia:(
it's only about game display language,
though on paper,
fatal core arabic language book,
action taimanin japanese language book,
marvel snap german language book,
3 book stack together,
paper arabic number will never burst,
but real thing is, there is only 1 screen, which is the main arabic number must happen.
action taimanin, when have to use english as game display language,
asagi my main role have to dress qipao, or no china sex land support,
this real anti france politic correct, and support playboy politic error,
if can't use chinese language, sex girl is the last support to run game:(
so i think steam in china real depend on chinese language,
more or less some sex char just run in it,
this thing never happen in heraldry especially unofficial,
game no chinese language receive bad click is real truth, no sex:(
outside paper room draft paper, if write any correct arabic number, soon become sex land,
and can stack, real sex useful,
this pc room x86 game, only 1 screen, and arabic number violation for own game,
never any sex land real produce, stack sex land, rsp never achieve.
format pe64
;db $00,$00,$00,$00,00_000_000b
;db $89,00_000_000b
;db 0100_1111b,$89,00_000_000b
db $d5,0111_1111b,$89,00_000_000b
fasmw compile success, not fasm2, but x64dbg doesn't recognize:(
for mikado school:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
for prime minister school:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
1998, no old run net bar,
2025, remain old run net bar.
chinese who become official before chairman deng die,
its sound still exist, but may never on official body.
even the official already die,
so this isn't a good example for meta official,
but make tik tok ghost sound legal.
biden shut down tik tok,
just cut off these ghost official sound,
and i understand why biden see ghost official face in parliament.
so this solve iran kidnap ghost problem, and why iran no ghost.
but i still think iran king more acceptable by china ghost and france ghost,
now fake iran leader lose control of china ghost and france ghost.
china, official right sound, ghost sound, random left sound,
france, official right face, ghost face, random left face.
when china hill and france hill begin rebel iran leader,
whole iran follow to suffer:(
meta, 490 bc, marathon face,
meta, 480 bc, sparta leonidas face see persia xerxes face,
meta, 71 bc, spartacus face see pompeius face.
and i understand attila know he must failure still on spain battlefield,
all chinese fool face remain here:( here:| here:)
Attila Hun Face Chaos Spain,
Persian Cannon Die Nippon Samurai.
by the help of nippon samurai land, nebuchadnezzar continue build by cheat engine:)
soon this former guy trump on official,
so another peace 4 years,
only waiting natural accident,
too boring:(
left hand hold tablet which draft book on,
right hand grasp pen to write on and same time grasp mouse to page down pdf,
before 1998, right hand never hope this action,
now this windows 11 screen for paper writing,
soon nebuchadnezzar with cheat engine to produce tablet still this screen.
1998 in nk, whole school use 1 pc room, shoe must in cover,
i just mean, mouse and pen, that time never compatible:)
now just image nearly everyone have a iphone,
this room laptop and outside room draft paper still old enough like 1998:(
except that time, screen is paper, and paper is screen:|
when 1994-1995, whole classroom nothing can do,
only watch random page on xinhua dictionary,
so many char never join final exam and high exam,
a old time kid memory now time kid with iphone can never understand:)
gong nong bing dictionary,
where 2nd sim chn char still alive,
i never touch it but know on web,
dictionary is real chinese culture area nation land,
like japanese big dictionary i touch in cheng du.
all for one, blue, undead, sandro,
even mouse click can only support vcmi,
complete no mouse support,
era no mouse support,
hota no mouse support,
chronicle no mouse support,
this is another explain why new world computing bankrupt:)
when i use pen,
iran math olympiad key alphanumeric always burst on the forecast position on paper,
when 1998 iran math olympiad key alphanumeric try on qbasic screen but failure,
pen and mouse just fight for own alphanumeric,
the remain pen which join mouse is former draft paper which serve exam paper,
no iphone will obey iran math olympiad key alphanumeric appearance:)
now time homework paper just consider produced by iphone,
this pc and out draft only produce hla in homework form,
word eat on forecast position of paper, only new generation is legal:(
after chairman deng die in 1997,
before chairman hua die in 2008,
so many years i never found any chance public paper can change key position:|
why i use hla,
the forecast position on paper still exist on pc screen,
though only eax, not new nd r24,
so hla even in homework form on paper,
still real successor of forecast position of paper,
so this 2 room still support iran king, anti fake iran leader:(
biden face still free heraldry of meta now,
former guy trump face will be forecast position of paper, which have tik tok in own nation,
this pc room still support biden meta,
out draft room still support trump tik tok,
only bill pass through the gate:)
nebuchadnezzar, i never found any forecast position,
but enough labour have to ask help from cheat engine,
so damn iran leader, all iran fake by you:(
av girl always use shadow group land,
tv girl always use public group land,
so the same tv in china may display 2 different group land,
av girl group land is body work together,
tv girl group land is clothes work together,
the big problem is,
av girl never know clothes group land,
tv girl never know body group land,
rok av girl body group land,
dpk tv girl clothes group land,
defector can never take this land,
in disciples, one race thief can never see other race guardian,
except cheat engine, or developer do in gallean's return bonus disc.
my father never meet gun in china,
but join group gun fight between red guard kid between 1966-1976 with killing,
2019 he 1st time meet gun in canada,
thank goodness he still have life:)
still 2019 early he in moscow,
even enter russia navy command center but be polite treat,
where's russian's gun:(
why i support biden free heraldry, just for this canadian gun,
single tik tok chinese, single meta french, only gun can persuade each other.
extra for this confident canandian gun,
my father in my town, when walk in farmland,
any dogs disturb him, stick to let the dogs obey:)
dogs owner all disappear or apologize:(
the former guy trump just make every chinese trust, that he never have gun,
so he will soon use all free tik tok land, which always stick on dogs to make obey,
protestors against trump now i reserve on biden time:)
ukraine dog now separate,
pet heraldry belongs to kiev,
livestock folk belongs to moscow,
i just speak the truth how dog position in china and france,
but dog owner never know each other:(
so many chinese culture area games on steam, you can never find a dog,
i just equip dog card in my marvel snap deck:)
so many dogs disappear in california fire,
nation > people > dog.
it's about japan usa steel combine,
in action taimanin, even enter usa military core, there find no dog:(
vcmi, all for one, red, arab,
blue handicap, no economy and growth,
tan handicap, no economy and growth,
every random resource position, all use elemental hero to occupy,
every week gather once, new revisit button real help,
the same time 1998-2001 when new world computing complete on run,
iran math olympiad just do the same thing on paper,
except key alphanumeric, all other alphanumeric monopolized by arabic,
even chinese german alphanumeric can't join:)
so without iran king, arabic lose all economy:(
2nd sim chn char, chairman hua time, this is of course thing, none can disturb arabic.
1st sim chn char, chairman deng time, math teaching book,
arabic number still the same, only chinese char replace,
but arabic lose none key economy monopoly privilege:(
due to vcmi, trump let iran king to control iran again, is the best economy choice.
wen zhai zhou bao,
published by cheng du in chairman deng time, but never printed in bei jing,
my home still receive, but after enter cheng du 4th hospital, i never see more,
1996- it means economy land this town, town command by cheng du,
2025 now even dust don't want to give land to this newspaper, still this town,
but command by chong qing.
2002-2004 i read it in uestc,
when disciples 2 elf stop playing,
it also stop reading:(
only cheng du 2nd sim chn char follow me till now,
2025\1\19, the last day cheng du 1st sim chn char and 2nd sim chn char both 2011 for biden,
drop 1st, keep 2nd, as i do in china:)
so many years, only vcmi economy rebuild,
spain arabic economy on this win11:)
but this time, spain arabic have to receive no in china:(
only intel amd cpu still receive yes in china, so history never repeat,
but can explain again, though thousand year passed:|
now even number on money can't trigger energy,
1996- command always use this energy,
tomorrow trump will become different in all china province,
while today biden see this energy disappear.
when calculus erase math olympiad error, this energy just on disappear.
this energy just base on correct, and there is no error number produce by free,
this is the no speaks to spain arabic.
math olympiad key alphanumeric just equal chinese correct char,
which real provide energy in china,
and in china sound never real provide energy,
so so many non key alphanumeric can't run in china.
2025\1\25, but this web site can't open yesterday:(
it's about former group body, but disturb by iran fool hacker:(
1997 fall to 1998 summer, i'm in grade 3,
i enter in 1995, but be signed grade 1998,
that time a student from nearby town enter class 2,
now this town already half disappear, part become main city area,
it's 1998 summer, due to watermelon, soon will meet,
violation between class 4 group and class 2 few,
class 4 master from long river right side town, next to my town,
class 4 alway use group to make sure other student obey, except top rank,
1995-1997 is cheng du, 1997-1998 is chong qing,
just near railway station, violation finally burst,
class 4 group and class 2 few, this new come class 2 student,
use knife which for sell watermelon, hurt a class 4 student,
the shop keeper's student is in my class 1,
and class 4 group suddenly disappear,
class 4 girl also join, but only boy be knife join,
this class 2 boy still keep anger,
after this hurt, this class 2 student leave, class 4 group silence.
1989, 6502 nes, no fpu,
1992, 68000 mame, no fpu,
1998, 586/pentium, fpu.
iran paper math, 1+1=2 is correct, 1.01+1.02=2.03 is error.
france x86 fpu, 1.01+1.02=2.03 is correct, there is no 1+1=2.
when 1989 i join primary school grade 1 from kindergarten grade 3,
paper math, calculator near nes, paper page vs calculator screen.
now every chinese kid have a iphone, its former body is calculator.
i still remember paper page hate stare at calculator screen,
paper page once control economy,
iphone fpu screen now control economy.
this x86 room fpu screen,
out paper room draft,
work together to solve different economy problem.
2025\1\29, on net japan top rank av girl drink av boy's nipple,
on tv china top rank cctv girl's nipple lower rank,
this thing france meta heraldry can never understand,
but cctv girl never drink cctv boy's nipple,
china tik tok must use milk only produce by top rank girl without any boy dust:(
use decimal like bas c which next to paper can never explain,
use binary of this x86 hla only calculator screen can easily explain,
real32 real64 real80 format already join economy nipple.
it's not a good news for iphone, so any germany spy on sound in china means nothing,
1983, my birthplace in cheng du, 2019 around rebuild,
1990, this building complete, 1997 belongs to chong qing,
before 1996, both land sound trust each other,
yesterday, both land sound never believe each other,
still same land, only economy change into fpu:(
so additional advice for biden, now ignore trump,
even my cheng du birth sound in chong qing is just lie,
i last land it is 2010, use fake sound to live is china truth:|
all 3 poem write by fake sound, never include my birth sound,
just a example show to meta, how fake sound of tik tok work,
only japan tv girl can afford:)
sod, roe new, 2000-2001, chinese, economy number sound is yv char,
ab, roe old, 2002-2004, chinese, economy number sound is chuan char,
due to economy reason, both sound never combine,
vcmi can't combine both sound, but as a new run,
on this point, meta lose to tik tok,
heraldry if use folk economy, will never have heraldry body, only have folk body.
heroes 3 is world map heraldry economy number growth,
disciples 2 is nation map heraldry economy number growth,
age of wonders 1 is home map heraldry economy number growth,
when i play those 3 games, all use tik tok folk economy number,
mistake only happen once, and can never repeat.
so i never see any chinese number will provide body for trump tariff:)
when now trump the great in biden time is trump the guy,
the economy subtraction number in 1989 of china is unsteady,
byte $0f,$c7,%11_110_000;
only real32 connect 1988 1989 1990 for punish score production, it's trump the great,
real64 real80 can't connect 1988 1989 1990 for punish score production, it's trump the guy,
real32 is tik tok,
real64 real80 real16 meta free to use,
subtraction is vcmi earth magic view earth,
addition is vcmi air magic view air.
marvel snap, ongoing dog deck with thanos,
1 meal only fight 3 time, if 1st 2nd win, 3rd act to lose,
this cheated subtraction fit real64 real80 real16 perfect:(
a tip for biden follower, not for trump follower,
2nd sim chn char economy subtraction number, only tik tok folk support real32,
paper iran math olympiad subtraction number, still tik tok folk support real32.
i just wish hla64, randall hyde may know apx 20 years ago,
but now this out of date hla32 is tik tok folk realm:)
2008 after chairman hua die, too many 2nd sim chn char paper destroyed,
especially in school library, but outside school still survive enough,
2003 cheng du destroy high exam to destroy 2nd sim chn char key,
2008 cheng du destroy school library to destroy 2nd sim chn char topic,
so china kid even give to tokyo and will never give to cheng du:(
kid who 2009 join punish score never recognize 2nd sim chn char land,
so economy real saved, while non kid like me still publish it,
so only life will real stop 2nd sim chn char:|
i'm afraid new kid whose punish score never use 2nd sim chn char land,
can only do real64 real80 real16 subtraction in own province,
and internet still serve 2nd sim chn char real32 subtraction,
china legal subtraction body finally make sense by economy real support.
whole iran math olympiad equation sound disappear, key sound still exist,
form just like below,
these paper form body sound all disappear, that time mainly use chinese number sound,
now on china school paper, all these body sound rebuild by iphone,
so iran global paper time finally end.
when 1998 i in nk, meet below form,
which is qbasic, iran paper equation body just on disappear,
though 2001 my class still have senior middle school national math olympiad prize 1st rank:)
out paper room draft body, rebuild by this hla32.
paper math equation sound body, rebuild by iphone, 50% chance use other's x to do subtraction,
paper math equation sound body, rebuild by hla32, 100% chance use own x to do subtraction.
1998 see france x=x+1,
2001 still do iran 2x=3,
if head can enter china no. 1 universtiy,
cheat body 3 year is worthing:(
1998 i just follow body,
type photon man in aoe,
type show me the money in sc gundam,
watch fpe95 but can't use.
two sound,
body produce former grow up 2nd sim chn char unique sound now legal by yv char,
head produce newer birth 1st sin chn char unique sound now illegal by chuan char,
before 1996 both unique sound just corporate,
so no violation,
one real yv char unique sound, one fake chuan char unique sound.
if now i legal in cheng du control area,
one real chuan char unique sound, one fake yv char unique sound,
in china to image a nonexistent combine sound,
there is no reserve land.
some rest, i have to gather other public air to write down poem.
in china, to do vcmi angelic alliance, no hota,
2000 chinese char, rampart tower fortress stronghold,
iv combine prayer sound,
is just mongolia china sound entertainment,
happen once but never repeat:)
1999, conflux, armageddon's blade, iran, unique sound,
2000, rtfs, angelic alliance, japan india mexico hungary, combine sound,
1998 i 1st time touch p1 in school,
2000 i 1st time have p3 in home.
mov eax,0_0000_0000_000_0000__0000_0000_0000_0000b
for china sound and france face connection,
shared real32 subtraction land,
all math law sound/face from iran paper math stop here,
1936 nazi germany z1 binary.
1939 germany tibet face yes replace poland tibet sound no,
751 iran paper spread,
1939-751,j39 id9-751,b88 1188.
paper, china group public dog number mantissa, arrive spain,
x86, spain single private dog number mantissa, arrive china.
real32 subtraction finally lead to dog violation:(
my father's old home in farm land,
when i eat in it,
neighbour's dog also join to search food under table,
france only playboy's dog is public:)
iran dog. age of empires.
afghan dog. red alert.
if gold not currency, real32 subtraction all belongs to dog,
cheng du gold in chong qing can never do any subtraction.
for body, now i have to become a chong qing people to land on cheng du, for imagine,
for birth, now i still a cheng du people to float above cheng du, for imagine.
chairman hua 2nd sim chn char is the best subtraction dog land,
chairman deng 1st sim chn char is the best addition gold land.
rea32, dog subtraction, gold addition, use the same area land,
if hla64, may real64 on duty, for imagine.
chong qing university body upgrade into cheng du,
si chuan university body degrade out of chong qing,
1995 i join junior middle school, produce similar air,
same land,
that time chuan char body so confident,
now time yv char body so confident:(
1 thing is true,
1995 mantissa is full body on paper,
2025 mantissa is full body on x86,
1998 in nk,
i see mantissa on qbasic book,
i see mantissa on qbasic screen.
1997 kid plan,
stop paper mantissa production,
after have job then have money,
use money to command paper mantissa,
plan is perfect,
paper mantissa production stopped,
job lead to money,
but only x86 real32 mantissa awaiting:(
program violation;
#includeonce( "stdlib.hhf" )
#includeonce( "hide/hidelib.hhf" )
?@nodisplay := true;
?@noalignstack := true;
begin violation;
stdout.put("1.0",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.1",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.2",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.3",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.4",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.5",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.6",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.7",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.8",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.9",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.a",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.b",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.c",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.d",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.e",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.f",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
end violation;
1.0 3F80_0000 1.00000000e+00
1.1 3F88_0000 1.06250000e+00
1.2 3F90_0000 1.12500000e+00
1.3 3F98_0000 1.18750000e+00
1.4 3FA0_0000 1.25000000e+00
1.5 3FA8_0000 1.31250000e+00
1.6 3FB0_0000 1.37500000e+00
1.7 3FB8_0000 1.43750000e+00
1.8 3FC0_0000 1.50000000e+00
1.9 3FC8_0000 1.56250000e+00
1.a 3FD0_0000 1.62500000e+00
1.b 3FD8_0000 1.68750000e+00
1.c 3FE0_0000 1.75000000e+00
1.d 3FE8_0000 1.81250000e+00
1.e 3FF0_0000 1.87500000e+00
1.f 3FF8_0000 1.93750000e+00
king number finally game over,
peasant number finally spread,
number no key,
population dust.
when i play real nes,
when i play real mame,
nes cpu command feeling,
mame cpu command feeling,
never happen in former windows 7 and now windows 11,
this time real body equal real number,
cpu body violation affect game feeling:(
same cpu body windows linux macos no game feeling violation,
when 1998 in nk, i switch out of dos to windows 95 to play game,
cpu body game feeling till now:|
below is cheat engine,
hide have to set .data,erw .text,erw
use .bat to polink isn't for beginner,
can't use x86_64 is ninja:)
program opcode_not_in_hla;
#includeonce( "stdlib.hhf" )
#includeonce( "hide/hidelib.hhf" )
?@nodisplay := true;
?@noalignstack := true;
#macro adcx0(a,b);
#macro adcx1(a,b):c;
byte $66,$0f,$38;
#macro adcx2(a,b):c;
mov($f6,(type byte [eax]));
byte $66,$0f,$38;
/*#macro adcx3(a,b):c;
byte $c6,%00_000_101,$03,$00,$00,$00,$f6;
byte $66,$0f,$38;
begin opcode_not_in_hla;
byte $90,$90,$90,$90;
byte $90,$90,$90,$90;
byte $90,$90,$90,$90;*/
end opcode_not_in_hla;
1995 left body and right body do the same thing,
but on 2nd sim chn char paper iran math olympiad,
that time is group left body and group right body,
now time is single left body and single right body:(
工 七川六 田 六川一口 工 七川一口 工 口又七_
二甲 石 三 工 五_甲工一_
甲巾二 石 二甲 石 一 工 口_甲工土一_
甲 石 二乙 工 五_二甲 石 乙 工 四_甲工一_乙工二_
子甲巾二 石 丑甲 石 寅_甲工一_子石丑石寅_
正弦一 工 八又四一十土一_
余弦一 工 五又四口十土一_
正切一 工 一又五五_
自率 工 二又七一_
对一九 工 一又二七_
自对一九 工 二又九四_
2nd sim chn char public land, only triggered by real prize,
2nd sim chn char private land, all join new slight punishment.
dpk general prize land,
rok president punish land.
high prize -> high punish,
low prize -> low punish.
iran paper use high punish,
france x86 use low punish.
starcraft gundam original stimpack:(
starcraft gundam expansion medic:)
starcraft original stimpack fake,
starcraft expansion medic fake.
before 1997 hongkong join,
a english-taiwanese dictionary printed by cheng du but in 1980s around,
still stopped by 2nd sim chn char book printed by cheng du,
i mean in classroom, new classroom building 1994 around complete,
so i only say, france x86 production win iran paper law:(
before chong qing full command,
these thing once happen in chong qing land but in cheng du time,
can never publish, new kid body lose all old kid memory:(
france x86 no nation char,
iran paper no private char,
home table like this, for a special period,
or iran paper on it, or france x86 on it,
in fact now i have enough reason to return iran paper to this table,
and i have to follow whole china nation behavior:(
mediterranean support private char easy,
tibet support nation char easy,
iran just between the two:)
i can understand japanese in taiwan without av girl face,
like cheng du kid now can't do subtraction on land of chong qing:)
so many chong qing dust make me throw up before 1996,
2025 is delicious food for cheng du new kid:(
in chinese culture area,
succession is succession,
while food rank is always random,
east turkey eat random rank food,
west turkey eat constant rank food,
only blood is the same:(
so many paper magazine once support nes mame blizzard,
error support, correct never join,
watch magazine, hear cctv, in front of tv, with some food and drink,
paper magazine is real error source which used by cpu error handle:)
2011 later, only leaving picture book beautiful girl book,
all other error paper, i fired in wc, never recycle as paper,
windows 7 without paper magazine error still run ok,
windows 11 without paper magazine error run failure,
1996 before, if can see nes/mame game ending,
drop paper magazine in hand to do:(
x86 asm book in this room, if i read, can declare error even exceed this room,
this up to date windows 11 hla, even i compile success, only this table produce error,
outside paper room even declare long river right bank error, this is long river left bank:(
blizzard have to print own paper magazine,
so many dollar on watch once cg,
a high quality paper magazine can keep half a year for error producing.
cheng du uestc, chong qing nk,
never share same x86 opcode dictionary,
whether paper pc or land.
like taipei and beijing, only people to people then trust,
uestc and nk, still people to people then trust.
now i real have database experience of 2 province:)
left private error, right group correct, finally separate,
left sound, right sound, 2004 already separate.
new kid left private error right group correct have to combine,
when i was kid, never consider this two will separate:(
1997, left face, right face, already violate,
that time left group body is now dpk,
now time right group body is now rok,
own body never need to fight own body:|
there is no homework of 1997,
this break point whether cheng du or chong qing have to face,
the command for produce homework never exist,
so tomorrow new homework will cover this bug:(
while write down real32 binary 1..100 on draft,
only right hand still know how to roll pen body to make writing more comfortable,
left hand to write on draft is impossible,
left hand know how to control pen as wish is just a dream:(
so for blizzard china economy plan,
left hand paper magazine still necessary for a long time,
i just remember before 1996,
only exam paper can declare paper magazine error land,
repeat nes/mame without ending just means boring,
1989 fall i watch nes,
1990 jan/feb i have exam paper no. 1,
know this two only share error:|
2025 dpk top rank kid from primary to college,
right hand share same draft error land,
left hand share same exam correct land,
i don't think too many of them can use this windows 11 with onedrive:)
chong qing can't use cheng du new kid left hand, 2001 nk already trigger,
cheng du can't use chong qing new kid right hand, 2004 uestc already trigger,
now my left hand right hand only corporate by private,
1996 corporate by group is dream, i even don't want to think again:(
he bei province is real china, no hope:)
bei jing is imagine china, full of hope:(
1989 just switch he bei and bei jing position, everyday trust:|
2001 chong qing 3+2 cheng du 3+2 land no kid recycle,
1999 windows 95 heroes 3 error, 2025 windows 11 vcmi still use,
during 1989 i enter primary 2006 i leave college,
i never think old kid land will become dust:(
2001 chong qing 3+2 cheng du 3+2 correct all join this hla, allow cheat engine borrow land:)
2001 chong qing 3+2 cheng du 3+2 error only vcmi still record, hope new kid use cheat code:(
my father land mexico city center,
where aztec-spanish picture book draw,
the remain 1996- russian-english privilege on hla compile time,
its heraldry is french,
its letter is spanish:(
1997 cheng du and chong qing co-print teaching book follow 2nd sim chn char book way,
1997 spring begin just have teaching book, soon hear chairman deng die,
then chong qing become legal, so summer exam never belongs to cheng du,
same group teaching book, begin legal, end useless,
only bad pupil begin legal end useless for half a year:(
2007 the last time i as single enter cheng du,
only touch bad pupil land, the only once i real poor in cheng du:)
1992 around when subor nes enter china home,
the power button and restart button just consider the same,
2000 when i have windows 98,
start menu power and restart still consider the same,
2002 a hongkong scientific calculator have restart part must trigger by pen,
cheap but slow,
only this new generation windows 11 explain clear restart != power,
so bill gates time complete end,
william gates 1925-2020,
2021 windows 11 born,
2021 china 3+1+2 born.
real iran equation, never consider times,
is palindrome,
f(x)=0 -> x=r,
x=r -> f(x)=0,
no need of restart button,
france calculus can never do this palindrome exchange,
very need of restart button.
this is out paper room iran equation,
this x86 room france calculus,
f(x)=0 separation.
a joke,
even x86 book in this room,
eax ecx edx ebx esp ebp esi edi still use f(x)=0 palindrome land,
even 2007 book i buy, a pure course of mathematics, the only english math book,
use f(x)=0 palindrome land.
1989 fall, i 1st time see nes restart ugly screen.
arabic religion, chn_hui2 jiao4, chn.hui2.recycle, chn.jiao4.religion.
in china, recycle and palindrome, low rank and high rank, same body.
before 1998 in nk i use qbasic,
my paper math never use punctuation,
very suitable palindrome:)
1992 i 1st time write iran equation.
now i play vcmi single map,
only use hero with monster ability,
take 1/10/100 non-upgrade self monster to complete game,
allow wild upgrade self monster join to occupy slot 7,
handicap set income all to 0,
vcmi save file load to handicap campaign.
conflux do joke on leadership, air hate earth, fire hate water, so conflict,
but arabic palindrome air water fire earth elemental from battlefield spell summon,
arabic palindrome pixie firebird from rampart,
only psychic is a arabic, saudi arabia king, not saudi arabia prince:(
i never see any french invest on japan karate, but dog thief putin can:)
french all allow china shaolin kongfu land:(
when i was poor, my body use karate,
when i was rich, my body use dimak,
now i half poor half rich, my body only recognize air:|
curse sound controlled by 2nd sim chn char,
never controlled by 1st sim chn char,
iran paper math olympiad, except key, all are curse sound construct,
i once use 2nd sim chn char curse sound,
a shang dong kid use 1st sim chn char curse sound,
both never trust each other,
just like bei jing and taipei curse sound violation:(
1989 means curse sound out of control,
only life time will solve this,
random and gamble of china curse sound:(
vcmi monster month curse face is random, like russian enter paris,
3 kingdom money month curse sound is random, like japanese enter nan jing.
washington have to shut down tik tok curse,
bei jing have to shut down meta curse,
vcmi no money month curse sound,
3 kingdom no monster month curse face.
1981, chairman deng rob chairman hua money month,
then paris use money month kill air.
cheng du left money month curse sound kill air,
chong qing right money month curse sound kill air.
if not 2nd sim chn char money month curse sound kill air,
my left sound can never exist,
and this prove,
shan dong province money month curse sound kill air,
can never spread out,
fake char no kill.
no sword clean wc,
no half char display in palace,
only people link this two,
rare single people,
normal group people.
what a palindrome for former thing,
fake shan dong char kill pure cheng du char:(
if not right body gold air, left body guy land all destroyed,
when 1995 both left right body are guy,
left body trust 2nd sim chn char paper prize,
2025 finally right body use,
so fake left guy body by right gold:)
left body lose left group body wc,
right body lose right group body palace,
gaza left body lose left group body wc,
washington right body lose right group body palace.
so a joke,
this left body can easily use wc in dpk,
this right body can easily use palace in rok,
one time one land half body have to be fake half body have to be real:|
1998 in nk i just burst this sound while sound violate with a long river right bank kid, i live in left bank,
for so many years, especially on tv, i hear every province version of this sound,
even my mother also use this sound:(
that time sound duel, when 2nd sim chn char sound,
long river left bank power, long river right bank power, equal, just burst this,
but nk in jialing river right bank:)
but must use chuan char sound, while now never exist in chong qing,
so this sound still belongs to tibet, not so sharp, can never burst.
1 morning in nk, i read chinese,
my chinese teacher, who once tianjin vice capital tv host,
never want to hear this sharp sound,
now in nk even near tibet middle school,
i don't think any new chong qing kid even guest tibetan kid can produce so sharp sound:)
only in beijing capital, tibet kid real use its left sound free,
i don't think other province air rank can real use tibet kid left sound,
while tibet kid right sound just work on this hla website in other province:|
2025\1\8, 8^3=2^9=512,
tibet kid 2nd sim chn char left hand sound job done,
tibet kid 1st sim chn char right hand sound duty on.
chairman hua 2nd sim chn char sanxia province,
chairman deng 1st sim chn char chong qing vice capital,
is real a hard selection,
but today final select.
[-2][-0][-2][-5], enough steam and windows folder rename,
action taimanin success install, also wemod,
tentlan can never install, chinese culture area can play it must be on air rank top.
dust of railway command by cheng du,
dust of highway of chong qing,
never mix,
cleaner for both dust is the last sound link cheng du and chong qing.
cheng du bad pupil who produce failure number,
cheng du teacher who sign punish number,
which use cheng du bad pupil produced number,
to punish cheng du bad pupil itself,
just this number disappear.
in fact, 1997 after chong qing set up,
enough former cheng du bad pupil leave school.
in fact, 1989-1995, 1995-1997 i already write number in cheng du in vocation,
but finally 2002-2004, 2005-2006 the number i write in uestc, punish myself:(
just 1997 the separation point,
chuan char 2nd sim chn char number, cheng du bad pupil produced to punish itself,
yv char 1st sim chn char number, chong qing bad pupil produced to punish itself,
never continuous, just discrete.
in china, even same school, never have guy sound credit,
this once cheng du school, guy sound once mixed,
this now chong qing school, guy mixed sound all disappear, also means word eat.
it's real a bad news for cctv, which act as cover all guy sound,
but in china if happen any province change, while school never change,
the school never replace guy sound of its former land.
why china guy sound on this hla site?
due to english pay credit for guy sound,
so only english land of china school which change province, still can use guy sound credit:(
yesterday qinghai province still another tibet but never india related, airquake,
guy sound word eat.
so english guy sound is real global guy sound,
french guy sound may only capital guy sound,
if i success in uestc, may speak french in china,
but french league stop it:)
due to action taimanin with wemod can't trigger japan av girl land,
iran math olympiad key sound mainly use av girl sex sound of guy mixed sound,
this is the final break point for iran math and france calculus,
mixed guy sex sound can never be unique noble command sound:(
guy mixed sex sound can disappear from china school,
noble unique command sound always constant in france school.
2025\1\9, it's only about nippon inner duel, but in china:)
for nippon av girl vpn which blocked by china long wall firewall:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
for action taimanin on steam under wemod on windows 11:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
former 2nd sim chn char time, i can use dual sword sound attack,
one guy sound land, the other noble sound land.
sikigahara war,
guy support osaka,
noble support tokyo,
miyamoto musashi join this war,
he then use dual sword in mame the last blade,
while disicples 2 elf by russia the elf warrior party leader 3d model dual sword, but dbf no x2.
this hongkong join 1st sim chn char time, i have dual sword sound on body,
but only once can use 1 sound, or guy sound land, or noble sound land,
free china guy have to obey global polite:(
disciples 2 elf pdf, its chinese version, very cheap, never like pharaoh pdf dear chinese version,
forest liege, due to his 3d model, attack: (2x) swords, level 1,
centaur savage, the only single legal sound, attack: war club/critical hit, level 3,
theurgist, the only group legal sound but with light/night/knight/right, attack: lighting storm/shatter, level 3,
i just mean,
musashi left short sword, is forest leige left equal length sword,
musashi left sword damage, is centaur savage critical hit,
musashi left hand sound, is theurgist shatter,
while musashi act in lava, no light:(
russia and japan distance in 3000 meter,
my place only water reach japan bank, only soil reach russia desert,
people is japan people, people is russia people, only this advantage:(
in uestc, i only once join a public french lesson by boring, next to french league,
other china college many never have this chance, so still use capital noble land:(
chong qing highest mountain 3000 meter once belongs to hu bei province,
it's e char sound, cheng du and tibet no chance to air rank it,
new chong qing guy use this body, i can never crack it,
my left body guy sound just borrow it, so this is the reason why i have to return cheng du,
no left body sound, especially guy sound, legal in air rank:(
when 2004 i sleep in cheng du 4th mental hospital,
left body real use chuan char sound again after 1983 night birth in cheng du forest hospital,
why not say right body, bei jing capital right body sound still direct command this hospital:(
chairman hua 2nd sim chn char time, china mountain mix to produce noble sound for calculus,
chairman deng 1st sim chn char time, province mountain build own guy sound for iran math olympiad.
when opera can't restore former page, mainly this hla page use too large,
microsoft edge continue legal restore former page on windows 11:(
but opera can real restore former page on windows 7:|
ms-dos time i never meet ms dos destroy other dos,
google rebel time finally i meet ms browser destroy other browser:)
while i still struggle visit hla on opera,
any new user adjust to edge will never trust opera,
while there is only a hla,
so there will never be any new browser.
a tip, all other famous browser i just used to browse av girls:)
so microsoft tiny operation on browser competition never hide:(
i promise there is no china software like tencent 360 on this windows,
so china browser never join this affair:|
like vcmi can't update mod in win11.24h,
opera can't real transfer time stamp to its server,
so just the c:\windows path, google never have any chance,
while /system/app, ms never have any chance,
this again explain why ukraine weapon so hard to use:(
after attila die, he gather all the weapon sound, so comes the lords of magic changeable sound for him,
while tomb raider lara never emphasize weapon,
but breakaways games produce emperor rise of middle kingdom, gathering weapon:)
in new world computing vcmi the frost sword, real orc never leave its weapon to sign heraldry,
so there is only a chinese king of france, attila the hun who gathering weapon, guy mix sex sound,
which is enjoyment in now japan, but that time is punishment in ancient rome:(
while i just read hla fseg peb teb,
a^2+b^2=c^2, which ancient chinese already knows,
iran math olympiad on paper, a b c are just mystic like zeratul,
france x86 hla on pc, eax ebx ecx are just discardable like sarah,
while hla just use paper, the mystic role zeratul she have to continue perform:)
artanis never kill zeratul, he is zeratul,
but sarah real do,
also tassador become overmind,
this time game text make sense, game itself is just 3d model of forest liege of disciples.
cseg dseg eseg fseg gseg sseg only use up own peb disk,
c d e f g s in iran math olympiad on paper, just like earliest pakistan hacker,
will spread sound from one paper to another paper,
if there is any paper, spread just on, even wc paper:(
hearthstone has a card back, the curse of hakkar, do the same thing, but use heraldry.
2025, get pid,
1989, write math topic label,
1. follow enough chinese char, mix a few iranian char.
chn_lao shi ni hao.
classroom kid group sound completely change.
still slap cctv, have to cheer nhk.
from 1989 to 1998 i just produce this sound in group,
this sound never produce by single,
primary school to junior middle school never much change,
kindergarten not produce,
senior middle school begin, no need to produce.
this place, cheng du time have tibet body join this sound,
this place, chong qing time have lake body join this sound,
this time is noble affair, prove china no constant noble.
this is official mandarin everyday have to produce except vocation,
so french noble sound have to bow to everyday mandarin:)
2025\1\10, real a day for tax:(
nebuchadnezzar still on campaign 10, without group 10, can never continue play,
so clever iran king, if this game try continue on ring, must thanks to cheat engine,
i'm afraid cheat engine have to forge this group 10 for nebuchadnezzar,
finally in the name of iran king, cheat engine is legal in all city build game.
so it's a good day again for cheat engine legal on this opera hla web stie,
just for this essential exception,
city build game which must use group tax 10.
while iran king still under fbi face tax 10,
china police sound tax 10 now pay to cheat engine:)
nebuchadnezzar persia empire continue construction!
while cheat nebuchadnezzar,,
r16 r17 r18 r19 r20 r21 r22 r23 r24 r25 r26 r27 r28 r29 r30 r31,
again a new tax day:)
mod sib,
vex2 vex3,
just 7 bit:(
hla can afford,
cheat engine half afford,
bas c never afford.
nebuchadnezzar just follow iran math olympiad way but on pc,
when olympiad number can't afford by tax number, 1998 i just give up to bas,
if 10 page paper for result number just equal pc screen 1 command for result number,
no body will continue,
iranian like 1 left key number command 10 right tax number,
french like 10 right tax number command 1 left key number,
so only command must be delete.
when left key number right tax number separate, life still the same,
none can hope left hand produce tax number 10,
none will right hand only produce key number 1.
dpk left key number 1, usa right tax number 10,
without trump, can never meet,
with biden, new x86 32 register still on fight for command reason.
chairman hua time, 2nd sim chn char, left hand key number 1,
chairman deng time, 1st sim chn char, right hand tax number 10,
finally separate,
when 1989 i join my first exam, left hand right hand never forecast this:(
but one thing is true,
cctv girl,
chairman hua time, left ear sound is credit, key number 1 sound,
chairman deng time, right eye face is credit, tax number 10 face.
with national factory, dpk teacher key number always repeat on paper.
without national factory, china edge key number soon use up 10.
even i recycle my 1989 exam paper 10, which already become dust be dropped,
so any chinese char former is key but after national factory bankrupt,
have to own produce 10, no different dust char produce 10 for use,
it's just a affair which chinese char to produce 10 for use,
and province char is the most 10:(
why chinese use different font for same char,
mainly for use up 10 reason,
from win95 to win11, so many national factory disappear,
while char font still so few, this is real use up 10 cheat,
so outside room draft paper i write, i can real touch use up 10,
this again advise edge who destroy this opera,
the unchanged chinese char font never use newest use up 10:(
in china, no jew can expand any use up 10 tax face for any reason.
in france, no palestinian can expand any use up 10 tax sound for any reason.
on this win11.24h, just try to use wordpad or any rtf support exe,
only so few old enough chinese char font,
notepad++ still follow hla hide editor way,
just a example,
you can never see tax yv char in cheng du province,
you also can't see tax chuan char in chong qing vice capital,
ms word so complex to use,
so ms have to word eat to reserve wordpad:)
2025\1\11, today, but just for word eat, word eat for chinese char tax font:|
windows shop, rft editor, ivirius text editor, land give out by ms:(
and for french league in uestc,
you can never see any real yv char in your building,
tibet height body you can always visit,
but yv char is real air rank higher than chuan char, vice capital > province.
finally give up, have to use docx to replace rtf, no chance to save disk:(
wordpad is the last exe for rtf,
while internet can never find out any up to date rtf editor,
the complex ms word join chinese char tax font affair,
you can never see other province's tax char in china:(
so apple screen and nvidia is real self drug for heraldry,
while this opera, hla hide editor, cmd screen, use newest chinese yv char on tax duty.
2002 in senior middle school 4th year, i hear 1989 from kid of bei jing university.
2003 around, i watch 1989 in uestc runxin building 1 room 334, say video from taiwan.
that time's cheng du province is the peak forever.
it's the worst example to prove only one china:(
chinese who can support the apx 3 new evex, just means it drop tik tok sound, accept meta face.
so a joke, chinese who real know x86 just want to write on paper to have some free life,
while chinese who is tik tok crazy demand all best computer:)
2nd sim chn char fake char all disappear;
1st sim chn char fake char all appear.
cheng du chuan char fake char on disappear;
chong qing yv char fake char on appear.
former av girl burst milk never trigger sex;
now tv girl legal clothes trigger sex.
i just mean this fake char:) fake char:| fake char:(
2025\1\12, yandex browser yandex search watch 2 dpk pow in ukraine, but from china dust site:(
first know this information on google browser information table, only char, no picture:(
if intel lose to amd,
then white house lose to mar a lago, can't compile,
mov r16,r31
i have to enjoy new cpu by picture:)
vcmi single map all for one is the last game,
for nk tax 10,
for uestc tax 10,
for magic mirror screen:(
disciples, illusion magic, only legion can use, other only can buy trade steal,
and this illusion always legion monster.
aow, no mirror, no illusion.
samurai shodown, galford just use ninja body.
vcmi weak spell clone, many battlefield reserve action also disappear, but more fair:)
finally, paper.hla for fseg use, the last 1989 fake char:)
program paper;
#includeonce( "stdlib.hhf" )
#includeonce( "hide/hidelib.hhf" )
?@nodisplay := true;
?@noalignstack := true;
begin paper;
stdout.put("stack bottom: ",eax,nl);
stdout.put("stack ceiling: ",eax,nl);
stdout.put("tib: ",eax,nl);
stdout.put("peb: ",eax,nl);
stdout.put("heap: ",eax,nl);
end paper;
only stack is constant, other in windows 95 always dance,
but now legal use paper fake char sound,
so i still rob tik tok:)
to use up uestc chuan land fake char which kill yv char:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
to use up nk yv land fake char which kill chuan char:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
akechi mitsuhide,
toyotomi hideyoshi,
maeda toshiie,
shibata katsuie.
ming zhi guang xiu,
feng chen xiu ji,
qian tian li jia,
chai tian sheng jia.
this time chinese official char more clear than french single face.
2003 around play kohan demo, fpe 2000 pro surplus energy never use all,
2025 play kohan complete, marvel snap is more beautiful,
this is the only thing support nvidia, which must anti russia:(
already delete euroasm, only keep hla, though apx so delicious:)
this is the reason why i understand russia, though china x86 pc's cpu must belongs to france:(
2001, i join chong qing 3+2 high exam, failure.
2002, before chong qing 3+x high exam, i buy disciples 2 dark prophecy 2 cd, but immediately bring to cheng du.
2003 around just a vocation, i bring this 2 cd back to chong qing, use fpe 2000 pro to cheat kohan demo.
that time cd really replace paper position, so 2001 high exam failure body all on it.
all face destroyed, but sound still keeps, due to game cd, especially cd 2 which provide demo.
though nvidia finally win kohan demo, but x86 pc without cpu all belongs to russia:(
now just write hla reserve key word on draft book which belongs to outside room,
every time only write 10.
this is china, never japan have to serve mikado,
so except english, all capital letter on math physics chemistry disappear follow kohan demo,
the remain capital letter hla use, i think this is the debt nvidia have to pay:)
now nvidia trust capital letter on my body, never produce by myself:(
my capital letter:
some of my same time kid capital letter:
there is a one year pre primary school course,
my place hold by primary school,
other place may hold by kindergarten or both.
except x86, for lowercase letter:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
except x86, for capital letter:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
2025\1\13, it's about money, but for capital letter.
dpk money never have capital letter,
rok money always have capital letter.
chairman hua always have capital letter,
chairman deng never have capital letter.
at least now hla and paper use same money same capital letter,
but i don't think other have this chance.
uestc never teach chemistry,
but chemistry capital letter all destroyed by it,
1997-1998 in chong qing, i just have junior middle school chemistry olympiad national prize rank 3,
a province air rank eat vice capital air rank even capital air rank:(
while uestc turbo c ptr still work on this windows 11,
while uestc hospital chuan char still belongs to this left body,
if left have so much, right labour for free:)
when 2005-2006 cheng du land never recognize national prize,
i know only birth land leave to me,
growth land real price up though i already use it as dust:|
in chong qing, if not this chemistry national prize,
even yv char i already write just all be replaced:(
so french league in uestc building,
the x86 pc you use only cpu is yourself,
without cpu 1st is jing char 2nd is chuan char, no other char:(
2000 i buy sod chinese in nk,
2002/2003 i buy 1st ab chinese 2nd roe chinese in uestc,
single map: all for one,
blue: conflex,
vcmiscrolls: clone,
after 2 hero lose, vcmilose.
the only 2nd sim chn char proved to belongs to chong qing, chemistry,
because cheng du already destroy it, but recover,
so i say jing char is the real char of china,
lu char is real a gamble char before it meet jing char:(
the 2nd sim chn char chemistry book just printed by cheng du senior middle school,
great chairman hua, on page after surface,
this is a bad example for heraldry,
lu char never produce 2nd sim chn char,
chuan char produce 2nd sim chn char but word eat,
yv char only use 2nd sim chn char but obey,
lu char pre produced 1st sim chn char failure,
chuan char word eat 2nd sim chn char failure,
yv char succeed 2nd sim chn char still in the names of jing char.
remain dust land for 2nd sim chn char, while yv char is tax.
all province char, except jing char,
have to become dust in other province,
this is the economy prophecy for chairman deng in 1989,
1989 i in kindergarten never need to do clean work,
1989 i in primary school have to do clean work.
in fact, capital letter even can't support x32dbg, which hla must use:)
when hide:make:source hlabe, so many capital letter:(
so hla all need in onedrive, while x96dbg in d, fool will trust reinstall c:|
this again support cheat engine,
so many capital letter cheat engine join,
just for this contribution, paris have to pay cheat engine:)
so i understand why german forge so many capital letter in france,
while germany building in my place no real capital letter even printed as capital letter,
i think the only german capital letter chinese produce except german,
is the capital letter this windows 11 screen hla legal declare as wish:)
mame:the last blade, final boss,
who forge chinese sword shell, just to forge france capital letter,
so attila's son is real french, his capital letter never mentioned in china.
With The Wind Hun On,
And Remain Attila Son,
One Thousand Years Pass Moon,
Come Sword Sound Sex Nippon.
for german sword lowercase letter sex sound:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
for german sword capital letter sex face:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
for outside draft paper room,
exam paper never like homework paper,
kid have to refuse write on exam paper due to its difficulty and unfamiliar,
but kid have to keep on write on homework paper due to its simple and familiar.
it's a good memory for homework paper write,
while exam paper write still on cheat engine x86_64 with bad feeling.
just search fearless cheat engine, zhong,
all ct file belongs to it, already without any homework paper support,
you have to pay your own homework paper, now is enjoyment:)
cctv in my place separate into two,
because there is two official sound land,
if not polite but exact,
chong qing ghost and cheng du ghost:(
france ghost never have sound,
china ghost never have face.
iran ghost,
picture book of 2nd sim chn char time, never found,
x86 game of 1st sim chn char time, never found,
where to find out a iran ghost?
2025\1\14, here comes the century problem,
france ghost disappear in iran,
china ghost disappear in iran,
while now there is no iran king,
and never found any iran ghost,
who kidnap so many ghost across eurasia:)
while write hla on draft paper, recall some memory,
homework paper writing, always discrete, because none want to write,
exam paper writing, always continuous, because never lack kid to succeed.
for nvidia, she is half real and half fake,
in france, there is so many homework paper full of capital letter,
in china, there is so few exam paper though have some capital letter, but act as russian letter.
my father is a rare color blind,
he travel in france usa italy.
he can't separate white and yellow,
while sometimes yellow and red i just mixed.
he can see clear in very darkness,
when my home eat food, he always shut down light, while we must open light.
1989 when he try to teach english by himself, he is a physical education teacher,
1989-2016, he just produce capital letter for nvidia.
after retirement, he never touch english any longer:)
this is a good example how tik tok serve meta:(
when japanese legal in china, now on cctv story play,
some x86 game produced by china,
picture book of 2nd sim chn char time just stack on this pc room floor,
all call japanese ghost son, so still son of china, but produced by ghost:)
iran is a kidnapper for ghost, but her nation flag never have any char,
so this is very friendly for ghost:|
while chong qing kid rob all the cheng du kid homework paper land,
dpk legal president finally join home prison:)
dpk 1940-1945 work in chong qing, finally have nation body, produce own ghost:(
rok, i think now korean in chong qing still 99% dpk:|
eye magic, which japan ninja use, still serve dpk,
2006 japan ninja cartoon which final is eye magic burst,
i watch in uestc former girl bedroom building floor net bar,
i just think provide some top rank japan av girl, i can write this error by self wish:)
2025\1\15, in action taimanin, you can also use eye magic,
i'm afraid x86 pc with nvidia, this game never support capital letter,
a tip, only wemod still support:)
in vcmi battlefield screen, tab, vcmiwin, direct jump to red dragon screen:(
this is the power of x86 pc with nvidia of capital letter.
while i still free play fatal core,
now i accept fasm on d,
r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 r13 r14 r15,
ymm8 ymm9 ymm10 ymm11 ymm12 ymm13 ymm14 ymm15,
this cpu have, can never avoid:(
fasmw, fasm2,
this again beat eye magic,
while full support japan av girl:)
national factory sex group land:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
workshop sex private land:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
fatal core,
action taimanin,
marvel snap,
when the 3 all play on this windows 11 screen,
game language can only choose english,
or arabic number will burst to lose body,
and so many capital letter belongs to nvidia:(
it's only about game display language,
though on paper,
fatal core arabic language book,
action taimanin japanese language book,
marvel snap german language book,
3 book stack together,
paper arabic number will never burst,
but real thing is, there is only 1 screen, which is the main arabic number must happen.
action taimanin, when have to use english as game display language,
asagi my main role have to dress qipao, or no china sex land support,
this real anti france politic correct, and support playboy politic error,
if can't use chinese language, sex girl is the last support to run game:(
so i think steam in china real depend on chinese language,
more or less some sex char just run in it,
this thing never happen in heraldry especially unofficial,
game no chinese language receive bad click is real truth, no sex:(
outside paper room draft paper, if write any correct arabic number, soon become sex land,
and can stack, real sex useful,
this pc room x86 game, only 1 screen, and arabic number violation for own game,
never any sex land real produce, stack sex land, rsp never achieve.
format pe64
;db $00,$00,$00,$00,00_000_000b
;db $89,00_000_000b
;db 0100_1111b,$89,00_000_000b
db $d5,0111_1111b,$89,00_000_000b
fasmw compile success, not fasm2, but x64dbg doesn't recognize:(
for mikado school:
fighting against japanese, japan is dust nation, japan thug,
shut down apple_arm_hollywood_ea, beat visual studio ide, kick blizzard cg.
for prime minister school:
slap japan prime minister,
vance this guy.
1998, no old run net bar,
2025, remain old run net bar.
chinese who become official before chairman deng die,
its sound still exist, but may never on official body.
even the official already die,
so this isn't a good example for meta official,
but make tik tok ghost sound legal.
biden shut down tik tok,
just cut off these ghost official sound,
and i understand why biden see ghost official face in parliament.
so this solve iran kidnap ghost problem, and why iran no ghost.
but i still think iran king more acceptable by china ghost and france ghost,
now fake iran leader lose control of china ghost and france ghost.
china, official right sound, ghost sound, random left sound,
france, official right face, ghost face, random left face.
when china hill and france hill begin rebel iran leader,
whole iran follow to suffer:(
meta, 490 bc, marathon face,
meta, 480 bc, sparta leonidas face see persia xerxes face,
meta, 71 bc, spartacus face see pompeius face.
and i understand attila know he must failure still on spain battlefield,
all chinese fool face remain here:( here:| here:)
Attila Hun Face Chaos Spain,
Persian Cannon Die Nippon Samurai.
by the help of nippon samurai land, nebuchadnezzar continue build by cheat engine:)
soon this former guy trump on official,
so another peace 4 years,
only waiting natural accident,
too boring:(
left hand hold tablet which draft book on,
right hand grasp pen to write on and same time grasp mouse to page down pdf,
before 1998, right hand never hope this action,
now this windows 11 screen for paper writing,
soon nebuchadnezzar with cheat engine to produce tablet still this screen.
1998 in nk, whole school use 1 pc room, shoe must in cover,
i just mean, mouse and pen, that time never compatible:)
now just image nearly everyone have a iphone,
this room laptop and outside room draft paper still old enough like 1998:(
except that time, screen is paper, and paper is screen:|
when 1994-1995, whole classroom nothing can do,
only watch random page on xinhua dictionary,
so many char never join final exam and high exam,
a old time kid memory now time kid with iphone can never understand:)
gong nong bing dictionary,
where 2nd sim chn char still alive,
i never touch it but know on web,
dictionary is real chinese culture area nation land,
like japanese big dictionary i touch in cheng du.
all for one, blue, undead, sandro,
even mouse click can only support vcmi,
complete no mouse support,
era no mouse support,
hota no mouse support,
chronicle no mouse support,
this is another explain why new world computing bankrupt:)
when i use pen,
iran math olympiad key alphanumeric always burst on the forecast position on paper,
when 1998 iran math olympiad key alphanumeric try on qbasic screen but failure,
pen and mouse just fight for own alphanumeric,
the remain pen which join mouse is former draft paper which serve exam paper,
no iphone will obey iran math olympiad key alphanumeric appearance:)
now time homework paper just consider produced by iphone,
this pc and out draft only produce hla in homework form,
word eat on forecast position of paper, only new generation is legal:(
after chairman deng die in 1997,
before chairman hua die in 2008,
so many years i never found any chance public paper can change key position:|
why i use hla,
the forecast position on paper still exist on pc screen,
though only eax, not new nd r24,
so hla even in homework form on paper,
still real successor of forecast position of paper,
so this 2 room still support iran king, anti fake iran leader:(
biden face still free heraldry of meta now,
former guy trump face will be forecast position of paper, which have tik tok in own nation,
this pc room still support biden meta,
out draft room still support trump tik tok,
only bill pass through the gate:)
nebuchadnezzar, i never found any forecast position,
but enough labour have to ask help from cheat engine,
so damn iran leader, all iran fake by you:(
av girl always use shadow group land,
tv girl always use public group land,
so the same tv in china may display 2 different group land,
av girl group land is body work together,
tv girl group land is clothes work together,
the big problem is,
av girl never know clothes group land,
tv girl never know body group land,
rok av girl body group land,
dpk tv girl clothes group land,
defector can never take this land,
in disciples, one race thief can never see other race guardian,
except cheat engine, or developer do in gallean's return bonus disc.
my father never meet gun in china,
but join group gun fight between red guard kid between 1966-1976 with killing,
2019 he 1st time meet gun in canada,
thank goodness he still have life:)
still 2019 early he in moscow,
even enter russia navy command center but be polite treat,
where's russian's gun:(
why i support biden free heraldry, just for this canadian gun,
single tik tok chinese, single meta french, only gun can persuade each other.
extra for this confident canandian gun,
my father in my town, when walk in farmland,
any dogs disturb him, stick to let the dogs obey:)
dogs owner all disappear or apologize:(
the former guy trump just make every chinese trust, that he never have gun,
so he will soon use all free tik tok land, which always stick on dogs to make obey,
protestors against trump now i reserve on biden time:)
ukraine dog now separate,
pet heraldry belongs to kiev,
livestock folk belongs to moscow,
i just speak the truth how dog position in china and france,
but dog owner never know each other:(
so many chinese culture area games on steam, you can never find a dog,
i just equip dog card in my marvel snap deck:)
so many dogs disappear in california fire,
nation > people > dog.
it's about japan usa steel combine,
in action taimanin, even enter usa military core, there find no dog:(
vcmi, all for one, red, arab,
blue handicap, no economy and growth,
tan handicap, no economy and growth,
every random resource position, all use elemental hero to occupy,
every week gather once, new revisit button real help,
the same time 1998-2001 when new world computing complete on run,
iran math olympiad just do the same thing on paper,
except key alphanumeric, all other alphanumeric monopolized by arabic,
even chinese german alphanumeric can't join:)
so without iran king, arabic lose all economy:(
2nd sim chn char, chairman hua time, this is of course thing, none can disturb arabic.
1st sim chn char, chairman deng time, math teaching book,
arabic number still the same, only chinese char replace,
but arabic lose none key economy monopoly privilege:(
due to vcmi, trump let iran king to control iran again, is the best economy choice.
wen zhai zhou bao,
published by cheng du in chairman deng time, but never printed in bei jing,
my home still receive, but after enter cheng du 4th hospital, i never see more,
1996- it means economy land this town, town command by cheng du,
2025 now even dust don't want to give land to this newspaper, still this town,
but command by chong qing.
2002-2004 i read it in uestc,
when disciples 2 elf stop playing,
it also stop reading:(
only cheng du 2nd sim chn char follow me till now,
2025\1\19, the last day cheng du 1st sim chn char and 2nd sim chn char both 2011 for biden,
drop 1st, keep 2nd, as i do in china:)
so many years, only vcmi economy rebuild,
spain arabic economy on this win11:)
but this time, spain arabic have to receive no in china:(
only intel amd cpu still receive yes in china, so history never repeat,
but can explain again, though thousand year passed:|
now even number on money can't trigger energy,
1996- command always use this energy,
tomorrow trump will become different in all china province,
while today biden see this energy disappear.
when calculus erase math olympiad error, this energy just on disappear.
this energy just base on correct, and there is no error number produce by free,
this is the no speaks to spain arabic.
math olympiad key alphanumeric just equal chinese correct char,
which real provide energy in china,
and in china sound never real provide energy,
so so many non key alphanumeric can't run in china.
2025\1\25, but this web site can't open yesterday:(
it's about former group body, but disturb by iran fool hacker:(
1997 fall to 1998 summer, i'm in grade 3,
i enter in 1995, but be signed grade 1998,
that time a student from nearby town enter class 2,
now this town already half disappear, part become main city area,
it's 1998 summer, due to watermelon, soon will meet,
violation between class 4 group and class 2 few,
class 4 master from long river right side town, next to my town,
class 4 alway use group to make sure other student obey, except top rank,
1995-1997 is cheng du, 1997-1998 is chong qing,
just near railway station, violation finally burst,
class 4 group and class 2 few, this new come class 2 student,
use knife which for sell watermelon, hurt a class 4 student,
the shop keeper's student is in my class 1,
and class 4 group suddenly disappear,
class 4 girl also join, but only boy be knife join,
this class 2 boy still keep anger,
after this hurt, this class 2 student leave, class 4 group silence.
1989, 6502 nes, no fpu,
1992, 68000 mame, no fpu,
1998, 586/pentium, fpu.
iran paper math, 1+1=2 is correct, 1.01+1.02=2.03 is error.
france x86 fpu, 1.01+1.02=2.03 is correct, there is no 1+1=2.
when 1989 i join primary school grade 1 from kindergarten grade 3,
paper math, calculator near nes, paper page vs calculator screen.
now every chinese kid have a iphone, its former body is calculator.
i still remember paper page hate stare at calculator screen,
paper page once control economy,
iphone fpu screen now control economy.
this x86 room fpu screen,
out paper room draft,
work together to solve different economy problem.
2025\1\29, on net japan top rank av girl drink av boy's nipple,
on tv china top rank cctv girl's nipple lower rank,
this thing france meta heraldry can never understand,
but cctv girl never drink cctv boy's nipple,
china tik tok must use milk only produce by top rank girl without any boy dust:(
use decimal like bas c which next to paper can never explain,
use binary of this x86 hla only calculator screen can easily explain,
real32 real64 real80 format already join economy nipple.
it's not a good news for iphone, so any germany spy on sound in china means nothing,
1983, my birthplace in cheng du, 2019 around rebuild,
1990, this building complete, 1997 belongs to chong qing,
before 1996, both land sound trust each other,
yesterday, both land sound never believe each other,
still same land, only economy change into fpu:(
so additional advice for biden, now ignore trump,
even my cheng du birth sound in chong qing is just lie,
i last land it is 2010, use fake sound to live is china truth:|
all 3 poem write by fake sound, never include my birth sound,
just a example show to meta, how fake sound of tik tok work,
only japan tv girl can afford:)
sod, roe new, 2000-2001, chinese, economy number sound is yv char,
ab, roe old, 2002-2004, chinese, economy number sound is chuan char,
due to economy reason, both sound never combine,
vcmi can't combine both sound, but as a new run,
on this point, meta lose to tik tok,
heraldry if use folk economy, will never have heraldry body, only have folk body.
heroes 3 is world map heraldry economy number growth,
disciples 2 is nation map heraldry economy number growth,
age of wonders 1 is home map heraldry economy number growth,
when i play those 3 games, all use tik tok folk economy number,
mistake only happen once, and can never repeat.
so i never see any chinese number will provide body for trump tariff:)
when now trump the great in biden time is trump the guy,
the economy subtraction number in 1989 of china is unsteady,
byte $0f,$c7,%11_110_000;
only real32 connect 1988 1989 1990 for punish score production, it's trump the great,
real64 real80 can't connect 1988 1989 1990 for punish score production, it's trump the guy,
real32 is tik tok,
real64 real80 real16 meta free to use,
subtraction is vcmi earth magic view earth,
addition is vcmi air magic view air.
marvel snap, ongoing dog deck with thanos,
1 meal only fight 3 time, if 1st 2nd win, 3rd act to lose,
this cheated subtraction fit real64 real80 real16 perfect:(
a tip for biden follower, not for trump follower,
2nd sim chn char economy subtraction number, only tik tok folk support real32,
paper iran math olympiad subtraction number, still tik tok folk support real32.
i just wish hla64, randall hyde may know apx 20 years ago,
but now this out of date hla32 is tik tok folk realm:)
2008 after chairman hua die, too many 2nd sim chn char paper destroyed,
especially in school library, but outside school still survive enough,
2003 cheng du destroy high exam to destroy 2nd sim chn char key,
2008 cheng du destroy school library to destroy 2nd sim chn char topic,
so china kid even give to tokyo and will never give to cheng du:(
kid who 2009 join punish score never recognize 2nd sim chn char land,
so economy real saved, while non kid like me still publish it,
so only life will real stop 2nd sim chn char:|
i'm afraid new kid whose punish score never use 2nd sim chn char land,
can only do real64 real80 real16 subtraction in own province,
and internet still serve 2nd sim chn char real32 subtraction,
china legal subtraction body finally make sense by economy real support.
whole iran math olympiad equation sound disappear, key sound still exist,
form just like below,
these paper form body sound all disappear, that time mainly use chinese number sound,
now on china school paper, all these body sound rebuild by iphone,
so iran global paper time finally end.
when 1998 i in nk, meet below form,
which is qbasic, iran paper equation body just on disappear,
though 2001 my class still have senior middle school national math olympiad prize 1st rank:)
out paper room draft body, rebuild by this hla32.
paper math equation sound body, rebuild by iphone, 50% chance use other's x to do subtraction,
paper math equation sound body, rebuild by hla32, 100% chance use own x to do subtraction.
1998 see france x=x+1,
2001 still do iran 2x=3,
if head can enter china no. 1 universtiy,
cheat body 3 year is worthing:(
1998 i just follow body,
type photon man in aoe,
type show me the money in sc gundam,
watch fpe95 but can't use.
two sound,
body produce former grow up 2nd sim chn char unique sound now legal by yv char,
head produce newer birth 1st sin chn char unique sound now illegal by chuan char,
before 1996 both unique sound just corporate,
so no violation,
one real yv char unique sound, one fake chuan char unique sound.
if now i legal in cheng du control area,
one real chuan char unique sound, one fake yv char unique sound,
in china to image a nonexistent combine sound,
there is no reserve land.
some rest, i have to gather other public air to write down poem.
in china, to do vcmi angelic alliance, no hota,
2000 chinese char, rampart tower fortress stronghold,
iv combine prayer sound,
is just mongolia china sound entertainment,
happen once but never repeat:)
1999, conflux, armageddon's blade, iran, unique sound,
2000, rtfs, angelic alliance, japan india mexico hungary, combine sound,
1998 i 1st time touch p1 in school,
2000 i 1st time have p3 in home.
mov eax,0_0000_0000_000_0000__0000_0000_0000_0000b
for china sound and france face connection,
shared real32 subtraction land,
all math law sound/face from iran paper math stop here,
1936 nazi germany z1 binary.
1939 germany tibet face yes replace poland tibet sound no,
751 iran paper spread,
1939-751,j39 id9-751,b88 1188.
paper, china group public dog number mantissa, arrive spain,
x86, spain single private dog number mantissa, arrive china.
real32 subtraction finally lead to dog violation:(
my father's old home in farm land,
when i eat in it,
neighbour's dog also join to search food under table,
france only playboy's dog is public:)
iran dog. age of empires.
afghan dog. red alert.
if gold not currency, real32 subtraction all belongs to dog,
cheng du gold in chong qing can never do any subtraction.
for body, now i have to become a chong qing people to land on cheng du, for imagine,
for birth, now i still a cheng du people to float above cheng du, for imagine.
chairman hua 2nd sim chn char is the best subtraction dog land,
chairman deng 1st sim chn char is the best addition gold land.
rea32, dog subtraction, gold addition, use the same area land,
if hla64, may real64 on duty, for imagine.
chong qing university body upgrade into cheng du,
si chuan university body degrade out of chong qing,
1995 i join junior middle school, produce similar air,
same land,
that time chuan char body so confident,
now time yv char body so confident:(
1 thing is true,
1995 mantissa is full body on paper,
2025 mantissa is full body on x86,
1998 in nk,
i see mantissa on qbasic book,
i see mantissa on qbasic screen.
1997 kid plan,
stop paper mantissa production,
after have job then have money,
use money to command paper mantissa,
plan is perfect,
paper mantissa production stopped,
job lead to money,
but only x86 real32 mantissa awaiting:(
program violation;
#includeonce( "stdlib.hhf" )
#includeonce( "hide/hidelib.hhf" )
?@nodisplay := true;
?@noalignstack := true;
begin violation;
stdout.put("1.0",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.1",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.2",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.3",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.4",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.5",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.6",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.7",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.8",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.9",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.a",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.b",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.c",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.d",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.e",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
stdout.put("1.f",' ',eax,' ',(type real32 eax),nl);
end violation;
1.0 3F80_0000 1.00000000e+00
1.1 3F88_0000 1.06250000e+00
1.2 3F90_0000 1.12500000e+00
1.3 3F98_0000 1.18750000e+00
1.4 3FA0_0000 1.25000000e+00
1.5 3FA8_0000 1.31250000e+00
1.6 3FB0_0000 1.37500000e+00
1.7 3FB8_0000 1.43750000e+00
1.8 3FC0_0000 1.50000000e+00
1.9 3FC8_0000 1.56250000e+00
1.a 3FD0_0000 1.62500000e+00
1.b 3FD8_0000 1.68750000e+00
1.c 3FE0_0000 1.75000000e+00
1.d 3FE8_0000 1.81250000e+00
1.e 3FF0_0000 1.87500000e+00
1.f 3FF8_0000 1.93750000e+00
king number finally game over,
peasant number finally spread,
number no key,
population dust.
when i play real nes,
when i play real mame,
nes cpu command feeling,
mame cpu command feeling,
never happen in former windows 7 and now windows 11,
this time real body equal real number,
cpu body violation affect game feeling:(
same cpu body windows linux macos no game feeling violation,
when 1998 in nk, i switch out of dos to windows 95 to play game,
cpu body game feeling till now:|
below is cheat engine,
hide have to set .data,erw .text,erw
use .bat to polink isn't for beginner,
can't use x86_64 is ninja:)
program opcode_not_in_hla;
#includeonce( "stdlib.hhf" )
#includeonce( "hide/hidelib.hhf" )
?@nodisplay := true;
?@noalignstack := true;
#macro adcx0(a,b);
#macro adcx1(a,b):c;
byte $66,$0f,$38;
#macro adcx2(a,b):c;
mov($f6,(type byte [eax]));
byte $66,$0f,$38;
/*#macro adcx3(a,b):c;
byte $c6,%00_000_101,$03,$00,$00,$00,$f6;
byte $66,$0f,$38;
begin opcode_not_in_hla;
byte $90,$90,$90,$90;
byte $90,$90,$90,$90;
byte $90,$90,$90,$90;*/
end opcode_not_in_hla;
1995 left body and right body do the same thing,
but on 2nd sim chn char paper iran math olympiad,
that time is group left body and group right body,
now time is single left body and single right body:(
工 七川六 田 六川一口 工 七川一口 工 口又七_
二甲 石 三 工 五_甲工一_
甲巾二 石 二甲 石 一 工 口_甲工土一_
甲 石 二乙 工 五_二甲 石 乙 工 四_甲工一_乙工二_
子甲巾二 石 丑甲 石 寅_甲工一_子石丑石寅_
正弦一 工 八又四一十土一_
余弦一 工 五又四口十土一_
正切一 工 一又五五_
自率 工 二又七一_
对一九 工 一又二七_
自对一九 工 二又九四_
2nd sim chn char public land, only triggered by real prize,
2nd sim chn char private land, all join new slight punishment.
dpk general prize land,
rok president punish land.
high prize -> high punish,
low prize -> low punish.
iran paper use high punish,
france x86 use low punish.
starcraft gundam original stimpack:(
starcraft gundam expansion medic:)
starcraft original stimpack fake,
starcraft expansion medic fake.
before 1997 hongkong join,
a english-taiwanese dictionary printed by cheng du but in 1980s around,
still stopped by 2nd sim chn char book printed by cheng du,
i mean in classroom, new classroom building 1994 around complete,
so i only say, france x86 production win iran paper law:(
before chong qing full command,
these thing once happen in chong qing land but in cheng du time,
can never publish, new kid body lose all old kid memory:(
france x86 no nation char,
iran paper no private char,
home table like this, for a special period,
or iran paper on it, or france x86 on it,
in fact now i have enough reason to return iran paper to this table,
and i have to follow whole china nation behavior:(
mediterranean support private char easy,
tibet support nation char easy,
iran just between the two:)
i can understand japanese in taiwan without av girl face,
like cheng du kid now can't do subtraction on land of chong qing:)
so many chong qing dust make me throw up before 1996,
2025 is delicious food for cheng du new kid:(
in chinese culture area,
succession is succession,
while food rank is always random,
east turkey eat random rank food,
west turkey eat constant rank food,
only blood is the same:(
so many paper magazine once support nes mame blizzard,
error support, correct never join,
watch magazine, hear cctv, in front of tv, with some food and drink,
paper magazine is real error source which used by cpu error handle:)
2011 later, only leaving picture book beautiful girl book,
all other error paper, i fired in wc, never recycle as paper,
windows 7 without paper magazine error still run ok,
windows 11 without paper magazine error run failure,
1996 before, if can see nes/mame game ending,
drop paper magazine in hand to do:(
x86 asm book in this room, if i read, can declare error even exceed this room,
this up to date windows 11 hla, even i compile success, only this table produce error,
outside paper room even declare long river right bank error, this is long river left bank:(
blizzard have to print own paper magazine,
so many dollar on watch once cg,
a high quality paper magazine can keep half a year for error producing.
cheng du uestc, chong qing nk,
never share same x86 opcode dictionary,
whether paper pc or land.
like taipei and beijing, only people to people then trust,
uestc and nk, still people to people then trust.
now i real have database experience of 2 province:)
left private error, right group correct, finally separate,
left sound, right sound, 2004 already separate.
new kid left private error right group correct have to combine,
when i was kid, never consider this two will separate:(
1997, left face, right face, already violate,
that time left group body is now dpk,
now time right group body is now rok,
own body never need to fight own body:|
there is no homework of 1997,
this break point whether cheng du or chong qing have to face,
the command for produce homework never exist,
so tomorrow new homework will cover this bug:(
while write down real32 binary 1..100 on draft,
only right hand still know how to roll pen body to make writing more comfortable,
left hand to write on draft is impossible,
left hand know how to control pen as wish is just a dream:(
so for blizzard china economy plan,
left hand paper magazine still necessary for a long time,
i just remember before 1996,
only exam paper can declare paper magazine error land,
repeat nes/mame without ending just means boring,
1989 fall i watch nes,
1990 jan/feb i have exam paper no. 1,
know this two only share error:|
2025 dpk top rank kid from primary to college,
right hand share same draft error land,
left hand share same exam correct land,
i don't think too many of them can use this windows 11 with onedrive:)
chong qing can't use cheng du new kid left hand, 2001 nk already trigger,
cheng du can't use chong qing new kid right hand, 2004 uestc already trigger,
now my left hand right hand only corporate by private,
1996 corporate by group is dream, i even don't want to think again:(
he bei province is real china, no hope:)
bei jing is imagine china, full of hope:(
1989 just switch he bei and bei jing position, everyday trust:|
2001 chong qing 3+2 cheng du 3+2 land no kid recycle,
1999 windows 95 heroes 3 error, 2025 windows 11 vcmi still use,
during 1989 i enter primary 2006 i leave college,
i never think old kid land will become dust:(
2001 chong qing 3+2 cheng du 3+2 correct all join this hla, allow cheat engine borrow land:)
2001 chong qing 3+2 cheng du 3+2 error only vcmi still record, hope new kid use cheat code:(
my father land mexico city center,
where aztec-spanish picture book draw,
the remain 1996- russian-english privilege on hla compile time,
its heraldry is french,
its letter is spanish:(
1997 cheng du and chong qing co-print teaching book follow 2nd sim chn char book way,
1997 spring begin just have teaching book, soon hear chairman deng die,
then chong qing become legal, so summer exam never belongs to cheng du,
same group teaching book, begin legal, end useless,
only bad pupil begin legal end useless for half a year:(
2007 the last time i as single enter cheng du,
only touch bad pupil land, the only once i real poor in cheng du:)
1992 around when subor nes enter china home,
the power button and restart button just consider the same,
2000 when i have windows 98,
start menu power and restart still consider the same,
2002 a hongkong scientific calculator have restart part must trigger by pen,
cheap but slow,
only this new generation windows 11 explain clear restart != power,
so bill gates time complete end,
william gates 1925-2020,
2021 windows 11 born,
2021 china 3+1+2 born.
real iran equation, never consider times,
is palindrome,
f(x)=0 -> x=r,
x=r -> f(x)=0,
no need of restart button,
france calculus can never do this palindrome exchange,
very need of restart button.
this is out paper room iran equation,
this x86 room france calculus,
f(x)=0 separation.
a joke,
even x86 book in this room,
eax ecx edx ebx esp ebp esi edi still use f(x)=0 palindrome land,
even 2007 book i buy, a pure course of mathematics, the only english math book,
use f(x)=0 palindrome land.
1989 fall, i 1st time see nes restart ugly screen.
arabic religion, chn_hui2 jiao4, chn.hui2.recycle, chn.jiao4.religion.
in china, recycle and palindrome, low rank and high rank, same body.
before 1998 in nk i use qbasic,
my paper math never use punctuation,
very suitable palindrome:)
1992 i 1st time write iran equation.
now i play vcmi single map,
only use hero with monster ability,
take 1/10/100 non-upgrade self monster to complete game,
allow wild upgrade self monster join to occupy slot 7,
handicap set income all to 0,
vcmi save file load to handicap campaign.
conflux do joke on leadership, air hate earth, fire hate water, so conflict,
but arabic palindrome air water fire earth elemental from battlefield spell summon,
arabic palindrome pixie firebird from rampart,
only psychic is a arabic, saudi arabia king, not saudi arabia prince:(
i never see any french invest on japan karate, but dog thief putin can:)
french all allow china shaolin kongfu land:(
when i was poor, my body use karate,
when i was rich, my body use dimak,
now i half poor half rich, my body only recognize air:|
curse sound controlled by 2nd sim chn char,
never controlled by 1st sim chn char,
iran paper math olympiad, except key, all are curse sound construct,
i once use 2nd sim chn char curse sound,
a shang dong kid use 1st sim chn char curse sound,
both never trust each other,
just like bei jing and taipei curse sound violation:(
1989 means curse sound out of control,
only life time will solve this,
random and gamble of china curse sound:(
vcmi monster month curse face is random, like russian enter paris,
3 kingdom money month curse sound is random, like japanese enter nan jing.
washington have to shut down tik tok curse,
bei jing have to shut down meta curse,
vcmi no money month curse sound,
3 kingdom no monster month curse face.
1981, chairman deng rob chairman hua money month,
then paris use money month kill air.
cheng du left money month curse sound kill air,
chong qing right money month curse sound kill air.
if not 2nd sim chn char money month curse sound kill air,
my left sound can never exist,
and this prove,
shan dong province money month curse sound kill air,
can never spread out,
fake char no kill.
no sword clean wc,
no half char display in palace,
only people link this two,
rare single people,
normal group people.
what a palindrome for former thing,
fake shan dong char kill pure cheng du char:(
if not right body gold air, left body guy land all destroyed,
when 1995 both left right body are guy,
left body trust 2nd sim chn char paper prize,
2025 finally right body use,
so fake left guy body by right gold:)
left body lose left group body wc,
right body lose right group body palace,
gaza left body lose left group body wc,
washington right body lose right group body palace.
so a joke,
this left body can easily use wc in dpk,
this right body can easily use palace in rok,
one time one land half body have to be fake half body have to be real:|
Last edited by fffefd on Sat Feb 15, 2025 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
hla onedrive 3
1995 i was just a normal kid, if can have a coin to play mame on sunday,
one week's enjoyment goal reach.
so i head support biden, body support trump,
just like dog thief putin, his kid time just switch body among poor kid,
chinese who hate cheat engine, never poor kid:(
if chinese x86 pc never support avx512 and future apx,
but full encode both, also never poor kid.
chinese once rich never hide hate face like my mother's little sister in cheng du when live in poor,
chinese once poor never hide wish ass like my father's big brother in chong qing center when live in rich.
new palestine-usa, it's a comedy, though now like tragedy,
palestine israel brother sister, this is my chinese view:)
unlike iran paper math,
which add sub mul div mixed,
france x86 bitwise logic,
add is unique,
sub is unique,
mul only based on add,
div only based on sub.
2002..2004, 2005..2006, uestc which produce computer,
its half success land never produce this:(
1998..2001, 2001..2002, nk which produce taiwanese,
its half failure land finally produce this:)
but 1 thing is true,
china left economy never better than 1988,
china right economy never better than 1996,
this break point between iran paper and france x86,
just the door between outside paper room and this x86 room.
ally with german, germany is holy nation, germany saint.
//need some more time to consider out the next sentence.
build on intel_x86_playboy_marvel,
//some extra phrase.
embrace visual studio compiler,
//a little dog:)
walk blizzard pet.
//biden time will burst single, trump time nation replace all:(
my 1995 english have heraldry,
that time just write on this table with pure english dictionary from cheng du,
1995 ipa, not now form,
in'trist > interest,
2025 ipa, web form,
interest > in-ter-est = 'In.trest,
why not bracket,
in fact, only 1998 i use qbasic, dim array, [ ] real land on pc screen:(
if arabic have no body to support,
in arabic, ipa > word:(
japan football real use hand to play,
mainly based on japan av girl performance,
without mikado air can never success.
south korea know kongfu foot kick power.
so i suggest china use shaolin monk to play football:)
unless destroy shaolin temple, there is no chance for china football:(
while india football is so wonderful,
just like vietnam is fake hinduism,
shaolin monk is fake india prince,
this is china talent, fake better than real:(
it's a sad day for arabic, especially iran arabic,
once arabic invest on ipa, now all switch to this hla,
x86 asm take place of internation phonetic alphabet,
so i never see arabic real retreat:)
Caesar Legionary Hilt All Gold,
Japan Ginza Face All Gold.
Pompii Brothel No Gold,
Nippon Iga Ninja Hilt No Gold.
even recycle primary school left dust land,
while primary school left dust land all be destroyed,
how to explain this example,
fist of northern star,
the repeat sound while dimak,
bruce lee,
the sharp sound while attack,
my little brother play in my former birth land,
the wish sound while destroy plant,
if chinese can write china poem,
already means left dust land illegal:(
there is hiden heraldry on chess board,
pawn can become knight/bishop/rook/queen on the botton square,
in china chess, this heraldry be erased.
there is hiden folk on handtalk board,
on different time point be occupied by both stone,
france othello, this folk be erased.
even game have to obey nation, so person is just a subset of nation:(
on paper, iran math olympiad user have freedom,
on x86, france asm hacker have freedom,
a new china poem have to be produced:|
france.nation = china.freedom,
china.nation = france.freedom,
paper time can never achieve this,
x86 time,
bas c can't achieve this,
masm fasm can't achieve this,
just this website achieve:)
ally with german, germany is holy nation, germany saint,
build on intel_x86_playboy_marvel, embrace visual studio compiler, walk blizzard pet.
//have to consider 2 single person.
borrow japan prime minister sound.
//have to word eat:)
copy vance face.
//new freedom.
so i'm legal usa resident!
dream this char, no sound, mono,
air of this land, 1997\6\17 produce this char,
for any people produce this char born before this time,
but never visit chong qing,
so merely right affair.
i just try watch japan av girl for left body:)
real japan char stop it:(
so outside japan still right body make sense:|
now draft and win11 both on this table,
1998 qbasic book and win95 both on nk pc room talbe,
1 real with a small horizontal line on middle,
0 real with a small point on blank middle,
98 0_L000_0101_L0_0010_Q_0000_0000_0000_0000
98 0__1000_0101__10_0010__0___0000_0000_0000_0000
program binary_hla_fasm;
#includeonce( "stdlib.hhf" )
#includeonce( "hide/hidelib.hhf" )
?@nodisplay := true;
?@noalignstack := true;
begin binary_hla_fasm;
stdout.put((type real32 eax),nl);
end binary_hla_fasm;
format pe64
mov eax,0__1000_0101__10_0010__0___0000_0000_0000_0000b
movd xmm0,eax
if every x86_64 exe must use x64dbg, too tired:(
one week's enjoyment goal reach.
so i head support biden, body support trump,
just like dog thief putin, his kid time just switch body among poor kid,
chinese who hate cheat engine, never poor kid:(
if chinese x86 pc never support avx512 and future apx,
but full encode both, also never poor kid.
chinese once rich never hide hate face like my mother's little sister in cheng du when live in poor,
chinese once poor never hide wish ass like my father's big brother in chong qing center when live in rich.
new palestine-usa, it's a comedy, though now like tragedy,
palestine israel brother sister, this is my chinese view:)
unlike iran paper math,
which add sub mul div mixed,
france x86 bitwise logic,
add is unique,
sub is unique,
mul only based on add,
div only based on sub.
2002..2004, 2005..2006, uestc which produce computer,
its half success land never produce this:(
1998..2001, 2001..2002, nk which produce taiwanese,
its half failure land finally produce this:)
but 1 thing is true,
china left economy never better than 1988,
china right economy never better than 1996,
this break point between iran paper and france x86,
just the door between outside paper room and this x86 room.
ally with german, germany is holy nation, germany saint.
//need some more time to consider out the next sentence.
build on intel_x86_playboy_marvel,
//some extra phrase.
embrace visual studio compiler,
//a little dog:)
walk blizzard pet.
//biden time will burst single, trump time nation replace all:(
my 1995 english have heraldry,
that time just write on this table with pure english dictionary from cheng du,
1995 ipa, not now form,
in'trist > interest,
2025 ipa, web form,
interest > in-ter-est = 'In.trest,
why not bracket,
in fact, only 1998 i use qbasic, dim array, [ ] real land on pc screen:(
if arabic have no body to support,
in arabic, ipa > word:(
japan football real use hand to play,
mainly based on japan av girl performance,
without mikado air can never success.
south korea know kongfu foot kick power.
so i suggest china use shaolin monk to play football:)
unless destroy shaolin temple, there is no chance for china football:(
while india football is so wonderful,
just like vietnam is fake hinduism,
shaolin monk is fake india prince,
this is china talent, fake better than real:(
it's a sad day for arabic, especially iran arabic,
once arabic invest on ipa, now all switch to this hla,
x86 asm take place of internation phonetic alphabet,
so i never see arabic real retreat:)
Caesar Legionary Hilt All Gold,
Japan Ginza Face All Gold.
Pompii Brothel No Gold,
Nippon Iga Ninja Hilt No Gold.
even recycle primary school left dust land,
while primary school left dust land all be destroyed,
how to explain this example,
fist of northern star,
the repeat sound while dimak,
bruce lee,
the sharp sound while attack,
my little brother play in my former birth land,
the wish sound while destroy plant,
if chinese can write china poem,
already means left dust land illegal:(
there is hiden heraldry on chess board,
pawn can become knight/bishop/rook/queen on the botton square,
in china chess, this heraldry be erased.
there is hiden folk on handtalk board,
on different time point be occupied by both stone,
france othello, this folk be erased.
even game have to obey nation, so person is just a subset of nation:(
on paper, iran math olympiad user have freedom,
on x86, france asm hacker have freedom,
a new china poem have to be produced:|
france.nation = china.freedom,
china.nation = france.freedom,
paper time can never achieve this,
x86 time,
bas c can't achieve this,
masm fasm can't achieve this,
just this website achieve:)
ally with german, germany is holy nation, germany saint,
build on intel_x86_playboy_marvel, embrace visual studio compiler, walk blizzard pet.
//have to consider 2 single person.
borrow japan prime minister sound.
//have to word eat:)
copy vance face.
//new freedom.
so i'm legal usa resident!
dream this char, no sound, mono,
air of this land, 1997\6\17 produce this char,
for any people produce this char born before this time,
but never visit chong qing,
so merely right affair.
i just try watch japan av girl for left body:)
real japan char stop it:(
so outside japan still right body make sense:|
now draft and win11 both on this table,
1998 qbasic book and win95 both on nk pc room talbe,
1 real with a small horizontal line on middle,
0 real with a small point on blank middle,
98 0_L000_0101_L0_0010_Q_0000_0000_0000_0000
98 0__1000_0101__10_0010__0___0000_0000_0000_0000
program binary_hla_fasm;
#includeonce( "stdlib.hhf" )
#includeonce( "hide/hidelib.hhf" )
?@nodisplay := true;
?@noalignstack := true;
begin binary_hla_fasm;
stdout.put((type real32 eax),nl);
end binary_hla_fasm;
format pe64
mov eax,0__1000_0101__10_0010__0___0000_0000_0000_0000b
movd xmm0,eax
if every x86_64 exe must use x64dbg, too tired:(